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Illinois – 6th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Tammy Duckworth Peter Roskam

Funds On Hand $902,000 $1,340,000
Recent Poll 34% 35%
With longtime Rep. Henry Hyde retiring, this seat in the Chicago suburbs is open for the first time in three decades.
Hyde’s chosen successor, Peter Roskam, is facing a spirited challenge from Tammy Duckworth in this increasingly
competitive district. The Cook Political Report ranks this race a “Toss-Up.”

The District
The 6th stretches west from Chicago,
encompassing parts of Cook and DuPage
counties. Hyde has represented the traditionally
Republican region for 16 terms. He faced one of
his toughest races last year, when Christine
Cegelis held him to 56%. His decision to retire
opened the door to a true battle for what is now a
swing district.

About Tammy Duckworth

Duckworth was an employee of the service group
Rotary International and a Major in the Illinois
National Guard when, in 2004, she was deployed
to Iraq. A helicopter pilot, she was fired upon by
insurgents and pulled off a miraculous landing
before realizing the attack had destroyed both of her legs and injured one arm. The experience inspired her to run for
Congress and advocate more accountable, responsible government and reliable health care for veterans. She is the author
of a book on public health and environmental issues and has studied international public health crises. She also stresses
energy independence, ethics and Social Security preservation.

About Peter Roskam

The current GOP whip in the state Senate, Roskam is Hyde’s hand-picked successor. Prior to serving in the state
legislature, Roskam worked for Hyde and Rep. Tom Delay in Washington, DC. He’s received significant support from the
Bush administration and the GOP leadership, and if elected, would likely be another vote for their priorities in Congress,
on issues like taxation, tort reform and Iraq.

Fundraising and Polling

Roskam has raised $1.9 million and has $1.3 million on hand. Duckworth has raised $1.9 million as well, but due to a
contested primary she retains just over $900,000. A May poll taken by the Duckworth campaign showed the race in a
dead heat: Roskam pulled 35%, while Duckworth had 34%.



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