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Speak Out Talking Points

• This is nothing more than a “reverse Robin Hood” budget. The Republicans are
robbing the poor to pay back the rich.

• The Republican leadership is pushing for over $50 billion in cuts for the poor and
middle class to pay for $70 billion in tax breaks for the rich.

• The programs that will take the biggest hit include Medicaid, food stamps, and
student loans.

• These Thanksgiving cuts will leave many Americans with empty plates.

• These are the same programs victims of Hurricane Katrina and millions of other
Americans depend on to feed and care for their family and build a better future.

• The majority of Americans oppose cutting these vital programs.

• We’re organizing a Speak Out to demonstrate the affect these cuts would have in
our community.

• We’re urging [Representative Last Name, or Senator Last Name] to vote "No" on
the budget reconciliation bill if it still includes any cuts to vital programs like
Medicaid, food stamps, and student loans.

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