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Banning of Sex Determination in India

» Against the Motion

First of all I’ll talk about the term Sex determination. A sex-
determination system is a biological system that determines the
development of sexual characteristics in an organism. There are
many methods to determine the sex of a living being but the most
common of them all is the XX/XY sex determination test. The
XX/XY sex-determination system is the most familiar sex-
determination systems, as it is found in human beings, most other
mammals, as well as some insects. In the XY sex-determination
system, females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome
(XX), while males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY).
Sex determination is a controversial issue especially in India.
The core reasons why expecting couples go for sex determination
tests are:-
1. deciding what color to paint the nursery or the room.
2. naming the child.
3. to abort the unwanted child.
Urbanization is occurring in developing countries like India
and viewpoints of people are also changing alongside. Nowadays
girls are proving them better than boys. However the government
has made a law called Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic
Techniques Act (PCPNDT Act), 1994 according to which child sex
determination is banned in India whereas it is done openly in rural
areas and states like Punjab and Haryana. According to the latest
census, 2001, the ratio of no. of females to per thousand males is
933:1000 which compared to the last census, 1991, was 927:1000.
Parents with help of sex determination test could decide the color
of the room of the child; they could mentally be prepared for the
upcoming circumstances; could decide what type of toys to be
brought for the upcoming child; could decide what all stuff to be
put up in his or her room which could all influence child’s future.
If we talk about the abortion of the girl child then no one could
help with it until the viewpoints of the people does not change.
I lastly give my special thanks to the,, and, and
last but not the least Mrs. Geeta Sridhar for her noble support
related to the topic. I conclude by saying that child sex
determination test is good until used for a noble cause.

Utkarsh Mishra

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