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Chinese Health Disciplines and Homeopathic Remedies?

The Chinese are actually

leading the way in
homeopathic remedies
for more than 5,000
years, mixing state-of-
the-art science with
production techniques
and nature. Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM)
utilizes herb and plant
remedy for ailments;
they were able to come
up with this using the
knowledge of Chinese
health disciplines along
with Oriental treatments.
After that plenty of documented theories, strategies and systems are categorized
under homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy is a total medical system that concentrates more on preventing an

ailment just before it occurs in addition to using a classic way on managing all
forms of illnesses; Chinese Medicine was the first form of homeopathy. Through
thousands of years of using herbs, oriental medicine has gathered a wealthy
experience concerning various herbal remedies. And just like micro systems along
with different parts of your body, it is proved that many herbs are actually
helpful. But of course, a few has negative effects that are furthermore noted and

Homeopathic remedies are preparations which cause particular signs and

symptoms in healthy individuals who are given as the cure for patients showing
similar signs and symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are prepared by serial
dilution with shaking by forceful striking, which homeopaths term succession, a
process for "potentization." Until all substances are used up, dilution continues.

Essentially the most healthful part of a herb are taken out by technology to get
the finest natural ingredients. Unwanted effects can be lowered by using much
less dosage and is achieved through the use of nano-microencapsulation
technology with plant extraction hence the bioavailability of active ingredients are
elevated and at exactly the same time the quantity of ingredients used is
decreased. Each individual component is specifically prepared using different
approaches. A few methods applied to the herbs are proprietary methods to draw
out small molecular substances and the distinct macromolecules in the herbs.

Traditionally, the most effective method of plant removal is by making use of

water, ethanol, other organic solvents, or supercritical CO2 extraction techniques.
The disadvantage for using this process is that in many instances, just the small
molecular compounds are being extracted. Through many years of study and
research of homeopathic remedies, Canfo finds that some plant's macromolecule
is really the powerful component. And these macromolecules are dumped or
wasted when working with the traditional method of extraction. But there are a
few companies who have created a proprietary way of removal that extracts both
the small molecular compounds and particular macromolecules in the herbs.

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