Youth Educational Adventures

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Seminars for Church and Home

Youth Unit 3 “Bible Heroes”

Book Three
Senior Teens


The End of
the Journey
Youth Educational Adventures
Bible Heroes Series
Book Three:
The End of the Journey
Senior Teens

The purpose of this series of seminars is to Seminar 1

introduce each teen to the Ten Commandments
and the great heroes of the Bible. We hope to Act Fast! .......................................... 4
instill an awe and respect for God’s law and show
examples of real people who followed God and
reaped the rewards from having done so. We also Seminar 2
want to develop in the young adult a love for learning Much Needed Rest .......................... 7
about God which will bring them again and again to
church and to Sabbath Seminars.
We hope to encourage daily contact with God
through prayer and devotional Bible readings. In the
Seminar 3
process, we hope to create in each young adult an Blessings or Curses? ...................... 10
expectation of fully participating as a baptized member
in God’s church. We also pray that the seminars in
this book will translate into knowledge and behavior Seminar 4
becoming of a child of God.
God’s Humor ................................ 13
Ronald Dart - Publications Editor
Allie Dart - Managing Editor
Sandi McCaskill - Contributing Editor Seminar 5
Mickie Ranaldo - Layout and Design The Ultimate Rebellion .................. 16

Our vision is to create Christian educational Seminar 6

opportunities for all our children so that they will Goodbye Moses ............................ 19
build a lasting relationship with God and
experience the joys of salvation and the rewards
of God’s Kingdom. Seminar 7
The Naughty Good Girl ................... 22
Christian Educational Ministries
P. O. Box 560
Whitehouse, Texas 75791 Seminar 8
phone: 1.888.BIBLE.44 The Promised Land ....................... 25
fax: 903.509.1139
Seminar 9
Relationships Renewed .................. 28

Copyright  2006 Christian Educational Ministries

Seminar 10
All Rights Reserved Joshua’s Farewell ........................... 31
Memory Verse Scriptures
Romans 6:12, 13 “Do not let sin control your puny Numbers 16
body any longer; do not give in to its sinful desires.
Do not let any part of your bodies become tools of Words to Know
wickedness, to be used for sinning: but give your- PRESUMPTUOUS - overstepping bounds, taking
self completely to God – every part of you – for liberties
you are back from death and you want to be tools
in the hands of God, to be used for his good pur-
pose” (TLB).

Discussion Tips When President Bush was sworn into office, he

Think about Korah and his friends’ took an oath to defend and protect the people of
motives. What difference can you the United States. He never doubted that action
make in the number of people had to be taken for this horrible crime. There had
who make it into God’s Kingdom if to be a penalty for such terror. The people of the
you have a sense of urgency to United States had to be protected. And the Presi-
prepare yourself for whatever God dent promised to retaliate.
calls you to do?
Throughout history rebellious people have
wanted to control others to feel important and
On September 11, 2001, terrorists rammed two have their own way. Korah, a Levite, conspired
passenger jet airplanes into the Twin Towers of the with Dathan, Abiram and On, who were Reuben-
World Trade Center, and a third plane into the ites, to incite a rebellion against Moses. Two-
Pentagon. A fourth plane, probably intended for the hundred-fifty prominent men with positions in the
US Capitol Building, crashed in Pennsylvania. Pas- council, came with these four men to confront
sengers on this plane tried to save it and their lives. Moses and Aaron. They accused Moses of being
But they may not have acted fast enough. Those presumptuous and overstepping his bounds. They
who remained alive in the World Trade Center knew told him that the entire community of Israel was
they had to Act Fast and get out of the burning, also holy. To prove their point, they said “GOD is in
falling buildings. They ran as fast as they could for our midst.” Israel had a national crisis. Moses
their lives. All told, about 3000 lives were destroyed being the humble, wise leader that he was, recog-
in those terrorist attacks. People across our nation nized immediately how these rebels had left
sat spellbound in front of TV sets, wondering what themselves open to God’s wrath. He fell face
was going to happen next – how this would impact down on the ground when he heard what they
their lives. Never before had the United States been had to say. He then said to Korah and the men
attacked by foreigners on its own soil. America who had joined him in this rebellion, “In the
couldn’t sit still and let this happen again. morning the Lord will show you who are his, and
who is holy, and who he has chosen as his priest.” these three bad men died a natural death, everyone
Moses instructed Korah and the rebels with him, to would know that Moses had made all of this up. But
take censers the next day, light them, and put if God destroyed them in His wrath, they would
incense upon them before the Lord. The guilty know these men had rebelled against God.
would be known.
Moses had hardly spoken these words when the
Moses asked Korah if the opportunity to minis- earth split open. In one gulp it swallowed up all the
ter to the people in God’s Tabernacle seemed a human beings connected with Korah, along with
small thing to him. Hadn’t God given this opportu- everything he owned. Then the earth closed its
nity only to the Levites? But they wanted the mouth. That was the last they heard of them. “At
priesthood as well. Moses realized Korah and these the sound of their cries everyone around ran for
men were revolting against God. dear life, shouting, ‘We’re about to be swallowed up
“‘Is it a small thing,’ they mimicked, ‘that you
brought us out of lovely Egypt to kill us here in this God instructed Eleazar, one of Aaron’s priestly
terrible wilderness, and that now you want to make sons, to gather up the censers from the smoldering
yourself our king? What’s more, you haven’t cinders and scatter the coals. Since the censers had
brought us into the wonderful country you prom- been holy, they were to be hammered into thin
ised, nor given us fields and vineyards. Whom are sheets for covering the Altar and to serve as a sign
you trying to fool? We refuse to come’” (Numbers to Israel of what happened. Then God told Moses to
16:13-14 TLB). Wow! Moses really did have a back away from the Israelites so he could destroy
revolt on his hands. them that very minute.

Moses’ temper blazed white-hot. He knew he Moses told Aaron, “Take your censer and fill it
was innocent of these charges. He told Korah to with incense, along with fire from the Altar. Get to
bring his people before God the next day. Aaron the congregation as fast as you can to make atone-
would also be there with his censer. All 250 of ment for them. Anger is pouring out from GOD – the
these men were to bring their censers filled with plague has started!” Aaron followed Moses’ instruc-
incense to present to God. Then they were to stand tions and grabbed the censer. He ran into the middle
in the entrance of the Tabernacle. of the congregation. Aaron knew well that he had to
Act Fast! to save the lives of people. The plague had
Here they were. Korah’s gang against Moses already begun and lives were at stake. He knew his
and Aaron at the entrance of the Tabernacle. The speed of action would make a difference. Hesitating
entire community was about to see God’s wrath. to act would cost lives. So he put burning incense in
God told Moses and Aaron to keep their distance the censer and atoned for the people. Then he stood
from this rebellious gang, because He was going to between the living and the dead and the plague
finish them off and be done with them. Moses and stopped. But not before 14,700 people had died.
Aaron fell face down and said, “O God, God of
everything living, when one man sins are you going Always remember these two lessons. 1) Don’t
to take it out on the whole community?” rebel against those in authority, and 2) When God
tells you to do something Act Fast! You could save a
God told Moses and Aaron to tell the other lot of lives if you Act Fast!
Israelites to back off from Dathan and Abiram’s
tent. Moses told the Israelites not to touch anything Prayer
that belonged to them lest they be carried off in the Awesome God, You are a God of love and mercy.
flood of their sins. So they all backed away from Help me to never forget that we can push you too
the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. By this far and incur your wrath. Also help me to always
time these three bad men had brought their wives, remember to Act Fast when you tell me to do some-
children, and babies to the entrance of the Taber- thing. It could make the difference in saving many
nacle. Moses explained to the other Israelites that if lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Hurricane Katrina’s death toll exceeded 1300, mainly because of slow evacuation. When
time came to evacuate, time was of the essence. How many lives could have been saved
had the hundreds of school buses in New Orleans been deployed to evacuate those who
had no transportation? When orders are given to evacuate the path of a hurricane, get up
and get out! You’ve heard other sayings, such as “Seize the day,” “He who hesitates is
lost,” and “Do it now,” that express urgency.
We don’t know how long we have before Christ
returns. But there should be an urgency about
doing Christ’s work. It made a difference in the
number of lives saved because Aaron ran with
the censer. The urgency with which you do
God’s work can make a difference in the num-
ber of people who will make it into God’s
Kingdom. Look up the following Scriptures and
write on the lines below 1) the event and, The Punishment of Korah
2) how the action taken impacted the outcome. by Allessandro Botticelli, 1481-82

1. Ecclesiastes 9:10____________________________________________________________


2. Colossians 3:23_____________________________________________________________


3. Exodus 12:11 ______________________________________________________________


4. Exodus 12:33_______________________________________________________________


5. Deuteronomy 16:3__________________________________________________________


6. Luke 2:16 _________________________________________________________________


Objectives Scriptures
At the end of this seminar, attendees will be able to: Numbers 16
1. Show an urgency about preparing themselves to
do the work of Christ. Words to Know
2. Explain that the speed at which they do God’s PRESUMPTUOUS
work can make a difference in the number of
people who make it into God’s Kingdom. Materials Needed
3. Explain that they should not usurp authority God Bible, YEA Attendees’and Presenter’s books,
has given another and step outside their attendance and memory verse charts,
boundaries or calling. songbook

“In the event Aaron: One was a group of 250 prominent Levites under the leader-
ship of Korah, who were envious that only Aaron and his family were allowed to be
priests. The other was a group headed by two Reubenites, Dathan and Abiram, who
were envious and critical of Moses’ leadership of the nation (Numbers 16:1-3).
“Moses again allowed God to be the judge. He asked both groups to appear before
God with him to see who was right. The Reubenites refused but the Levites went,
taking a crowd from the camp with them in support (4-15). The Levites were to burn
incense in firepans, or censers (which, as a rule, only Aaron and his sons were allowed to do), so that
God might show his approval or otherwise (16-19).
“God threatened to destroy the whole camp, and although Moses and Aaron knew he had the right
to do so, they begged him not to (20-24). He responded to their prayer by destroying only those who
actually took part in the rebellion. Korah, Dathan, Abiram and some of their chief supporters were swal-
lowed up by the earth in the sight of the camp, but the 250 Levites suffered a different fate. They had
wanted to burn incense before God; now they were burnt by fire from God (25-35).
“Neither the fire nor the firepans used by the rebellious Levites could be used again. Eleazar the
priest emptied the firepans and had them beaten into a bronze plate to cover the altar, where it was a
constant reminder that only the family of Aaron could burn incense before God (36-40).
“The people blamed Moses and Aaron for the death of the rebels and gathered at the tabernacle in a
hostile demonstration against the leaders (41). Again God threatened to destroy the people (42-45), and
again Moses and Aaron begged him not to. But God’s judgment in the form of a deadly plague had
already begun, and it was stopped only when Aaron made atonement for them by burning incense. This
emphasized once more that only the priests could take fire from the altar and offer it with incense before
the Lord (46-50)” (Concise Bible Commentary).
Before the seminar, write the following see spiritual maturity being an advantage in doing
questions on separate pieces of paper: 1) How God’s work? How can devoting yourselves now to
can coming to repentance and being baptized building godly character make a difference in the
now rather than delaying make a difference in number of people who are in God’s Kingdom? How
doing the work of Christ? 2) How can devoting can preparing ourselves now to participate in God’s
ourselves now to studying the Bible daily make a work in any way that God calls us to, make a differ-
difference in doing the work of Christ? 3) How ence in the number of people who are in God’s
can devoting ourselves now to building godly Kingdom? Ask a person to read Ezekiel 3:17-18.
character make a difference in the number of Does this only apply to ministers? What responsibil-
people who are in God’s Kingdom? 4) How can ity do you have for being a “watchman to your
preparing ourselves now to participate in God’s friends and relatives”? How can you do this? What
work in any way that God calls us to, make a happens if you don’t tell them about God’s love, nor
difference in the number of people who are in warn them about the evils of this world? What if
God’s Kingdom? 5) How does responding with you tell them and they don’t listen? Ask another
an urgency to God’s calling make a difference in attendee to read Exekiel 3:19.
the work God is doing? Make a copy of Back- Balance please - Ask: How do you feel about
ground and assign a Facilitator to read it during having a desire to be a part of the ministry of
the seminar and one to go over the Activity. Christ? How can this become an obsession that is
wrong? Moses saw clearly that Korah wasn’t satis-
How to Present this Seminar fied being a Levite. This was a power-play to take
After opening the seminar with prayer, divide over Moses’ job. Korah was a part of the inner
attendees into five groups and give each one of circle, but that wasn’t good enough. How do you
the above questions. Explain that each group is view what Korah tried to do? He wanted more
to appoint a Facilitator to present the results to power – the priesthood. These men were actually
the group. They are to brainstorm and come to a ganging up against God. Was that a good idea?
consensus of thoughts on the question. Assign How did God react? How many more people do you
them to separate areas of the room. When time think would have died if Aaron had dilly-dallied
is up, bring them back to sit in a semicircle and around and not run with the censer? What differ-
call on the Facilitator, in ence can it make if you do God’s
number order, to explain work with urgency? What are
their groups’ thoughts. some things you can do with your
Debrief - Ask: How did urgency for Christ? Ask someone
you feel about this activity to read Luke 10:2.
as a means to focus your Background/Activity - Ask the
attention on the urgency to Facilitator assigned to Background
prepare yourself now for to read it. Then ask the Facilitator
God to work in you and to go over the Activity with the
through you? What does it The Punishment of Korah group at this time.
by Allessandro Botticelli, 1481-82
mean to you to have an
urgency to prepare yourself for God’s calling? Song
How was this experience like or unlike other “When the Spirit Says Move” is on page 92 of The
experiences you’ve had? What is gained by Group Songbook.
seeking repentance and being baptized now
rather than delaying? How do you see having Prayer
more baptized young adults making a difference Have the group form a circle and hold hands. Go
in doing the work of Christ? How can devoting around the circle and let each one tell one way they
yourself now to studying the Bible daily make a can be more urgent about doing Christ’s work. Ask
difference in doing the work of Christ? How do for a volunteer to lead in prayer thanking God for
you see laying a biblical foundation early in life His goodness and asking for His help in being ur-
benefitting your spiritual maturity? How do you gent about doing His work.

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