CIBR Invite

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The Honorable Edolphus Towns and the Coalition for Imaging and Bioengineering Research (CIBR) cordially

invite you to attend an exhibit of cutting-edge medical equipment and research leading to earlier disease
diagnoses, improvements in patient care, and cost savings at the
Rayburn House Office Building Foyer on Thursday, June 24th.

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about medical technology advances!

Time/Date: 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM on June 24th

Location: Rayburn House Office Building Foyer

This visit is recommended for:

 Congressional staff interested in health care issues
 Patient advocacy representatives with an interest in non-invasive medical technology

RSVP to Keith Kerneklian at (202)347-5872 or

There is no cost to attend this event.

This widely-attended event is sponsored by a 501(c)(6) organization

CIBR is a permanent partnership of academic research departments, scientific societies, patient
advocacy organizations, and imaging equipment manufacturers leading the education and advocacy
efforts for imaging research. CIBR facilitates consistent open dialog among all stakeholders of the
imaging community, and provides a conduit for disseminating information between academia, industry,
patient groups, and public policy makers.

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