Mei Tai Tutorial

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Let’s make a

Mei Tai
1/2 yard heavy duty fabric (cotton duck, canvas,
denim, corduroy) for outer body
1/2 yard heavy duty fabric or pre-quilted material for
outer body
1 yard heavy duty fabric for straps
Upholstery weight thread

Cut your pieces from the pattern. The pattern is on

the last page.{Look carefully at the pictures at the
way the fabric is folded}

You’ll need three body pieces:one body piece from

outer fabric, one from the inner fabric and one
from the batting (I like my batting 2 layers thick)
From the batting cut 4 two layer pieces 4”x12”
You will need to cut one set of straps. Cut both of
the 9” wide straps so they are 36” long. Cut the 4”
wide piece 22” long. Leave the 5” wide piece as is.

Let’s start with the straps.

Take the two 9” wide and two 5” wide pieces out. {the
4” wide piece will be binding-set this aside for now}
The straps are all made the same way.

Start with the 9” wide strap and lay it out. Turn in

long edges 1/2 inch and press.

Take one of the 2 layers of batting and lay it 5 inches

from the end.

Sew the ends down-neatly and straight.

At he other end of the strap, we’ll make a nice little
edge. First fold the strap in half the long way.
Then fold the end in like this:

Then cut along this fold.

And clip the tip off.

So now with the strap folded in half and the batting on

the inside,
Pin and sew along the long edge

and sew up the short end with your triangle.

That’s how we’ll make all four of the straps.
When you make your 5” straps cut your
4x12 batting in half the long way-use one
of the halves for each of the straps.

Okay, now that you’ve got your straps done,

lay our your body.

Skinny straps up above, bigger straps down below.

Check out the picture above. You want to lay your top
straps over the corner and leave enough room to sew
down the sides. Same with the lower straps-leave
about an inch at the bottom.

*Note: If you are using a heavy duty material for the

inside of the body you can sew your straps to that
piece (that way you don’t see your seams). I used pre-
quilted cotton for the inside of mine which isn’t as
strong so I sewed my straps to the outside body fabric.

Sew your straps in place. Sew at least 1/2” away

from the edge of the body fabric (see how far in I’ve

Sew in a rectangular shape, then an x from corner to

corner. Be extra neat if you’re sewing to the outside
body piece!
After all the straps are sewn on, pin them to the
middle of the body so they won’t get in the way in our
next steps.

Lay down your batting. Then lay on that the body

fabric that doesn’t have the straps right side up. Then
the body piece with the straps right side down.
Pin them all together. You will not be sewing where the straps are so I
like to mark them with a different color pin (so I know to stop
After you sew where those blue lines are, pull the top
straps through to the right side.

Then turn the whole thing right side out.

Let’s finish up those straps.
Fold the outside fabric inward and pin.

Turn to the back of the strap, fold the inside fabric

inwards and pin.
Then re-pin from the outside going through all the
fabrics with your pins facing outward. This way it’s
easier to pull the pins out as you sew.

Sew closed using a zigzag stitch.

Close up all four straps like this.

Then we’ll close up the bottom.
First, fold up the batting at least 1”. You don't need to
cut it, it’s kind of nice to have a little extra padding
down there.

Then take your outer fabric and tuck it in, lining it up

with the bottom of the straps. Pin into place.
Starting in the middle, tuck in the inside fabric and
pin to the outside fabric.

Pin all the way across and sew.

Now take your binding piece you made (the one 4”
wide). Fold it in half the long way and iron a crease
down the middle.

Open it up. Fold the outsides in to the center crease

and press. (I know, awesome picture. But you get the
Now fold it in half along the crease. Press the whole
thing together.

Open it up and pin it to the top edge of the Mei Tai, line
up the top of the binding with the top of the mei tai.
Sew along the top crease. Do not sew past the straps.

Fold it down at the ends .

Then fold it over the top.

Pin it to the inside and handstitch it down

Tada! One happy camper!

Don’t know how to wear a mei tai? There’s about a

hundred tutorials on YouTube.

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