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The Lenormand Clover card

#2- clover (6 ◆)

The CLOVER is a delightful little card no matter what type of layout

you use whether it is a 3 card draw, celtic cross or the full 36 cards.
The energy of the clover card could be equated to neither good or bad
(positive or negative), but it is generally good. The reason I say it is not
all positive or negative is because it can be swayed or persuaded to
take on the energy of a stronger card. This happens in the cards too,
not just out there between people. It is a passive personality of sorts.

In my experiences I have found that the clover card brings immediate

or short term influence probably less than a week’s time. In some
cases, depending on positioning it can indicate a very positive
outcome. You need to remember though that it is a passing influence-
here today gone tomorrow.

For example, questions about love relationships or romantic

involvement the clover tells you to enjoy the moment because there is
a very good chance it is not long lasting. But if the anchor or key
follows it, these cards will provide more stability and longevity. If the
scythe or stork are close by, expected sudden changes or a surprise
dissolution and not necessarily in that order.

You could be heading for sudden worries (birds) or hear unexpected

news (letter, rider). The nature of the worries or news will be shown in
the surrounding entourage of cards.

The clover card is also about luck - you’ve heard of a lucky streak.
When near the fish & bear, it is about financial luck or increase in
money. The clover card + fish card can mean instant cash. When the fox
or anchor are involved it can be luck about job or work. Yes, the fox
doesn’t always have to mean a deceptive situation.

If the lady or gentleman cards are involved, even some of the other
court cards (once you have decided to use them as people cards) the
clover will point to a person that is friendly, likable, and easy going OR
an emotional pushover.

The clover in some circles is associated to magic and if linked with the
moon or star cards can mean occult interests. Now a word on the word
“occult”. It has a stigma attached to it, doesn’t it? Black magic and
all….not always. We are doing occult work in a way because we are
talking/writing and sharing information about the hidden, mystical or
secret knowledge of certain topics.

Near the cute little mouse card- rapid loss. With the rider card-one
huge surprise With the clouds-annoyances come out of nowhere and
disappear just as fast. Kind of like having one of those days when you
feel disconnected.

Beside the ring=sudden engagement. With the lily=unexpected sexual


Madame Seaqueen. ASK my C ARDS*

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