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New Mexico – 1st District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Patricia Madrid Heather Wilson

Funds On Hand $1,259,000 $2,052,000
Recent Poll 46% 41%
Perennial target Heather Wilson is in the thick of another serious fight in this swing district. Patricia Madrid has been
elected statewide and is well-funded. Both parties are pouring resources into this race. The Cook Political Report ranks
this race a “Toss-Up.”

The District
Like New Mexico generally, this Albuquerque-
area district is closely contested. It covers parts
of five counties. Wilson won here in tough fights
despite Gore and Kerry’s victories in 2000 and
2004 and Gov. Bill Richardson’s wide margins
here in 2002. The district is more than 40%
Latino. Richardson and Sen. Jeff Bingaman are
expected to roll to easy victories, and this may
benefit Madrid as she aims to defeat Wilson.

About Patricia Madrid

Madrid is the first woman to hold a district
judge’s seat in the state, and has been elected to
two terms as New Mexico’s Attorney General. In
this position she has taken strong stances on
consumer and labor rights, energy prices, predatory lending and the environment. She is a vocal advocate of an exit
strategy in Iraq, a better Medicare plan, and ethics reform. www.madridforcongress.com

About Heather Wilson

Since her first election in 1998, Wilson has never polled more than 55% in this swing district. While she is trying to
establish herself an independent voice and avoids mentioning the word “Republican” on her web site, she is a loyal
member of the GOP caucus and a sponsor of the controversial “Medicare Part D” bill, as well as a recipient of campaign
assistance from her GOP colleagues and their allied interests. She is a supporter of the war in Iraq.

Fundraising and Polling

Wilson has brought in $2.9 million and has almost $2.1 million on hand. Madrid has brought in $1.8 million, 79% from
individuals. She retains nearly $1.3 million on hand.

An independent poll conducted in late August found the race within the margin of error, with Wilson at 45% and Madrid
at 42%.

Sources: www.washingtonpost.com, www.centerforpolitics.org, www.sos.state.nm.us, www.fec.gov

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION http://political.moveon.org

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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