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California – 4th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Charlie Brown John Doolittle

Funds On Hand $73,998 $261,158
Recent Poll 39% 41%
In many ways, the 2006 election revolves around races like this one. Incumbent John Doolittle has held sway in this GOP-
leaning district for 8 terms, but allegations of corruption and abuse of power have left an opening for an underdog
challenge from Charlie Brown. The Cook Political Report ranks this race “Likely Republican.”

The District
The 4th runs from the suburbs of
Sacramento to the Nevada and
Oregon borders, covering all of
northwestern California. Last cycle,
the district sent Doolittle back to
Congress with a comfortable 65%
victory, making the fight to take this
rural and mountainous district an
uphill battle.

About Charlie Brown

A 26-year Air Force veteran, Brown
began as a helicopter pilot in
Vietnam and rose to become a
Lieutenant Colonel. After he retired,
he worked for the Roseville Police
Department. This is his first run for
public office. He is stressing ethics
reform, fiscal responsibility, and an exit strategy in Iraq.

About John Doolittle

The district’s main newspaper, the Sacramento Bee, said that Doolittle was “emblematic of what’s wrong with
Washington” and “caught up in a troubling web of relationships.” Doolittle, a very conservative Republican, is closely
connected with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his allies, as well as Brent Wilkes, the lobbyist accused of bribing
Duke Cunningham. His wife is a fundraiser for him paid on commission, which means campaign contributions have
directly enriched his family. The sixth-ranking leader in the caucus, Doolittle is a key ally for the Bush administration on
Social Security, taxes and energy.

Fundraising and Polling

Doolittle has raised $1,207,320 million this cycle and reported $261,150 on hand as of September 8. Brown has brought in
$254,059 and retained $73,998 on hand.
Brown released an internal poll at the end of August suggesting a surprisingly close race; Doolittle showed a narrow 41-
39 lead, well within the margin of error.



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