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L617| Jan, 25 / Reb. 7 —Terce of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle | L 617 N.B. If this Feast is kept on a Sunday only, Terce continues as here given, but on a Monday, it continues with the Psalms as given on pp. L 619 - L 620; and on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday with the Psalms as given on pp. L620 - L 623 + Tone 8 HE Psalm 118, wy. 33 ~ 40. The Ist Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Sth portion of the Ist Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): Set be-fore me for a law, O Lord, the way of Thy | sta-tites, * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse: and I will seek after it con- | tin-u-al-lf. And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter Give me understanding, and I will search out | Thy law, * and I will keep it with my whéle heart. Guide me in the path of Thy com- | m&nd-ménts, * for I | have de- Incline my heart unto Thy tés-tim- | 6-nies, * and not unto | cé-vet-oiis-néss. Turn away mine eyes that I may not see van- { it-7, * quicken Thou | mé in Thy way. Establish for Thy sér-vant Thine 6r- | a-clé * | iin-to fear of Theé. Remove my re-proach which f | have fear’d, * for Thy | jidg-ments are godd. Behold, I have longed after Thy com-| mand-ménts; * in Thy righ- | teous-ness quick-en mé. Glory be to the Fath-er, and t6 | the Sén, * and | t6 the Hé-ly Ghést. As it was in the beginning, both now and | év-ér, * and unto the ages of ges. A-mén. Psalm 118, w. 41 ~ 48: The Ist Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 6th portion of the ist Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): Let Thy mer-cy come also up-on me, | © Lérd, * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse. even Thy salvation ac-cord- J ing to Thy word. ‘And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter. So shall I give an answer to thém that re- | proach mé, * for I have | hoped in Th words. And take not utterly out of my moiith the word | of Trdth,* for in Thy | jiidg-ments have I héped. So shall I keep Thy law continual-lj, for | év-ér, * and unto the &- | ges of &-gés. And I walk’d in spa- | cious-néss, * for after Thy com- | mand-ments héve I sofight. And I spake of Thy testi-md-nies be- | fore kings, * and | I was nét a-shdmed. And I meditated an Thy com- | mnd-ménts * which | I have greét-ly lved. And I lifted up my hands to Thy commandments which I | have léved, * and I pondered | dn Thy sté-tdtes. Glory be to the Fath-er, and t6 | the % Son, * and | td the Hé-ly Ghést. As it was in the beginning, both ndw and | év-ér, * and unto the ages of La-ges. A-mén. L618| Jan, —erce of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle | L 618 + tT. at be tm Tone 8 HE

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