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Primary Talent Show


What you will need:

Decorations- Balloons, streamers, etc.
Gold Chocolate Coins
Sign-up Sheet- Provided below
Program for Talent Show- You will need to make up a program to pass out to everyone at the Talent show.
This will show them the order of performances.
Parable of the Talents Story- Either to read to the children or have teacher’s do a skit.
Concession Stand- Popcorn, candy, drinks, etc.
Tickets- you can buy a roll of tickets at any party store. Make sure they’re the ones that come with the stubs.
These will be handed out to each person. This will be explained later.

Order of Performances- a few weeks before the talent show you will need to send a sign up sheet around to
the parents. They will need to write down what their child(ren) will be doing for the Talent show, whether it is
something they will perform or if it will be something for the display tables (explained below).
Once you have all of the talents, you will type up a list telling the order of each child’s performance.
Display Tables: If you would like you can set up tables for talents that do not convey well on the stage.
Artworks and crafts are nice to look at and it allows those people to participate in the talent show as well. Have
these available to look at before and after the performance period. Print each child’s name that will be
displaying something for the talent show. After you set up your tables assign a space for each child by attaching
their name to that spot. When the children come tell them where they will be displaying their things.
Tables or Chairs: Set up some chairs in front of the stage for the seating area. Or you can set up tables where
each family can sit. You will also need to set up your Concession Stand/Dessert table.
Decorations: Set up any decorations that will be used for this activity.

Talent Show:
If you choose to have a concession stand, have the families go and visit the concession stand as they come in to
the Talent Show. Once everyone is there have everyone sit down and start the show.

Begin with opening prayer. Have everyone sit down, and then tell them the Parables of the Talents. Discuss the
story with the children (you won’t want this too long). After the story, begin the Talent Show.

Have the first 3-5 performers come up. After each child is finished, they can go and sit back down. After the
first group of performers are done get your bag of ticket stubs and have your first ‘Talent Show Giveaway’.
While you are doing your giveaway, have a helper get the next group of children. (I thought this would help
move things along more smoothly, and it makes it fun!

End the Talent Show with a short message. Remind the children of the Parable of the Talents and then hand out
the gold chocolate coins. End with a closing prayer.
Some other ideas:
- For our Talent show we are using ‘Primary Bucks’ for our Concession Stands. For the last 2 weeks we have
been handing out ‘Primary Bucks’ to children that are reverent, answer questions, sing loudly, etc. In the back
of our Primary Room is a poster. On each poster is a pocket with each child’s name. When the children get
‘Primary Bucks’ they place them in their pocket (they do this after church or when they are dismissed for class).
The night of the Talent Show we will hand out the Primary Bucks to each child. They will get to use the
‘Primary Bucks’ that they earned to buy different treats from the Concession Stand.

-Have a dessert pot luck. Ask each family to bring their favorite dessert to share with everyone.

-If you’re looking for a theme for you Talent Show you could use: ‘You’re A Star!’ Have stars all over the
cultural hall, star center pieces, etc. You could have each child’s name on a star. There is a really cute song in
the Children’s Songbook called, ‘Every Star is Different’. You could have the teachers sing it to all of the
children or have all of the children sing it to their families.

-Another story that you could share at the beginning or end of the Talent Show is the story of the little boy
practicing baseball. This can be found in the May 2010 Ensign, General Conference Addresses; ‘All Things
Work Together for Good, Elder James B. Martino. The story is at the beginning of his talk. It talks about a little
boy that gets discouraged after attempting to hit the ball, but misses every time. But after his 3rd fail he suddenly
smiles and says, “What a pitcher!”
Primary Talent Show Sign-up
Child’s Name Talent
Talent Length of Time Display

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