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Pennsylvania – 8th District

Democrat Republican

Candidate Patrick Murphy Mike Fitzpatrick

Funds On Hand $445,000 $1,133,000
Recent Poll 38% 44%
The Philadelphia suburbs are the epicenter of political change in the country. In 2004, the “netroots” made one of their
first major efforts, helping to fight a credible campaign for the newly-open 8th District. This year Patrick Murphy has an
excellent shot of unseating GOP freshman Mike Fitzpatrick. The Cook Political Report ranks this race “Leans

The District
The 8th stretches sits northeast of
Philadelphia, taking in all of Bucks County
and small portions of Philadelphia and
Montgomery counties. 8th District voters
supported Gore and Kerry even as they
sent Republicans to Congress. The district
ranges from urban neighborhoods to farms.

About Patrick Murphy

Patrick Murphy spent much of 2003 and
2004 in Baghdad as a paratrooper with the
U.S. Army. Capt. Murphy earned a Bronze
Star. He has also served in the Philadelphia
District Attorney’s office. He is fighting
for affordable health care, environmental protection, and an exit strategy in Iraq.

About Mike Fitzpatrick

Fitzpatrick was first elected in 2004 to replace retiring GOP Rep. Jim Greenwood. In this swing district, Fitzpatrick has
attempted to cast himself as an independent and moderate voice, but the record shows he voted with Bush and his party
leaders most of the time, and he has received fundraising assistance from Bush and other GOP leaders.

Fundraising and Polling

Fitzpatrick’s fundraising has been strong – $2 .1 million, more than half from PACs and party committees. He has $1.1
million on hand. Murphy has raised $961,000, 87% from individuals, and after a tough primary has $445,000 remaining.
Murphy’s campaign released a July poll showing the challenger within striking distance; Fitzpatrick held a 44-38 lead.
This is a substantial tightening from April, when Fitzpatrick enjoyed a 49-35 lead in an independent poll.



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