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Westside Health Authority



I understand that my attitude and behavior are critical to the success of this
program. Therefore, I agree to abide by the following:

• I will participate in all required activities including but not limited to: case
management services, job related skills training and subsidized job
placement on the agreed upon days and hours and be on time.
• I will participate in Life Skills and Job Readiness Training Program on the
agreed upon days and hours and be on time.
• I am willing to learn and accept guidance.
• I will respect the people and places with whom I come in contact and deal
with agency representatives, employers, co-workers, and customers in a
courteous and polite manner.
• I will dress appropriately on the job and in training.
• If I bring a personal cellular phone with me, I will only use my cellular phone
during breaks or free time and will keep it in my purse or pocket during the
remainder of each day.
• I will not curse.
• I will not fight.
• I will not use racial or sexual slurs under any circumstances
• I will not possess any gang related tattoos, flash any gang signs, make any
gang related pronouncement, tagging or wear any known gang apparel.
• I understand that the use of alcohol and drugs will not be tolerated.
• I understand that I may be dropped from this program for serious misconduct
or failure to adhere to the code of conduct.

Participant Signature: __________________________Date:_________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature (if Participant under age


Date: _________________________

Form E, Revised 6/4/2010 12:54 a6/p6

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