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g: Principles and
- the process of producing
organic fertilizer
(vermicompost) from
bio-degradable materials
with earthworms
 Similar to ordinary
composting except that
earthworms (vermi) are
 In ordinary composting,
microorganisms (i.e.,
bacteria and fungi) are
the “decomposers” while
in vermicomposting,
microorganisms and
earthworms (“soil
engineers”) work
─ Vermicompost does not heat.
─ Vermicompost can be used for improving soil
texture and enhancing water-holding capacity
of soil.
─ Vermicompost may be low in NPK but
contains essential micronutrients (e.g.,
calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper,
iron and zinc) not found in “complete

- Vermicompost has microbial activities

that promote plant health and
pest/disease resistance.
- The quality of vermicompost depends on
the materials used and the processes
 Action of earthworms in the
composting process has the
benefits/advantages of:
─ C:N (C-75% N-25%)
─ Compost-feeding
earthworms (e.g., “African
nightcrawler”) digest organic
matter in their alimentary
tract and produce “sanitized,
deodorized and texturized”
humus (castings).
─ Vermicompost consisting of
castings and undigested
organic matter contains
plant growth regulators (i.e.,
auxins, gibberelins and
humic acid)
Plant Nutrient Profiles of
Grasses (75%) + Kakawate Leaves (25%)

Nutrient (%) BEFORE AFTER

Nitrogen 0.53 2.74
Phosphorus 0.29 1.33
Potassium 0.65 3.54
Calcium 0.02 0.29
Magnesium 0.08 0.52
Iron 0.12 0.43
Copper 0.001 0.005
Zinc 0.004 0.01
Manganese 0.006 0.03
 For Japanese rice (Korishaki
variety) production in Canlaon
City, Oriental Negros
 OISCA FARM (c/o Tony Mapa)
─ Vermicompost is produced from
rice straw and cattle manure
─ Vermicompost is applied at two
tons per hectare during land
preparation (basal); urea is
applied for top-dressing
─ Rice yield is 1.6 tons/ha in wet
season and 2.4 tons/ha in dry
─ Savings on use of chemical
fertilizer; improved soil structure
and good eating quality of rice
 For sugarcane production in
Negros Oriental (more than
4,000 has)
 Rolly Bongoyan (Basay)
─ Vermicompost is applied at 1.5
tons/ha at a cost of P4,500 in
addition to 150 kg of chemical
fertilizer (P3,000).
─ Sugarcane production
increased from an average of
55-60 metric tons to 70-80
metric tons/ha
─ Average sucrose recovery rates
improved to 2.51 LKGTC from
2.10 LKGTC
 Alex J. Amor, Jr. (Sibulan)
-Vermicompost produced from
bagasse, sawdust, leaves and
animal manures
-Vermicompost is applied at
750 kg – 1 ton/ha
-Yield of sugarcane is 90-100
tons/ha with 1 ton of
vermicompost (P3,200) and
400 kg of chemical fertilizer
with savings of at least P7,000
compared to using chemical
fertilizer alone.
Advantages of
 Faster than many other forms of composting
 Resulting soil is richer than many other forms
of composting
 Easy to set up and manage
 Environment-friendly
 Recommended method under RA 9003
(Ecological Waste Management Act of 2001)
 Provides income
Advantages of
 Eliminates the problem of garbage disposal
(70% of garbage going to landfills can be
 Reduces biodegradable wastes to about 1/3
of its original size
 Local markets of vermicomposting are
 Vermicompost has no offensive odor,
texturized, and pathogen-free
Materials needed
 Earthworms (African Night Crawlers)
- 100 worms per square meter
 The Culture bed
- maybe a clean steel barrel, used basin, pail,
used cement bags, etc.
- maintain 60% moisture level of pile
-Ideal depth is 18 inches and varies in sizes
from 3x3 ft to 4x8 ft.
Materials needed
 The Culture bed
- the deeper the bed, the more compact it
gets, and with little activity of the worms
- must be free-draining under the composting
Materials needed
 The Feed Stock
- anything of biodegradable nature (vegetable
left overs, animal manure, rice straw, banana
stems, dried leaves, banana peelings, farm
wastes, grasses, etc.
- shredding hastens decomposition
- must be kept at darker environment
- for good quality organic matter, combine
75% grasses & 25% kakawate leaves
Materials needed
 75-90 kgs compostible materials needs 1 kg
of vermi (worms)
- in 30 days, 0.5 kg earthworms can produce
10 kgs of vermicompost
- 3 parts grass (75%) & 1 part Nitrogen
source (25%) (may include animal wastes,
kakawate leaves, ipil-ipil leaves, azolla, vines,
kudzu, centrocema,mungo, peanuts and
Materials needed
 The Feed Stock
- must undergo anaerobic decomposition
before putting the worms
- water the vermicomposting units
- provide shelter from heavy rains to minimize
leaching out of plant nutrients; also against
predators such as birds, rats, frogs, ants, etc.
Organic Fertilizer
Comparative Cost: 50 kg
Chemical Fertilizer vs.
Year 2006 Year 2007

 Urea: P 800 -950  Urea: P 950.00

Made from natural gas -1,000+

 Vermicompost  Vermicompost
P 100.00-150.00 P 200.00-250.00
Made from leaves, grass,
animal manure, etc.
 Vermicompost for SALE……
P 8.00 / kl. - P 10.00 / kl.
P 200.00 per bag (50 kls.)

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