MEP Document: Carleton Journalism Student Request

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sss irenianesm Weer See | Panter WA ‘Spokesparsoa(a) Tommie Eugene Rovers] ___| peing Manager, Canada Furs for Aes (omre=rao ey dean ‘Crime Teo ‘LOCATION. reloghane ifeniew [[ORGANZER: CIDA Meda Rettons ‘Otir parte involved NA event _a Carleton University ounalism stufent, nas requested an on-he-ecordinleiew with a CIDA representative responsible forthe Canada Fund fe Arica BACKGROUND isa Journalism student preparing atwo-part feature length ariee, asa cles assignment, and is reviewing Canada's contrbution to cevelopmert in Aca. There is emote potental forsale of te at to @ Canadian magazine or weekend feature section ofa national aly (eg Torento Star's World and Comment). is asking te folowing questions: 1 Flow much aide Canada dsiouing te Africa tough the Canada Fund for Atica? 2. How are projects chosen and developed? 3. How are projects evaluated? EVENT TYPE ‘Onthe-ecord telephone interview with Tommie Rotets, Acting Manager, Canada Fund fr Aiea. DESIRED SOUNDBITE. “The Canada Fund fo Atfca represents Canad’ leadership on supporing Aica's development STRATEOIG OBJECTIVES ‘Toensue the accuay of information about the Canad Fundfor Mics sod te highight results achioved. ‘TARGET OROUP : Conadion pic TONE Pestiv, informative, focused KEY MESSAGES: Hew mich money distributed though the Canad Fund for fic and what resus has t achieved? “The Carada Fund for Afi ea $500 milon tind, tly allocated t development indaves in fe areas of governance, peace and secur, ecorome gro, belh, envfonment, infomation and ‘ommuricaten tecrnologies and agrcuture Examoles of resus from these intatves include: ete Atncan Patamentarians Network Aganst Corupion is promoting anticorston ang cpen governmest legislation in its 18 member countries, ‘+ The Palo Eracication Programme immunized 80 rntion Afican children below the age of ve conso0 ‘THE CANADIAN PRESS °° How are projects covelcped and chosen? What are the criteria? CCenada Fund for Aca projects eaibit one cr more ofthe folowing criteria ‘Supports theprories ofthe New Partnership fr Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the GB Atica ‘Acton Pia, Is led by Africans and suppor an active role for Aican civil society ané puble participation. Implemented across a region or multiple regions of Ati Prasens strategic and long-term banefis, such a8 access to interational markets for ican products 's Afficen peer tevewec, to foster salf-assesement mutual suppor and knowedge sharng, Projects are developed in corsultaion with other Canadan government depatmerts, otier CDA programs, Afican organizations, Canadan organizations and mutiaterl organizations. Al project deveormentand apres olow ‘CIDA policies (nt ” Hen/STE-3201 and prot diver guenen os cotel nts Rediay (tsp: 22-ca ODAWEB acdc nsYEn/JUD-131105815.07) ‘How are projects evalustea” “The Canada Fund or Atica's evalation procedure includes elements such a the review of fancal ang narrative reports from pares, ste visits by CIDA staff and projectievel evaluation. Projectievel ‘evaluations of the Canada Fund for Alea (low CIDA's Evaluation Gulcelines for pojectievel ‘evaluatons cid AIEMA-218132515-PNZ), CDA’ Evaluaton Guide, Chapter One - The Basics, cove's how and wily CIDA performs evaluations. CCIOA\s Evaluation Function follows the Goverment of Canaca's Policy on Evaluaton, a2 outind on the ‘Treasuy Board web site. (ito i Resporsive asked) In May 2005, tho Honourabio Joato Varner, thon Minister of itornational Cooperation, epproved aone- year extension to the Canade Fund for Arica, to alow completion of al niiatves and achievementot Sustainable results: Propetssupperted bythe Fund wil en by March 31, 2008 andthe Secretariat wit close on September 30,2008. As of July 2007, the Fund had disbursed approximately 420 rion COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS: NIA [ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND (if spplicabe} ‘Student has aieady been direct tothe CIDA project browser or futher detail on specie projects and results achieved, cooa0t ‘THE CANADIAN PRESS ©

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