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worry lines and varicose veins

is that a grey hair?

aching muscles and misplaced dreams
time speeds up, or so it seems
once I could just pick up and leave
now there's too much baggage to retrieve
all these bills that can't be paid
work, work, work, and slave
post it note lists line the refridgerator door
I think I've forgotten what I do this for
cramped apartments
the dog needs to be walked
not to mention the shower
has to be caulked
there's just not enough time
to get it all done
running a losing race
against the sun
old photographs show
a person I don't know anymore
is that a stain on the kitchen floor?
when did I start caring about that?
if you're going out, don't forget your hat
soccer games and all these tryouts
make me want to scream and shout!
but this my life now
still, I can't help but wonder how
I came to this...

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