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Lina Lee

Associate Professor of Spanish

University of New Hampshire

Articles in Professional Journals and Newsletters

Synchronous electronic collaborative interaction: Design, process and promises.
NYSAFLT Annual Journal, No. 18 sponsored by New York State Association of
Foreign Language Teachers, 2001.

Synchronous electronic communication: Using online chats to enhance interaction

among foreign language learners. Newsletter of NEMLA—Northeast Modern
Language Association, November 2000.

Partners in pedagogy: collaboration between university and secondary school foreign

language teachers. ERIC Digest published by Center for Applied Linguistics, October
Incorporating the Internet into foreign language classroom. Foreign Language Notes of
Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey, Spring 1998.
Using the Internet to enhance foreign language teaching and learning. Northeast
Conference Newsletter 40, Fall 1997.
"Using Internet to enhance foreign language teaching and learning. Dicho y Hecho:
Multimedia Guide published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Fall 1997.
L2 writing: Using pictures as a guided writing environment. ERIC Clearinghouse on
Language and Linguistics (ED 386951), Spring 1996.
Learning strategy instruction as a key to success in L2 learning. Northeast Conference
Newsletter 37, 1995.
Application of line drawings to facilitate Spanish vocabulary learning. Dactylus: Literary
and Artistic Journal, 11, 1993.

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