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North Carolina – 11th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Heath Shuler Charles Taylor

Funds On Hand $689,000 $238,000
Recent Poll 48% 45%
As in past elections, Charles Taylor is facing another tough challenge in this mountainous district. Former football player
Heath Shuler is showing the fundraising and polling strength to oust this 8-term incumbent saddled with a poor economy
and increasingly unpopular president. The Cook Political Report ranks this race a “Toss-Up.”

The District
The 11th contains some or all of 15 counties
in the western end of North Carolina, running
from Asheville into the Great Smoky
Mountains. It contains rural areas and a
sizable manufacturing center that has been
hit hard by industrial outsourcing. Bush did
well in the district in 2004; Taylor has had
close races in recent cycles.

About Heath Shuler

Best known as quarterback for the Redskins,
later an entrepreneur, Shuler is running in the
district where he grew up. He is focusing on
improving health care, ensuring fair trade,
protecting Social Security and encouraging
job creation. He supports an increase in the minimum wage.

About Charles Taylor

Taylor has represented the 11th District since 1991. He was a key cosponsor of the controversial “Medicare Part D,” and
has expressed support for privatized Social Security accounts. He is frequently caught between his leadership and his
constituents, as he is under pressure to vote for trade agreements like CAFTA that are unpopular in his district.

Fundraising and Polling

Taylor has brought in $985,000, including contributions from the oil, mining, and tobacco industries. He retains$238,000.
Shuler has raised $1.1 million and has $689,000 still on hand. A recent Shuler poll shows him ahead 48-43. This reflects
earlier polling; in July Shuler showed a 47-43 lead and in May a 45-43 lead. This race will go down to the wire.



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