Madagascar Movie Finder

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Madagascar Movie Finder

1. List the two main destinations where this film

takes place.
New York City and Africa.

2. What is the Reserve?

Wild Life
3. Describe, in detail (this means 3-5 sentences),
some of the Geographical elements of the
Reserve (what does it look like).

It’s big peaceful has water and they life happily in the
wild that environment is like us living in Hawaii (:

4. What elements of the Reserve make it a good

place for the animals to live?
The environment and surroundings.

5. Name 5 animals seen in the film that are

considered wildlife in Africa.
Lion, Zebra, hippopotamus, Giraffe, Buffalo

6. Why wouldn’t the animals you listed be able to

survive as wildlife on any other continent?
Support your answer with Geographical evidence.
Because there they have water peace and no one to
bother them in other continents they would be
annoyed and they can get dangerous with people.

7. Why was Marty the zebra disappointed when he

realized that all of the zebras appeared to be
exactly the same and there was nothing unique
about him?
Because Alakay couldn’t tell the difference and said
there was nothing unique about him.
8. In Collaboration, why is it important for all
learners to be unique and bring different
strengths to the team?
So we all wont be the same and be a little boring.

9. Name 5 aspects of Collaboration that you

observed between the 4 main characters
(animals) in the film.
Love, Humor, hate, Sacrafice, & kindness.

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