We Arrived at The Summer Palace

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we arrived at the Summer Palace

M: Péngyǒumen, nǐmen hǎo! Huānyíng nǐmen dào Xiànzài Xué Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì

S: Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Stuart. Today it's a 复习课 revision lesson,fùxí kè. And we
arrived at the Summer Palace. Wǒmen dào le Yíhéyuán.

M. Where do we go to buy tickets? 我们去哪儿买票?wǒmen qǜ nǎr mǎi piào?

S. 去那儿 qù nǎr.

M. Ok, I'll go buy two tickets 好,我去买两张票 wǒ qù mǎi liǎng zhāng piào.

S. She's bought the tickets. 她买了票 tā mǎi le piào. Good, now we'll go in, 进
去. 好了,我们进去 hǎo le, wǒmen jìn qù.

M. Where's the entrance? 入口在哪儿 rùkǒu zài nǎr?

S. 入口在那儿 rùkǒu zài nǎr.

S. Now we're in the Yíhéyuán. 现在我们在颐和园里 xiàn zài wǒmen zài Yíhéyuán

M. Let's take a photo. 我们照张相,好不好?wǒmen zhàoxiàng, hǎo bù hǎo.

S. 好。我们在哪儿照相 wǒmen zài nǎr zhàoxiàng?

M. Here's good. 这里好 zhèlǐ hǎo.

S. But there's better. 但是,那边更好 dàn shì, nàbian gèng hǎo.

M. I feel that here's better 我觉得这里更好 zhèlǐ bǐjiào hǎo.

S. I reckon, rènwéi, there's better than here. 我认为,那边比这里好 wǒ rènwéi, nà

biān bǐ zhèlǐ hǎo.

M. But the best place is over there. 但是,最好的地方是那边 dànshì, zuìhǎo de

dìfang shì nèibian.

S. 对了,那边是最好的地方 nèibian shì zuì hǎo de dìfang.

  Coryright 2007 cchello.com 
S. So you remember ‘take a photo'. 照相 ZHAO XIANG zhàoxiàng.

M. And ‘let's take a photo, ok?'. 我们照张相,好不好 wǒmen zhàoxiàng, hǎo bù


S. And ‘here's good 这里好 ZHE LI zhè lǐ, like zhèr, means ‘here'. Here's good,
zhèlǐ hǎo, zhèlǐ hǎo.

M. And how to say, ‘good, better, best' in Hànyǚ. Good. 好 hǎo, 更好 gèng hǎo,
最好 zuì hǎo.

S. And, I reckon there's better than here. 我认为,那边比这里好 wǒ rènwéi, nà

biān bǐ zhèlǐ hǎo.

M. But the best place, dìfang, place, is over there. 但是,最好的地方是那边 dànshì,
zuìhǎo de dìfang shì nàbian.

S. So, we'll take photos over there. 所以, 我们在那边照相 suǒyǐ, wǒmen zài
nàbian zhàoxiàng.

M. And we argued about whose camera, zhàoxiàngjī, is best. MARY. 我的照相机

很好 wǒ de zhàoxiàngjī hěn hǎo.

M. 但是,我的照相机更好 dàn shì, wǒ de zhàoxiàngjī gèng hǎo. ZJG. 不过,我的相

机是最好的 búguò, wǒ de xiàngjī shì zuì hǎo de.

M. And we learnt 更 gèng, which turns an adjective like ‘good' into ‘even better',
gèng hǎo, gèng hǎo, or an adverb like ‘fast', kuài, into ‘even faster' gèng kuài,
gèng kuài.

S. Which brings us to the end of our revision lesson. Zàijiàn.

M: Zàijiàn!

  Coryright 2007 cchello.com 

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