Important Updated Message On The Wilton Windmill Crop Circle of May 22, 2010

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Important updated message on the

Wilton Windmill crop circle of May 22, 2010

By Jerry Vano
June 7, 2010
The crop circle shown on the right appeared at Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton,
Wiltshire on May 22, 2010 and left a message in
it, a message to the world that in my opinion can
be summed up as saying “WAKEUP, IN THE
The message is being directed to the
people of this world and to the scientists in
particular. I believe the fact that the circle makers
encoded Euler’s famous formula e^(i)pi+1=0 in
the circle which is a formula that is revered by the
scientific community throughout the world as one
of the most perfect mathematical equations but
deliberately left a flaw in their rendition to show
the ultimate quest by Einstein and the likes of him, looking for a single one inch long
math equation believing it would show us the mind of God has been a misdirected quest
that has led indirectly to nothing but disaster. It gave us nothing but pain through the false
hopes and promises in science for a glorious future. “The letter of the law (mathematics)
brings death but the spirit of the law brings life.”
The crop circle just described with its particular message takes us back to the
famous Alien holding a disc formation shown
here that appeared in Crabwood, England on
August 15th 2002. The decoding of that message
is as follows:
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts &
PAIN but still time. BELIEVE.
There is GOOD out there. We oppose
The scientists had no clue that the message of
the circle was implying that they were the
bearers. They even constructed a circle of there
own as a reply asking for help.
That message reads:
“We WELCOME all who RESPECT our FREE WILL. If you CHOOSE to HELP, then
help us to help ourselves. There is GOOD HERE too. WE LOOK for a reply.”

The May 22 nd circle message, I believe is their reply. The circle makers cannot give
discreet answers but can only hint in a subtle way because just as we said in our message
“help us to help ourselves” They know any other way and we will loose our dignity.
Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for life.

This crop circles message in a nut shell.
The Anunnaki aliens Enki, and his son Thoth are the ones who manipulated the
genetics of mankind. Then Enki’s assistant his wife and half sister did a spiritual
incantation to bless the procedure to make it possible for Eve, to reproduce. As it says
in our bible they took a portion of Adam. Doing this dividing the life spirit in Adam, and
giving half to Eve causing a breech in both. The breech can only be healed through
time. Enki’s manipulation of our genes resulted in thousands of years of man’s
advancement in his physical body but the life spirit could not be advanced. The breech
could only be repaired through time by us learning how to live and suffering the
consequences of our mistakes. Ever since then mankind has been suffering while the
effort goes on to repair the breech. What God put together let no one asunder. This
breech in nature resulted in what has become known as Pandora’s Box. Man tries to
heal the breech in himself through science which has resulted in a repeat of the
original event “the fall.” This atomic age we live in came about by splitting the
atom/Adam which resulted in its own Pandora’s Box. The fallout of this effort is
resulting in much pain. The statement “What God put together let no one asunder” is
now echoing in the heads of the scientists today to a degree that they are trying to
reverse the process with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN which Dr. Michio
Kaku calls “the Genesis Machine, by smashing two atoms together in hopes that it will
repair the breech and they will find the answer to the problem. Man’s noble efforts
through science will only result in more pain. The original consummation event was
blessed spiritually and can only be corrected through the spirit. This is this crop circles
message. There has been a wall set up in nature known to us as the zero point 2012. It
is nature’s way of getting rid of the problem. The planet is being purged of the
problem ever since it’s beginning by nature. Man’s effort to conquer nature through
science only hinders the situation. The zero point events happening in 2012 are
simultaneous death and rebirth events, those who can’t accept its consequences will
die. Those who can, will live.
In the elusive dark matter there is unlimited energy available to those, who
will live on. The zero point wall setup against science is there to prevent man from
entering the cosmic community until our planetary purification takes place and he is
able to handle the responsibilities involved. The zero point 2012 is the fulcrum point
between life and death in the weighing of the heart of mankind.

Betty Andreasson/Luca is an Alien Abducti and had many books
written about her experiences.

I met her, I believe in 1991, I found her book in a second hand store and began
reading it. I was fascinated by the fact the alien spoke through her. I came to the page
where the alien was speaking in a strange language, and then they heard him saying
“base 32 base 32 signal curvature, then Betty said he is telling her it is a place. It
seemed like these words jumped off the page at me and I knew what they meant. I got a
little excited, so I called Betty on the phone and asked her if anyone figured out what
the words meant. She said no, all kinds of people tried to figure out what they meant
even NASA scientists had no clue. I told her that I sensed the words meant. They
described how they home in on this planet. It is the beacon signal of earth as base 32. It
means earth’s acceleration of gravity as 32 feet per second per second. The word
curvature as a clue, gave it away. Einstein showed that gravity is caused by the
curvature of space. They tune in to our acceleration of gravity as a beacon signal to
locate earth.
Ever since then Betty, her husband Bob, and her daughter Becky and I have
been communicating. It seems like as time goes on, I am able to grasp more and more
of the meaning of the clues they gave her.
The reason I am bringing them into the picture in this article, is because of the
similarity of the two messages which tend to vindicate each other. The alien’s message
through Betty to mankind is identical to the message in these two circles.
Back in 1979 the “beings” told us through Betty “no more will be under stood
until we search it out spiritually”. The UFO community at that time basically rejected
Betty’s messages because in those days most of the UFO community was made up of
“nuts and bolts” type enthusiasts.
By tying both these messages together, I am led to show in the pages that follow
what is at hand for us here on earth, in the very near future.

First notice the beings said the scientist must bury the past. Also notice they said
there is an even flow and there are waves being sent out. It the following paragraph you
will see that what I was led to say a few paragraphs back about mans separation is what
the alien Joophop, also told Betty.
“Why it is man does not seek love all the time, Joophop?” Betty wandered.
“Why is it?” Because man separated himself he has become dual--separation duality he
has formed that other side, he has made it to happen. It was all good at one time. Even
his choice was good at one time. He has separated it. Even in love there is some

The following conversations are quoted from a page of her book “The
Andreasson Affair” authored by Ray E Fowler published in 1979.
Betty was hypnotized by a group of scientists and they were asking her questions trying
to get some information about the aliens. She was speaking about some formulas the
aliens had given her, when all at once to the amazement of all the people there she
started to speak in a different voice. After a few minutes it became obvious that an alien
“being” had started talking through her and began addressing the group. Then the
scientist began asking questions.

DAVID WEBB Betty, is there something that they want us to understand right now?
BETTY (after a pause) Yes.
DAVID WEBB Do you know what it is? Can you tell us what it is?
BETTY (pause) something about scientists must bury the past.
FRED YOUNGREN Say some more. Tell us more!
BETTY There is an even flow. There are waves that are being sent out. And there are
old walls that need to be broken down.
DAVID WEBB Can you tell us more?
FRED YOUNGREN Does this relate to the formulas that they gave you, or is this
BETTY This is different, something about circling the plain. Circle the plain, P, L, A, I,
N. UH---count three and four, count three and four. Counting three and four is very
FRED YOUNGREN Can you tell us
what the three and four relate to?
BETTY It’s something about a door, and
it’s going to be opened. Oh, my hands!
mentioned star seeco is that a place?
DAVID WEBB Is that where they are
DAVID WEBB What does it mean to
BETTY It’s something about a two and a
four and zero, zero,
and line under zero, zero, zero, keeps on Joseph Santangelo activates the tape
going. as Betty begins to relive her buried
DAVID WEBB Betty did they ever tell, memories.
you give you, the name of the place where
they are from?
BETTY I can’t pronounce it.

The first statement the beings made in the hypnoses section was “scientist must
bury the past there is an even flow and waves are being sent out. Old walls/traditions
need to be broken down.” These statements are saying events repeat or become as
traditions, man hates change due to fear of the unknown. What they are basically saying
is a repeat of Jesus’ statement. “The traditions of man make the word of no avail. The
word in this statement means the flow of the cosmic DNA pattern of our Sun and Moon
that man should be in sync with. The statement “there is an even flow” is the flow of
the spiraling DNA/word or “spirit of life” of the Sun and Moon that continually sends
out waves.
The statement circling the plain refers to the plain of the Zodiac. Counting three
and four refers to the energy flow as we circle the plain of the Zodiac. There are two
energies one is the magnetic spiritual and the other is the gravitational physical. The
magnetic resonates with the number three and the gravitational resonates to four. They
said that counting three and four relates to a door. Every quarter of a turn around the
Zodiac, the two energies have to come into balance with each other and is a disasterist
time. That is what is going to happen at zero point 2012. The two and four -- zero, zero
has to do with time. At zero point 2012 the polar axis is going to shift 1 degree. When
this happens the precessional time will shift from 25920 years to 24000 years. At this
time we will enter a new dimension. The reason Betty had trouble trying to describe
where the aliens are from is because they are not from a place they are from a time. The
time they are from resonates to 24 which is where we are going to enter.
In the book of Revelation of the Bible there is a statement where it says the four
and twenty elders bowed down to worship God. Each elder means 1000 years. That is
when the shifting of the pole will happen. Our polar axis is tilted 23.5 degrees and will
shift 1 degree to 22.5 degrees. That 1 degree is the door or “The One” to which we are
going through to a new dimensional consciousness.

For those who would like to go deeper into the alien creation of Adam and Eve
can do this by getting books by Zachariah Sitchin who researched the Anunnaki alien

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