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North Carolina – 8th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Larry Kissell Robin Hayes

Funds On Hand $88 $1,168,000
Recent Poll 46% 47%
Frequently targeted by national Democrats, Rep. Robin Hayes is facing an unexpectedly strong challenge from hard-
charging underdog Larry Kissell. The Cook Political Report ranks this race “Likely Republican.”

The District
The 8th includes portions of Charlotte and its
suburbs in the west and runs along the South
Carolina border to Fayetteville in the east. The
most pressing issue for the district has been the
loss of manufacturing jobs. Bush won here in
2000 and 2004, although the state’s Democratic
governor won here as well.

About Larry Kissell

Larry Kissell is a high-school teacher and former
textile-industry worker making his first run for
office. His campaign combines a rural, populist
appeal with the strong support of local activists
and weblogs. He is focusing on energy policy,
jobs, education and the environment.

About Robin Hayes

Four-term incumbent Hayes is a reliably conservative member of Congress. He has never broken 56% in this closely-
divided district. He has an 89% record of voting with the Bush administration, and his votes on trade have been a
particular problem in his district; he cast the deciding vote giving Bush the power to “fast-track” trade treaties.

Fundraising and Polling

Hayes is a well-financed incumbent, reporting $1.9 million – 61% from PACs and party committees – and retaining
nearly $1.2 million. Kissell is running a small-scale, grassroots campaign, bringing in $317,000 and intentionally keeping
no more than $88.94 on hand.
Kissell’s poll standing has improved steadily; a recent OnPoint poll put him in striking distance of Hayes, who held a 47-
46 lead. Constituent Dynamics had Kissell ahead 51-44.



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