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09·05 ··2006


2'.,30 PM 1;03.50 PM




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A .. 1 58881

. . .


(Candidates are advisedto read the following instructions carefully, before answering on the OMRanswer sheet.)- 1.

Ensure that you have entered your Name and CETNumber on.the top portion of the OMR answer sheet. ENSURE THAT THE BAR CODES, TIMING AND MARKS PRINTED ON THE OMR ANSWER SHEET


) . .

This Question Booklet is issued to you by theinvigilator after the 2nd Bell.j.e., after 2.35 p.m .


. 3.

. 0

4. Enter the Serial Number-of this question booklet on the top portion of the OMR answer sheet.

5. '. Carefully enter theVersion Code of this question booklet on the bottom portion of the OMR answer sheet and

SHADE the respective circle completely.' '. .

6. As answer sheets are designedto suit the Optical MarkReader (01Y.IR) system, please take special care while filling and shading the Version Code of this question b(}o~let .


8.. Until the 3rd Bell is rung at 2:40 p.m.: .

• Do not remove the staple preserit on the right hand side of this question booklet.

• Do not look inside this question booklet.

• Do not start answering on the OMR answer sheet .:

9. After the 3rd Bell is rung at 2.40 p.m., remove the staple present on the right hand side ofthis question booklet

and start answering on the bottom portion of-the OMR answer sheet. . .

10. This question booklet contains 60 questions and each question will have four different options / choices.

• . • . t .

11. During thesubsequent 70 minutes:

Read each question carefully. .

Determine the correct answer from out ofthe four available options / choices given under each question . Completely darken / shade the relevant circle with a BLUE OR BLACl{ IN!{ BALLPOINT PEN against the question numberon the OMR answer sheet.



12. Please note that even a minute unintended ink dot on the OMR sheet will also be recognised and recorded by the

scanner. Therefore;' avoid multiple markings of any kind. '.

13. Use the space provided on each page of the question booklet for Rough work AND do not use the OMR answer

sheet for the same. . .

14. After the last bell is rung at 3.50 p.m., stop writing on the OMRanswer sheet.

15. Hand over the OMR ANSWER SHEET to the room invigilator as it is.

16. After separating and retaining the 'top sheet (CET Cell Copy), the invigilator will return the bottom sheet replica

(Candidate's copy) to you to carry home for self-evaluation, .

17. Preserve th'e replica. of the OMR answer sheet for a minimum period of One year.

SR - 49 ..


" .




1. If A= {a,b,c}, B = {b,c,d} and C ={a,d,c}, ,then {,A - B)x(B nC)=

1) {(a,e), (a,d),(b,d)}', ,3) {(a,b), (c,d)}

2) {(e,a),(d,a)}. 4) " {(a,c), (a,d)}

2. The function f: X ,~ Ydefined by f (x) = Sin x is <me-one but not onto if X and Yare 'respectivelyequal to,

1) [;,c,~% ] and [~1, 1] .

3)' [0, n]and[O, 1] .

2) [o,~]and~~l'l~,

4) . m andIR


If LogJ + Logt +Log16+LogJ =6,then x=: 1) 32'

3) 4

2) . 8 • 4) 64

1 (2n -1)
1) (5n+6) 2) 5n +6
5n -4 r
3) (5~ + 6) 4) 5n+6
", 5.' The remainder obtained wh~n .(u:)~ 'l- (~)2 + (~)2 + .... :; ..... + (l100)2 is di~ided by 102 is

1) 14 2) '17

3) 28 4) '27

(Space for Rough Work)




6. If (p/\ :. r) ~ (- p v q) is false, then the truth values of p, q and r are respectively

1) T,F and T 3) F,FandT

2) F,T and T 4)- T,FandF

, 1

, 7. If, a, f3 and' yare the roots of the .equation x3 - 8x + 8 = 0, then L a2 and L a f3 are

respectively =

1) 16 and 0 3) 16 and 8

2)-' 16 and 0 . 4) 0 and-16 '

,8. The g.c.d. of 1080 and 975 is '

1) "125

3) 135

2) 225' 4) 145

9. If a I(b+c) and a I(b-c) where a_,b, cE'N then,

, ,

10. If a, band C E N which one of the following is not true? "

1), c] b and a I c ~ alb + c 3) alb and b 1 c ==> a 1 c

2) alb + c ==> a rb and a 1 c 4) albaridalc==>aI3b+2\

(Space for Rough Work)




[8' 1 ~] [~1 1. - 2]
1) 1. 10 2) 10 '~1
[8i '-:] 18 -1 ~~l
,3),' -1 ·10 4) -1 10 12. If 0 (A) = 2x3, 0 (B)::; 3 x2, and 0 (C) = 3 x3, which one of the following is not defined ?

1) C(A+B') ·3), BAC

. ,

2) C(A ~ B')

4) CB+A'

. 1) lor 4 3) .. 4 .

'2) 4 and not 1 4) 0

. ~

x+y y+z z+x
14. The value of x y z
x-y y+ z z-x
1)' 0
3) 2(x + y + z)3 2) (x + y + z)3

. 2 4) 2{x+y+z).

15. On the set Q of all rational numbers the operation * which is both associative and

commutative is given by a * b =' '

1) 2a + 3b '3) a2+b2

2) ab +,1' . 4) a + b + ab

(Space for Rough Work)


'I'ur'n.Over .,



, 16 .. I~ the group G = {1,5,~,11} under multiplication modulo 1~, the solution of 7-1 ~(x~ll)= 5

IS X =

1) 11 3) 1

~)7 4-} 5

17.· A subset of the additiv~ group of real numbers which is 'not a sub group is

1) (Q, +) 3). (Z,+)

, I

2) -. (N, +)


4f ({q}, +)

18. ·If

-7 /\ /\ -7 II II· -7 11/\

u=t+i- q =4k--j ~ndr =i+h , th e'n the uni t vector in the direction of

-7 -7 -:-7.

3 p+ q-2 r IS


1) i+2j+2h

2). ~(·i-2j+2·kl

3 .. ) .

. ,

. '

, .

. 1(11 II II)

4) :3 i +2j+2k

I' .

1(11 II· II)

3)':3i -2j -2k

19. If -;: and & are the two vector~ such thatla'i = 3,/3, It 1 = 4. andl a' + ~ = v'7 , then the

.-7 -7. .

angle .between a and b IS •.

. 20. If --: is vector perpendicular to both I! and -: , then :

~) a' ( & xi) = 0 . 3) a' x ( &+ 1)"0'

--1- ( -7 -7 '\ -7

2) a x b XC) = O.

4) a' +(b' + 1)=0'

(Space for Rough Work): .



A· ,1

21. If the" area of the parallelogram ~ith dartdl} as two adjacent sides is 15" sq. units, th~n the area of the parallelogram having 3 d + 26 and d + 3 b as two adjacent sides in sq. units is

1) 45 3) 105

2) 75 4) 120

. . , . .

22. rllielocus of the point which moves such thatthe ratio of its distances from two fixed points

, in the plane is always a constant K « 1) is .

1) circle 2) .straight line

'3) ellipse 4) hyperbola

23. If the lines x + 3y, - 9 = 0, 4x + by- 2 = 0 and 2x ., y - 4 = 0 are concurrent, then b =

1) 0 '3~, 5

2) 1 4) - 5

. '


. 'r ' ".? "

The lines represented by ax'.!. + 2 h xy + by" = 0 are perpendicular to each other.if

1) h .. =O· 2) h2=a"b
3) " a +b=O 4) h2 =a + b
~ 25.

The equation of the circle having x - y -e- 2= 0 and x -'- y + 2 == 0 as two tangents and x + y = o· as a diameter is

, '

'1) 2· 2" 1

x +y = ,

'4)' n 2 '

x'" + y + 2x - 2y + 1;=0

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'I ~

Turn Over


A~ 1

26. Ifthe length of the tang~nt fro~ any pointon the circle (x: _:_ 3i + (y + 2/ = 5,.2 to the circle (x - 3)2 +- (y +' 2)2 ~,.2 is 16 unitsvthen the area between the two circles in sq. units is

1) 16 7l 3)"4 Jt

2) 8 7l 4) 32 n

27. The circles ax2 + ai + 2gl x + 2fiy + Cl = 0 and b'x;2 + by2 + 2g2x +~2f;Y + C2 = 0 . (a :;t. O' and' b :;t. 0) cut orthogonally if

1) . glg2 + fih = cl + C2

3) . glg2 + fih = be, + aC2.

2) bglg2+afi(2:;::bcl+ac2 4) glg2 + fif2 =acl + bC2

28. The equation of the common tangent of the two touchi~gcircles,y2 ~x2 - 6x -12y + 37 =.~ and x2 + y? ~ 6y + 7 = 0 is

1) x + y +5;"'0 3) x - y+ 5 =:= 0

2) x+)I- 5 ., 0 4) x -y:- 5 =,0

29 .. The equation of the parabola with vertex at ("':'1, 1) 'and focus (2,1) is

1) y2 _ 2y ., 12x + 13 = 0 2) y2 _ 2y + 12x + 11 = 0
3) x2. + '2x -12y + 13 = 0 4) 2
y - 2y - 12x - 11 = 0 30. The equation of the line which is' tangent to both the clrclex2 + y2 = 5 and the parabola

. , '. . '

i =40x is


1)2x + y +5 =0

2) 2i: -y -5 =0

3) 2x-y+5=0

4)2x -y±5 =0

. (Space for Rough Work) .





"31. x = 4 (1 + Cos 11) ~nd Y~ 3 (1 + Sin 11) are the parametric equations of

, ' '

(x - 4f (Y - :3 )2

1) + = 1

16 9


2) (x -4)

. 16

(Y _ 3)2

, =1


, 2 ( 2

'4) (x-3) + y-4) =1

'9 16

32. If the distance between the foci and the distance' between the directrices of the hyperbola

x2 i ,'", ,

a2 - [;2 = 1 are in the ratio 3 : 2 ,then a : b IS =

1) 2: 1 2) 1: 2

3) J3: .J2 4) J2, : 1


,2 2 ' ' '2 2 " ,

The ellipse ~ +L == 1 and the hyperbola .:._ _L.,= 1 have in common' ,

, 25 16 " '25 16 '

1)· centre and vertices only 2) centre, foci and vertices

, I '

3) centre, foci and directrices 4)' centre only,

34. If Sece =m andTane=n, the~ ![(m + n )+(m ~")] =

1) mn. 3) 2 rrt

2) 2 n -; 4) 2

Sin 85° - Sin 15°

35; The value of ' C 650 '

" as

, ,


1) 0

3) '-1'

2) 1 4) 2,

(Space for Rough Work)

, "


"I'urnOver- .





36. From an aeroplane flying, vertically above a horizontal road, the angles of depression of two consecutive stones on the same side of the aeroplane .are observed to be 30° and 60°

respectively. The height at which the aeroplane is.flying in km is .

1) 2 2) 13
13' 4
3) - 4) j3
2 37. If the angles ~f a triangle are i~ the ratio-S :.4: 5, then: the sides are in the ratio

·1) 3: 4: 5.

3) .J2:.J6: 13+1

2) 2: J3 : 13 + 1

4) 2:.J6: J3 + 1 ..


If Cos-:1x =o: , (0 < x < 1) arid Sin-1('2xJ1-x2'J+sec-1( ; ]= 2 n ,

. . 2x -1 3

. .

then Tan -1 (2x) =.


n 2


n 3







. . fTI -l(aJ. fTI '-l(a+b I

If_a :> b > 0 ,then the valueof .uxn- . b +.L an ~ a -b) depends on

1) . neither a nor b 3) b and not a

2) 'a and not b 4) both a and b

40~ Which one of the following equations has no solution?

1) 13 SinfJ-Cos8.=2

2) Cos 8 + Sin 8= 12

3). eosec8· Sec 8=1

4) Cosec. e - Sec e = Cosec e· Sf}.C e

(Space for Rough Work)


!:; •



,(-~ +30(1-i) "" " ' ;~'

The complex number (3 t,J3i)(i)(.J3 + J3 i),.w.hen Tepre'sen~e~i~:theA~s'~nd di~g~arri lie~

1) on the X-axis (Real axis) 3) in the first quadrant

2) on the Y-axis (Imaginary axis) 4), in the second quadrant

42. If 2x:= -1+ Iii, then the va~ue of (1_~2 + x t - (l-x +.x2t=

1) 0 2) ,64,

3)-64 4) 32

. , ,. 8

43. The modulus and amplitude of (1 + i J3) are respectively

1) 256 and 8!£ 3

2) , 2 and ~ ;

27T 3) 256 and '3'

, 7T

4) 256 and ~ '3


Limit5X - 5-x

The value of --- =

" x ~ 0 2x

, . 1) 2'Log 5 3) 0

2) l'

4) Log 5

.45., which one of the followingisnottrue always'?

, ' Limit

1) Ifa function f (x) is 'continuous at x = a , then x --7U f (x) erists.

, .

2) ,If f(x) andg(x) are differentiableat x=a,then f(x)tg(x) is also

. .. , .

differentiable at ,x = a


3) If f (x) is continuous atx = a , thEW 'it is differ~ntiable at x = a

4) If f(x) is not continuous at x s=a , then it is not differentiable at x = a,

, (Space for Rough Work)


Turn Over

" ~


1 1 1 . .. . ' . d .'

46. If Y == 1 + - + -2 + -:f + to co'with)~1 >,1. then. _z~,

x x x .' J.,. ""dx'

,~i 2
1) 2) Y
x2 x2
, "?'
, .... , I,"
.. 3) .x2y2 4)
y2 . ,'. 1 '. () 31

47. If f(x) and g(x) are two functions with'g(x)=x-- and fog x =x -3: ,then f'(x) = .

. . ,x x .

.. ' . ,.; - 1

2) 1+2 .x

2 1 3) x --


48: The derivative of aSecx ·w.r.t. aTanx (a > .0) is

1) aSecx -Tanx

2) S· Sec x=Tan x

tn x a

3) S" Tan x=Sec x

. mx a

4) S·· Sec x -ra« x

ecx a


. . . .' d~

If Sini» + .)f}+Cos(x + y) = Log (x + y), then -2 ==

_ . . dx

1) 1 2). -1

-y 4)

3) 0


50. If f (x) is a function su~h that f" (x) + l (x) = 0 and g (x) == [l (x) J2 + [f' (x) J2 and g (3) = 8 , then g(8}=

1) 8 3)0

2) 3 4) 5

(Space for Rough Work)




51. If the curve y = 2x3 ; ax2 + bx+c passesthrough the origin and the tangents drawn to it at

. '. J;.._...

x = -i and x~ 2 are parallel to.theXvaxis.ithen.the values of a, band c are respectively, ,

i) 3, -'12 and 0 3) - 3, - 12 and 0

'2) - - 3, 12 and 0 4) , 12, - 3 and 0

52. A circular sector of'perimeterGtl metre with maximum area is to be constructed. The radius of the circular arc in metre must be

1) 10' 3) 5

'2) 15 4) 20

53. The tangent and th€ normal drawn to the curve y,~ x2 _ x + 4 at P,(l, 4) cut the X-axis at AandB respectively: If the length of the sub tangent drawn to the curve at P is equal to the lengthofthe subnormal, then the area of the triangle PAB_ in sq. units is,

1) 16 3) 32

2) 8 4) 4


1) Tan~lx + c

, ,2) Log (x + 1) + c 1 ,

_' +c

4) (x + 1)

55. f cW[ 1~= 7bn~ t ~

1) ~Tan[i+iog Tan~J + c 3) Tan [1 + Log Tan~J + c

'2), Sec2[ 1 + Log Tan~] + c 4) Sin2 [1 + Log Tan~J+c,

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, .


, Turn Over,

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1 S __ 1(x31

2) r- ec ---I+c

12 _ 4 )

_, , l/ 3 J '

3) ~Sh-l .~ ~c

1',' -1[X3J "

4)- Sec ~ +c



, ~" ~ .', -

57. If II = J x Sin x dx and 12 = f x Cos x dx , then which one of the following is true?

. 0 0 ' .

1) II = 12" 2) 11+12=0
77: t, -t, =77:.
3) II =-12 4) .
2 ~ 2 . . . .

, -,' , " f ( -x) - f (x)

58. If rex) is, defined in [-2;2]by r(x)=4x2~3x+land g(x)= (x2+3)- ,then



-2 '

1) 24

3) - 48

2) '0 4) 64

, '

59" .The ,area enclosed between the parabola y = ~2 - x + 2 and the line y = x + 2 in sq. units =

4 2,
1) - 2) --
3 3
'3) " 1 4) 8
3 3 60 .. 'I~e solution ofthe differential equation e-X(y + 1) dY-+(Cos2 x -Si~ 2x )y(dx )=0 subjected to' the condition that y == 1 when x = 0 is

1) (y + 1 ) + eX Cos2x = 2

,3) Log (y +1),,+exCos2x =1

2) y +Log v= eXCos2x

4)' y + Log y + eX Cos2x = 2

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