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Chief Editor: By:

Mustafa Jamali Inauguration of Green House Shed Haneef Ghirano

The inauguration program was Masood Ahmed Lohar, National
Haneef Ghirano held at Mir Wah on Thrusday, 13th Coordinator UNDP GEF Small
Design By: May, 2010. This program was or- Grants Program Pakistan, Mr.
Shabeer Chandio ganized by the Society for Human Agha Wasif Abbas District Coordi-
& Environmental Development nation Officer Badin and Mr. Fida
(SHED) Badin. Hussain Mastoee District Police
Address: This is the first nursery of Sal- Officer, inaugurated the Green
Opposite Agha Khan Lab: vodora Persica in Pakistan, which House Shed Nursery, they visited
Golarchi Road Badin. the nursery, Mr. Masood Ahmed
is established by the Society for
Hello :0297861088 Lohar briefed the DCO and DPO
Human & Environmental Devel-
E-mail: Sahib about Salvodora Persica im- opment with the funding of
UNDP GEF Small Grants Pro- portance in context of climate
gram Pakistan. Salvodora Persica change.
tree /scrub bush has very much After the inauguration of Green
environmental and socio eco- House Shed, all the guests sit on
nomic benefits. The tree gives pro- their sets. Program started with the
tection to the land from salinity recitation of Holy Quran, recited
and water logging, branches and by Muhammad Ramzan Chawro,
roots are used as tooth brushes, its then gift of Sindhi Ajraks was pre-
fruit is food for the animals and sented to the guests.
birds, its wood is used as fire-
wood and for furniture. Due to all In the welcome speech Mr. Ghu-
these reasons this tree is being lam Mustafa Jamali President of
routed out at large scale. Accord- Society for Human & Environ-
ing the local forest Department mental Development (SHED)
officials that Salvodora (Persica) Badin thanked all the participants
is spread on 30000 thousands for their participation in this Pro-
acres on the land but due to it’s gram, specially DCO, DPO and
continues cutting process now Masood Lohar Sahib. He briefed
found on 6000 thousands acres the DCO and DPO for the unlaw-
only. The said tree / scrub bush ful cutting and genocide of Sal-
is found scattered on different vodora Persica tree in the District
places In the light of above facts, Badin. Further he request for coor-
there is urgent need for interven- dination about 144 ordinance will
tion for conservation of this tree. be imposed and fully act through
out the District about the unlawful
Before the start the Program Mr. cutting of this tree.
Web Magazine



Haneef Ghirano Project Coordina- 2010. In the last, he briefly de-
tor (SHED) briefed the audience scribed the Salvodora Persica im-
about the project aims and objec- portance, it’s common, economical
tives and presented the project and medically benefits of this
progress. He said that SHED or- matchless tree.
ganization completed the village Honourable Mr. Masood Ahmed
base line survey of coastal belt vil- Lohar said that in Pakistan before
lages, formed Local community this no one take this type of initiate
groups in the villages, conducted for the safeguarding of this tree.
School Awareness Programs at This is a unique effort for the pre-
Government Boys High School serving and regenerating of this
Seerani and Bhughra Memon, tree. He said that SHED organiza-
conducted awareness Rallies at tion is working very well in this
Kadhan and Seerani cities in context. He announced Jar Friends
which 600 peoples of coastal belt
club with the permission of Hon-
Participated. Conducted aware- ourable DCO and DPO. Jar Friend
ness meetings and seminars in the Club is group regarding Salvodora
villages about Importance of Sal-
Persia Protection and Propagation,
vodora Persica and its eco-system, on that occasion, Honourable DCO
Climate change and Environ-
became the first member of Jar
mental Development through Sal-
Friends Club, Mr. Fida Hussain
vodora Persica Nursery Propaga-
Mastoee, District Police Officer
tion messages given to the people Badin, Mr. Masood Ahmed Lohar,
of District Badin, THatta, and
all Government and NGOs official,
Tando Muhammad Khan through Journalists and community mem-
FM Radio and TV Cable Network. bers, which were all present in the
On the Salvodora Persica Nursery Program became the members of
Propagation, said that SHED with this group. Further, He introduced
the support of UNDP GEF Small all UNDP GEF Partners to the DCO
Grants Program Pakistan Estab- and DPO sahib, and updates the
lished 02 Green House Sheds, 1st progress of their projects. He said
at Mir Wah where beside se are that we provide low cost energy ef-
sitting now and our Honourable
ficient house in Badin Thatta and
guests inaugurated the Green Karachi, and now we are introduce
House Shed and 2nd at Village this technology in the Different
Soomar Chawro Union Council countries in the world because this
Seerani Taluka Badin. In these house is an energy efficient and low
Green House Sheds about 15000 cost, many countries has invited us
plants of Salvodora Persica are for facilitation and technical exper-
growing, and will be planted in tise for the construction of this
the coastal belt villages in the unique type house further he said that
month of August and September, we are working on conserving the some
Web Magazine



threaded breed like “Kamori Badin. District Government Badin

Goat” and “Richhi Sheep”. Fi- will fully cooperate with UNDP for
nally he invites the District Gov- its programs in Badin. He said that
ernment official that they do ac- it is our prime responsibility that
countability of our projects and we work together in any social
activities. work. Agha Wasif Sahib Siad, they
Mr. Fida Hussain Mastoee DPO district government will do com-
Badin said in his speech that there plete cooperation with SHED or-
is need of more work on environ- ganization for Nursery Propagation
mental development; this is our of Salvodora Persica, further he said
duty that we do together for the that District Forest Department
betterment of our country. He of- Badin will do plantation of this tree
fered SHED organization for 4 on the banks of canals.
acres land near DPO office for Sal- In this program 100 participants
vodora Persica Plantation. participated from Different NGOs,
Agha Wasif Abbas DCO Badin Government Officials, Local Com-
munity Group Members, villagers,
said that he is satisfied on the
Electronic and Print Media repre-
UNDP GEF programs in District

Awareness Rally @ Seerani By: Haneef Ghirano

Badin the oil and gas rich district ponds in coastal areas has created
of Pakistan is the poorest area on serious environmental and ecologi-
the human development index cal problems in district Badin, pos-
with only 3% girls’ education and ing grave threats for many species
10-15% boys education and lim- of birds, animal and fish.
ited health, livelihood and potable In coastal belt of Badin there are so
water facilities. Badin is a hazard- many plants and trees are available,
prone district, which over the last but Salvodora Persica tree is the
five decades has remained in the most import tree of this area re-
grip of an uninterrupted cycle of garding the fodder of animal, shed
disasters in one form or the other. for birds and medicinally and eco-
Cyclones, heavy rainfalls, nomically benefits for human being.
droughts and floods flow each But in few years the unlawful cut-
other with short-lived intervals. ting and genocide of this tree, made
The areas of Union Council Seer- many economical and environ-
ani, Bhughra Memon, Kadhan and mental problems in this area. Re-
Ahmed Rajo are just a few inches garding this SHED Badin with the
above sea level, where tidal waves Funding of UNDP GEF Small
of the sea come twice a day with- Grants Program Pakistan is launch-
out fail, affecting the livelihoods ing a project about “Eco-
of the communities. The discharge Development in the Coastal Zone
of industrial waste into lakes and
Web Magazine



through Salvodora Persica Nurs- is our religious & national responsi-

ery Propagation and Advocacy”. bility to protect the Salvodora Per-
To continue the project activities sica tree at all costs. He briefed
an awareness rally about Salo- about the aims and objectives of
vodora Persica program was or- project. Further he said that SHED
ganized at Seerani town Tauka Badin and UNDP GEF Small grants
Badin on Tuesday, 4th May, 2010. Program Pakistan, was committed
This program was organized by to protecting the environmental
the Society for Human & Environ- rights of the people of the coastal
mental Development (SHED) with belt without any discrimination.
the collaboration of United Nation Mr. Shabeer Ahmed Chandio
Development Program (UNDP) (Social Organizer) said that, SHED
GEF Small Grants Program Paki- organization established 01 nursery
stan. The objective of this pro- at Mir Wah Mori, where Salvodora
gram was to safeguard and pre- Persica plants planted and within
serve the richest tree of Salvodora few months plantation will held in
Persica (Jaar/ Khabar) of Coastal the villages of coastal belt.
Belt Badin and to aware the Mr. Aziz Ahmed Khaskheli
coastal belt community through (Social worker from Seerani) said
Salvodora Persica Nursery propa- that it’s our prime responsibility
gation. A great numbers of social that we save and preserve our natu-
workers, community organization ral recourses. He further said the
members, villagers, citizens, elec- District management of Badin will
tronic and print media persons, act of 144 ordinance regarding the
religious persons, students and cutting and genocide of Salvodora
teachers participated in this rally. Persia.
This program started from
Bhughra Memon stop and end at Mr. Ramzan Chawro (Journalist)
Mir Wah Mori; at the end of this addressed the crowd and said that
rally the activists also addressed media will fully cooperate with
the crowd. Community, Government and Non
Government Organization for solu-
Haneef Ghirano (Project tion of problem of Coastal belt of
Coordinator SHED Badin) ad- Badin.
dressing the gathering, He said it
Web Magazine



Awareness Rally @ Kadhan By: Haneef Ghirano

An awareness rally about Salo- plants are useful for animals,

vodora Persica program was organ- birds and human beings. The
ized at Kadhan town Tauka Badin Holy Prophet (SAAW) has made
on Tuesday, 10th May, 2010. This it obligatory on us to protect
program was organized by the Soci- them, plant them and take care of
ety for Human & Environmental them. The Holy Prophet (SAAW)
Development (SHED) with the col- used to forbid his companism to
laboration of United Nation Devel- cut trees or to harm them during
opment Program (UNDP) GEF the battles and after them. Finally
Small Grants Program Pakistan. he said that it is our responsibil-
The objective of this program was ity that we protect and conserve
to safeguard and preserve the rich- our natural resources.
est tree of Salvodora Persica (Jaar/
Haneef Ghirano (PC SHED
Khabar) of Coastal Belt of Badin
Badin) addressing the gathering,
and to aware the coastal belt com- he said that trees are our big
munity through Salvodora Persica
natural recourses, Trees insert an
Nursery propagation. A great num- unrivalled attractiveness to the
bers of social workers, community world and without them the
organization members, villagers, world would have seemed like a
citizens, electronic and print media terrible wasteland. It is these
persons, religious persons, students trees which have maintained the
and teachers participated in this
ecological and environmental
rally. This program started from stability of this world. Trees are
Badin stop and end at Kadhan Press
our general assets losing them
Club; at the end of this rally the ac-
will be tantamount to losing life.
tivists also addressed the crowd. He said that SHED organization
Addressing the rally partici- with the funding of UNDP GEF
pants Mr. Abdullah Chandio Small Grants Program Pakistan is
(Social worker from Kadhan) said launching a project regarding
that there are many important safeguarding, conserving and re-
trees are destruction in the coastal generating the Salvador Persica
belt due to unavailability of agri- Eco-system in the three union
cultural water, poverty and un- council Kahdan, Seerani, and
awareness, people are cutting the Bhughra Memon of Taluka Badin
trees and sale it in the market. He through the Salvodora Persica
said that Trees play a vital role in Nursery Propagation and Advo-
absorbing pollution. All trees and cacy.

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