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Town, Countryside and National Minority

The rail way construction that the 1860’s, it created urbanization etc. Population of
the cities increased, food shortages, disease, workers treated like dogs. Harsh
measures of leaflets running through work was easy to spread

In villages serfdom had ended, the land hadn’t been reformed, land not distributed
equally. Land lords system didn’t work.

Over 100 different races in Russia, what Russia did was that they wanted everyone
to become Russian (Russification). Also the Tsar doesn’t care about anything, he
doesn’t recognize the Russian Policy e.g. workers, bad conditions, Russification.


Reformation happened because of modernization, but it did though create an

educated group of people, lawyers, doctors, teachers this which lead to a needed
change to Russia.

The Zvemsto (council) caused two things to happen, it gave ideas to the Russian
people, on how to undermine the Russian government and have their own say.

It was influenced by Democratic European ideas when meeting with the local
council, it was for the rich, educated, land lords to meet up and spread ideas.

Should Know:

1. Towns, Countryside and National Minorities

2. The Affects of Modernization
3. Triggers to Revolution Short Term/ Long Term

Definition of Revolution:

1. A change to the government usually through violent or a bloodless war

without violence
2. Usually upside down change, new government e.g. Islamic Revolution

Ahmed Mdaoukhi
Year 10

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