What Is Vermicompost Rev01

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Black Gold Organic Fertilizer™ Vermicompost consist 0% Animal Dung, which means it is free from patogen

that might harm you and your love one's health. You can now have your kids or pets in your garden/
greenhouses as well instead of locking them up indoor whilst you handling your greens.

What is vermicompost?

Vermicompost is basically the worms’ poo! The worms consume composted or composting organic material,
which will then pass through the unique worm digestive system converting the nutritional organic matter
to vermicast. Your plants will love the vermicompost.It is also commonly called vermicast, worm cast,
worm poo or worm manure, and black gold. We simply call it Organics Fertilizer.

Why Organic Fertilizer?

A bag that says 20-20-20 (N-P-K)is does not mean its 10 times better than a bag labeled 2-2-2 (N-P-K).
No plant would want 20-20-20 of nutrients. No doubt in comparison to synthetic fertilizer, organic
fertilizers does contain lower levels of nutrients, but they do perform important functions which the
synthetic fertilizers do not. They increase the organic content and consequently the water-holding
capacity of the soil. The improvement of soil physical structure which allows more air to get to plant
roots. By applying organic fertilizers, the bacterial and fungal activity increases in the soil.
Mycorrhizal fungi which make other nutrients more available to plants thrive in soil where the organic
matter content is high. Organically derived plant nutrients are slow to seep from the soil making them
less likely to contribute to water pollution than synthetic fertilizers.

Advantages of Black Gold Organic Fertilizer™ vermicompost:

· Black Gold Organic Fertilizer™ vermicompost is free from pathogens, toxic elements, weed seeds etc as
it was not composted from animal dung or grass. Vermicast is one of the most nutrient dense amendment
you can find. It regulate the availability of essential plant nutrients and enhance fertilizers. By
adding it to your soil, it can help to revitalize "bad" soil.
· Rich in all essential plant nutrients. It contains valuable vitamins, enzymes and hormones like
auxins, gibberellins etc & are teeming with beneficial enzymes, microorganisms, humic acids and other
plant growth factors, it stimulate root system development and activity
· Vermicompost retains moisture better than regular soil. Simply mix in your soil or apply on top of
the soil around your garden plants.
· Vermicompost is the main organic fertilizer for planting and feeding of all agricultural crops,
forestry, and flower cultivation as well as soil reclamation.
· Vermicompost minimizes the incidence of pest and diseases. Promote plant health, stress tolerance and
pest & disease resistance, it can be used to control insects, because there is a high concentration of
chitinase producing microorganisms in it that break down chitin (the substance forming exoskeleton of
insects). Add vermicompost to soil around plants to control insects or make vermicompost «tea» (refer
compost tea section below) and sprinkle to leaves during vegetation to boost growth.
· Vermicompost fights insects effectively during first 6 months.
· Provides excellent effect on overall plant growth, encourages the growth of new shoots / leaves and
improves the quality and shelf life of plant
· Vermicompost is easy to apply, easy to handle and easy for storing. Best of all, its odourless!
· It improves soil structure, texture, aeration, and waterholding capacity and prevents soil erosion.
· Vermicompost is rich in beneficial micro flora such as a fixers, P- solubilizers, cellulose
decomposing micro-flora etc in addition to improve soil environment. It enhances the decomposition of
organic matter in soil.
· Vermicompost can be used for all crops at any stage of the crop development---by crops, it meant
veggies, fruit trees, flowers, field crops*

How to use Black Gold Organic Fertilizer™ vermicompost

· Use it as a mulch.
Adding vermicast as a top dressing to your soil can help to keep the weeds down. It will also reduce
the need to water your garden, and it improves the appearance of your soil. In essence, it can replace
your usual mulch of dry leaves/ wet straws etc. How to mulch: Apply a 1-2cm vermicompost layer to the
area around fruit trees. This method of humus application is beneficial for all tropical plants
(durian, langsat, rambutan, mangosteen etc). In this case outcome increases as much as 30% and ripening
periods are 10-15 days shorter.

· Use it when planting.

Unlike most of the commercially available synthetic products on the market today, vermicast is
completely natural and safe. You can add it to your planting hole directly and not have to worry about
damaging the roots of your plants. It helps to stabilize anything newly planted.

· Use it as a fertilizer.
Again, unlike synthetic fertilizers, vermicast is completely safe to use in any planting endeavor. Use
it to fertilize your victory garden either in solid or liquid form. Since it is completely organic, it
is perfectly safe to use on anything you will be eating later in the season
· Use it when planting seeds.
Because it is so nutrient dense, vermicast helps improve seed germination, both indoors and outdoors.

· Use it as a soil conditioner.

Around any fairly recently built house there is a region close to the foundation which is backfill.
This backfill is usually full of stones, and other debris. Working vermicompost into these areas can
help to enrich these usually less than perfect soils and can help plantings close to the home.
Sandy soils will be improved by the organic matter which will retain water and supply nutrients. Clay
soils will be loosed by the hummic acid and organic matter. This creates better drainage, looses the
soil so it is easier to work, and promotes better root growth. How to: Add vermicompost to the top of
the soil in the garden or flower bed. Dig shallow trenches around plants and mix vermicompost in as you
backfill the trench. It can also be worked into a new bed using the same methods used for open ground.


1. Do not store the vermicompost for more than 30 days. ??????

2. Never mix with any chemical fertilizer as you will kill the benifical microbes.
3. The best time to apply is when it's warm and hot.
4. Apply vermi compost when the soil moisture condition is good & preferably during the monsoon season
(contradicting each other ~ pls decide)

General Application rate

Agricultural Use: 3-4 tonnes ha-1

Fruit Trees: 5-10 kg per tree
Vegetables: 3-4 tonnes ha-1
Flowers: 500-750 kg ha-1

Detailed Application rate & Method

Where Used Usage Direction

Vegetables and flowers and potted To make mixed soil/ potting soil Mix vermicompost at the ratio of
plants/ house plants for vegetables and flowers 1:3 with garden soil/ potting
Frequency: When making new soil around the base of the
bedding for seedings or plant, at any stage of
transplanting development and cover with soil.

Existing Garden, Flowerbed, and To feed vegetables and flowers at On the surface, try covering the
Plantings any stage. soil with about half to 1 inch
Frequency: Every two weeks or layer of vermicompost. The
less. The layer of vermicompost nutrients filter down to the
will help to retain moisture roots of your plants when you

Side-dress vegetables or plants.

Break up a couple of inches of
soil around each plant and mix in
some compost and water.

To feed plants during vegetation Apply 0.5 kg of vermicompost

around stems or between the
ridges once a month per 1 sq.m.,
mix it up and water.

To feed flowers and decorative Add 150-200 g of vermicompost

plants in the open ground monthly to each plant or 0.5 kg
per one sq.m. of the flower-bed,

To feed house plants Add 2-3 tablespoonfuls of

vermicompost to each plant

Agricultural crops (palm oil, To feed plantation crops Add 2kg of vermicompost
corns, wheats etc) monthly??? to each grown plant or
0.5 kg per one sq.m. of the
plantation/ field.

Fruit trees Planting/ transplanting fruit Add 2 kg of vermicompost to a

trees plant hole of each transplant
Frequency: When making new (durian, rambutan, mango etc) and
bedding for seedings or mix it with soil. When
transplanting transplanting a tree,
vermicompost can be added to the
soil. After digging the hole, mix
up to 30% vermicompost in with
the soil from the hole. After
mixing the soil, place the tree
in the hole and backfill with the
vermicompost mixture. This will
give more drainage, water
retetion, and nutrients to the
new tree.

To feed young fruit trees Top dress the base of the tree
Frequency: with vermicompost approximately
1~2 inch around 1 meter radius.

To feed bushes and fruit trees Distribute 0.5 kg of vermicompost

over 1 sq.m. of soil according to
the crown diameter.
To feed mature fruit trees
Open Ground, Replacing Topsoil To Enrich Average Soil Add an 1/8" to 1/4" layer of
vermicompost over the top of the
ground. If the ground is
unplanted, work the vermicompost
lightly in to the top couple of
inches of soil. For poor soils
add an 1" or more and work into
the top foot of the soil.

New Lawn / Top Dressing New Lawn New Lawn Add the vermicompost over the top
(Football field, Golf Turf etc of the grass seed. Don't exceed
more than a 1/4" though, 1/8" is
Top Dressing lawn is probably the ideal. The vermicompost will hold
best thing can do to improve the a good amount of water and
soil and to level the lawn. provide nutrients to the new
Overly sandy soil get enriched
with organic matter which Existing field, turf, lawn etc Evenly distribute vermicompost
improves the water retetion and Frequency: Annually across the field in approximately
nutriet content. Clay soil 1/4" or 1/8" height, must not
improve due to the hummic acid more than 1 inch height.
and organic matter, which helps
to break up the soil and improves After done with the top dressing
drainage, softens the soil, and level, water the lawn. Make sure
allows healthy root growth. The to give it a good soaking for the
added layer of soil encourages first day, but not too much water
root growth and stimulates new that will wash the top dressing
shoots, making the lawn denser. away! Apply water slowly. Make
sure lawn stays properly watered
for next two three weeks. Once
the lawn has taken hold, can go
back to normal watering.

Worm Compost (Vermicompost) Tea

Worm tea, a by-product made by adding worm castings or worm compost to water, can be used to fertilize
plants by spraying and help in prevention of dry fungus on plants.
Worm compost tea can be made by mixing compost with *soft water (rain water works best, or you can let
tap water sit overnight)


Put 1 glass of vermicompost into a bucket of room temperature *soft water. Mix it properly and leave it
for 24 hrs. This “tea” contains water soluble fractions of vermicompost (vitamins, phytohormones,
humates, fulvates, etc.), as well as microflora useful for soil and plants.
PS: Soak plant seeds in the solution for 12 hrs for better germination

For house plant: Mix 2 tablespoons of vermicompost to a liter of water and just spray it on plants.
For garden crops: Dilute the “tea” 3 times more: Use the ratio of 1:3 vermicompost to water. The
solution is good for sprinkling fruit trees hence increases trees capacity (fruits are bigger, richer,
and sweeter).

How to differentiate between vermicompost and vermicast:

A quick and simple way to check the quality of so-called pure worm castings:
· Pure worm castings will look like black coffee grounds!
· Take a wide mouth 2 of the 20 oz. drink bottles and place 4 oz. Of our pure worm castings in one
bottle and the same amount of another producer of worm castings or pure worm castings.
· Fill both bottles ¾ full with tap water and shake well and let stand for 5 minutes.

· Check for weed seeds and other materials (compost) not consumed by the worms. This is typical of
· Check for sand will settle out first. It is common for manure based fertilizers to contain a lot of
fine sand or sand added for weight.
· Then pour off the liquid and dump the sediment out and examine. It if feels and looks like mud, then
that is probably what it is. If it retains much of the original characteristics then it is pure worm
castings. Each pure worm cast is coated with calcium and takes time to dissolve.

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