Holy Spirit... He Guides You... Maybe

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Holy Spirit Holy Spirit

It Guides You…Maybe It Guides You…Maybe

John 16:1-15 John 16:1-15
Would life be better if Jesus was here? Would life be better if Jesus was here?
_________ _________
In which condition do we benefit more
In which condition do we benefit more
(Circle One)
(Circle One)
Jesus’ Life OR Jesus’ Death
Jesus’ Life OR Jesus’ Death
Which condition requires more faith?
Which condition requires more faith?


Disciples spiritual life BEFORE
Disciples spiritual life BEFORE Holy
Holy Spirit
-Matthew 18
-Matthew 18
-Matthew 26:36-46
-Matthew 26:36-46
-Matthew 26:56
-Matthew 26:56
-Matthew 26:69-75
-Matthew 26:69-75
-Mark 6:30-37
-Mark 6:30-37 -John 6:60-66
-John 6:60-66
Disciples spiritual life AFTER Holy
Disciples spiritual life AFTER Holy Spirit
Spirit -Acts 2:1-4
-Acts 2:1-4 -Acts 2:40-47
-Acts 2:40-47 Read Acts 1:8…Possible Before Holy Spirit?
Read Acts 1:8…Possible Before Holy Spirit?

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