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Arizona – 5th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Harry Mitchell J.D. Hayworth

Funds On Hand $672,000 $1,554,000
Recent Poll 50% 45%
J.D. Hayworth is running for his seventh term in this conservative district, but he is facing a tougher challenger than usual
in Harry Mitchell. Mitchell’s polling and fundraising performance have taken this race from a long shot to a real battle.
The Cook Political Report ranks this race “Leans Republican.”

The District
Fast-growing Maricopa County is home to
the cities of Scottsdale and Tempe as well as
the eastern suburbs of Phoenix. Maricopa
went to Bush convincingly in 2004, but
Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano came
close to winning the county in 2002 and is
expected to cruise to re-election this year.

About Harry Mitchell

Mitchell spent eight years in the state Senate,
where he rose to become Assistant Majority
Leader, and has also served as mayor of
Tempe, the district’s largest city and
Mitchell’s longtime hometown. His
popularity in Tempe is such that City Hall is
named in his honor and the Arizona Republic called him a “living legend.” He is emphasizing national security, stem cell
research, an exit strategy for Iraq, fiscal responsibility and ethics in his run for Congress.

About J.D. Hayworth

First elected in 1994, Hayworth is a down-the-line conservative. He came to office after a career as a sportscaster and
conservative radio host. From his seat on the Ways and Means Committee, he was a key supporter of Bush’s tax policies
and of the controversial “Medicare Part D.” On the Social Security subcommittee, he is an advocate of privatized
accounts. He also sits on the Resources Committee, where he supports Bush administration energy and environmental

Fundraising and Polling

Hayworth has raised nearly $1.9 million to date, and retains $1.5 million on hand. Some of his largest contributors are the
oil, coal and insurance industries. Mitchell has raised $935,000, of which nearly 75% is from individuals. He retains

An independent poll conducted in May showed a close race. Hayworth led Mitchell 50-45, with Mitchell leading among
independent voters.



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