Holiday Family Together

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As long holiday, I visited the family home and grandmother, who was in Bogor, a trip to
Bogor in travel for 1 day 1 night. When he arrived in Bogor me and my family taking a break
to eliminate fatigue. And not far from my grandmother's house there is a vast tea gardens and
I moved from my grandmother's house to roam around in the tea plantation was already
afternoon and I was soon to come home grandmother. the next day me and my family went
on the trip home uncle who was in Bantam, when he was at Bantam, I and my family to rest.
After the break we're invited to the beach, there we were playing water and sand. That
experience can not I forget.
Saat libur panjang, aku dan keluarga berkunjung kerumah nenek,yang berada di Bogor,
perjalanan ke Bogor di tempuh selama 1 hari 1 malam. Setelah sampai di Bogor aku dan
keluargaku beristirahat sejenak untuk menghilangkan lelah. Dan tak jauh dari rumah nenek
terdapat kebun teh yang sangat luas dan aku beranjak dari rumah nenek untuk berkeliling-
keliling di kebun teh tak terasa sudah sore dan aku segera pulang kerumah nenek. keesokan
harinya aku dan keluargaku melanjutkan perjalanan kerumah paman yang ada di Banten,
Setelah sampai di Banten , aku dan keluargaku beristirahat. Setelah istirahat kami diajak ke
pantai, disana kami bermain air dan pasir. Itulah pengalaman yang tidak bisa aku lupakan.

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