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When a goldfinch enters the thickness of

the laburnum, it fills the tree with life, with
joy and love. The tree is lifeless without the
bird. In the end the tree grieves as the
goldfinch leaves it and goes away. Who on earth
would want such a thing almo st like an end to
happen? No one, but still it happens and everyone
moans. But the tree thanks the bird heartily , for
it has at least shown what the life is and then
bids farewell to the bird.

As he took over the office of We all know that he is leaving us .

Principal, Saini k School, Bijapu r, We thank him from our heart for all
there was a boost in academ ic those beautiful deeds he has done
performance of all the student s.
There was no ti me los t. There wa s
improvement in results of all
cadets from VI to XII at the y ear
end. In class X and XII board
results, we have achieved 100%
pass in the las t two years. To day
because of his efforts we are
proud to say t hat Sainik Scho ol
Bijapur is the only Sainik Scho ol
in the coun try with th is
remarkable accom plishment. In fa ct
class XII reco rded 100% resu lts
after a long gap of 23 years. This
was possible o nly due to t he
sustained effo rts, hard work,
dedication and commitment of o ur
principal and our teachers. His Co l K K Su n n y, P rin c ip al , Sa in ik Sch ool , B ij ap u r,
ad d r e s sin g Cad et s & St a f f a ft er r e vi e win g th e P arad e
tryst with a dministration is
for us. It was due to his leadership that the technology
integration in the transaction of syllabi was done. The
automation of educational software covering all Science & Maths
topic of the CBSE VI to XII wa s purchased and installed . Ours is
one of the technologically developed Schools in India. It is all
due to his efforts. The credit of networking all classrooms with
computers and appropriate projection system goes to our
principal. Even the technology prov ided for educational purpose
has made the learning process effective and easy.

Sir has also been making sustained efforts to motivate our

cadets to opt for a career in the officer cadre of our Armed
forced, which is the ma in objective of the school. Sir undertook
and initiated several projects to boost standard of life enjoyed
by the cadets and to improve the quality of life in the campus.
This list of improvement done by him is unending. Besides
painting and repairing of main building and hostels, new
stainless steel furniture
has been provided in
cadets’ mess. Sir took
pain to get us Vijayanta
Tank Mark -II and an
artillery gum for
motivational purposes and
today they are displayed
beautifully. We owe a
great deal of gratitude
to our principal for his

fervent support, help

The Cadets enjoy the life in the campus
and love of cadets. To tell some of the
infrastructural developments done by him
during his stay are asphalting of most of the
internal roads in campus, distempering and
repairing of academic block, classes, cadets

Language Lab
mess and houses, co nstruction of dairy and goat shed,
refurbishing of Ajeet Bhavan with Air conditioning and gardens
and list goes on. The drastic and ambitious aforestation done by
him has brought drastic change around us . Now you can see
beautiful and magnificent gardens all around campus. Be it in
front of the mess, around school building or around Ajeet Bhavan.
All these have changed the environment of the campus.

All these improvements are due to his non -compromising

determination, hard work and urge of our principal to improve. He
is always enthusiastic and cheerful. There is a drastic
improvement in discipline of cadets in school with each and every
cadet being personally checked by him. One cannot afford to be
undisciplined but can only go on improving upon day by day .

If any cadet today can boast of his personality or flaunt

those bright
canvas shoes or
any anything
turnout, it is
because of this
wonderful person.
There isn’t a
single day when
be hasn’t talked
to cadets. He has
always come to
mess and barracks
to see and know
personally if
there were any problems regarding food or our stay in school. He
visited our barracks and classrooms almost everyday and ensured
cleanliness and good health around us. This has improved the
quality of life we live. Even the air we are breathing is
purified by the saplings planted by him.
You have car ved a special place for yourself in our heart . We
remember you as an honest , hardworking and kind gentleman who has
come in our lives and transformed us all. After his arrival every
one of us felt a kind of the love in the air of campus. The
purest form of it is in our campus. His infinite love towards us
has made us discover our talents and we began to give the best of
ourselves. It’s really very melancholic for us to know tha t we
will be missing all those lively and humorous questions .The
harsh side of reality has dawned. The waves of sadness have
entered our heart.

3579 Vishwanath B Hiremath 3613 Siddanagouda B Hosagoudar

XII,Wod XII, Vij

Compiled by
D.Vijaya Kumar
Master in English

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