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New York – 25th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Dan Maffei James Walsh

Funds On Hand $170,800 $616,910
Recent Poll 40% 44%
In his ninth term, Rep. James Walsh has been able to maintain a hold on a swing district. This year he faces his toughest
test yet in Dan Maffei. The Cook Political Report ranks this race “Likely Republican.”

The District
Reaching from Syracuse up to Lake Ontario and the suburbs of Rochester, the 25th is narrowly divided. Gore and Kerry
won here even as the district sent Walsh to Congress. It may be more vulnerable this year thanks to Clinton and Spitzer’s
strong statewide runs and the scandal plaguing Tom Reynolds in the neighboring 26th.

About Dan Maffei

A former Hill staffer with expertise
on Social Security, health care and
trade issues, Maffei is a young and
energetic candidate. He is active in
Syracuse-area politics and is
making his first run for office,
focusing on economic issues and
ethics. www.maffeiforcongress.com

About James Walsh

First elected in 1988, Walsh has not
had a real fight for this seat in a
decade. As a member of the
Appropriations Committee, he is
deeply involved in GOP fiscal policy.
He supported the controversial
“Medicare Part D” and the war in Iraq.

Fundraising and Polling

Walsh reported $798,419 raised and $616,910 on hand. Maffei has brought in $393,594, 77% from individuals, and retains $170,800.
Maffei’s internal polling suggests a tight race, with Walsh leading 44-40.

Sources: www.washingtonpost.com, www.centerforpolitics.org, nytimes.com, www.fec.gov, www.opensecrets.org

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION http://political.moveon.org

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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