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Modern life, as we know it, would be unimaginable without graphite. From the
humble lead pencil (wrongly named- it’s actually graphite) that helped us write
in childhood to the composites that build our vehicles on the ground, in the air
and on the water.
From heat-resistant lubricants that keeps our machines humming, to electrodes
in electrical and nuclear applications. From paint to color our lives, to batteries
to store energy for us, keeps our tires from burning up when we apply graphite-
lined brakes, to protecting us from x-rays and electrons.
The applications for graphite are increasing day by day with more research.
The steel industry is unthinkable without graphite bricks, crucibles, foundry
facings, nozzles, stoppers, brushes and ladles.
The research in nano composites of graphite is the latest growth spurt of this
unusual mineral. The softest, more slippery yet when bounded & twisted is one
of the strongest in its weight ratio and it is also expandable. Has found use in
our play equipment, golf shafts, tennis rackets the list goes on. As we find more
uses for this resilient mineral in mechanical and thermal applications, graphite
is rightly called the 21st Century Mineral.

Production process :-

Natural Graphite ore comes from 5% fixed carbon (FC) to about 30% FC. It is
also possible to strike a bulge deposit with a much higher FC rating, giving
graphite the reputation of being a very tricky mineral. When the pocket is used
up it is difficult to trace the strike line in the same area, with out the help of a
technologically savvy geologist.
Depending on the FC content of graphite required for a product the material
will be beneficiated to that requirement.
Graphite ore goes through preliminary crushing at the mine head, then
transported to the factory for secondary crushing, thereafter it is conveyed
to the ball mill for wet grinding. The slurry is churned with water, pine oil &
kerosene to form a floating froth paddled of into a carbon drain leading to a
carbon tank. At this stage the material will be tested for its carbon content.
The material may be subjected to repeated washing till the desired FC content
is reached.
The final grade at this stage will reach 90% to 95% FC. This material may be
further enriched to 99.9% FC accomplished in a chemical reactor.
Graphite comes in micro crystalline(amorphous) and flake, forms.
The larger the flakes size, the more valued is the material.
The size and range of the beneficiated product conforms to Indian Standards
Institution (ISI). As follows :
-20 +50 British Standard Sieve (BSS) large flakes.
-50 +100 BSS medium flakes.
-100 BSS fine flakes.
Graphite powder conforms to ISI grade 1. 85% FC
grade 2. 75%FC.
grade 3. 65% FC.

As more and more applications for graphite uses are found, so also grows the
market size. The world production of graphite has not kept up with the demand
hence, the market place, pricing for the raw material is at an all time high.
India’s deposit of natural graphite ore is placed among the top six largest
deposits in the world. Orissa has 75% of the deposits of India found in four
major belts of Sarangipali, Titlagarh, Tumudibindh & Dandatopa.


The prospects may be express in one word “extensive!”

It really depends on how much time and money is spent in research &
development. Graphite is a non metal that behaves like metal singling it out as
and extra ordinary mineral.

Graphite looks black & smears easily to look quite dangerous but is in fact
non-carcinogenic, and is an inert material. The effluents from beneficiation
should be properly treated to prevent possible pollution of water courses.
The pits created after the extraction of ore has not left ugly wounds as,
armchair ecologists will have us believe. In-fact the creators have filled up
with water the sides greened with bushes, and over hanging trees to form a
tranquil lake in which fishes live and ducks swim. Nature has turned it in to a
natural idyllic beauty over a sort period of time.


Visionary leadership paid off when a child sat for an entrance test to
education which made him the master of technology and not its slave. This
happened in the village of Baunshpokhari, Hindol in the district of Dhenkanal,
Pranab Kumar Sahu came back a geologist.
When the villagers found lead on their fields he knew it was graphite from the
Dhandatopa belt, one of the four graphite belts that contain 75% of the
graphite deposits in India. The entrepreneur was born. Realizing that graphite
as ore has no marketable value, he sought to beneficiate it in a factory.
With meager village finances the project lurched along and stalled beset by
meddlesome interlopers, conniving to grab his fledgling factory, desperate to
keep the project afloat, as the banks were not forthcoming, he sought help
from the erstwhile Maharaja of Hindol, Mr Shailendra Singhdeo, who
connected him to renowned advocate Mr P K Ray who deftly resolved all legal
issues in one stroke, who recognize his potential.
He then connected him to a school companion, Ms Doreen B. Schnurr, who had
spent the formative years of her life in Orissa, now returned to reside in
Bhubaneswar after spending 42 years in different countries of the world.
The partnership of Crysto Graphite was thus born on 7th February 2007. When
Mr Pranab Kumar Sahu & Ms Doreen B. Schnurr became business partner.
The next 9 months were spent on setting up the office at Bhubaneswar for
meeting all the governmental compliances for factory and mines.
The out fitting of the factory with the necessary machines for producing the
different grades and sizes was completed.
The last three months of the year saw production and sales.
The mission of the company is to bring global vision to an industry mired in
conservative, labour intensive manufacturing practices.
To demonstrate trust building, through learning of technological processes.
To implement, transparency and unity of purpose in the work place.
To be known for dependability, for consistency of quality and delivery.
Lastly, to be prepared to meet global competition.
To set up a new project on the Sargipalli and Titlagarh belts, this was enough
reason to convert the partnership into a private limited company.
Crysto Graphites Pvt. Ltd. This would make us the second largest producer of
natural graphite powder in Orissa second only to Pradhan & Co of Koraput, with
whom a joint venture is on the anvil. This would position us in achieving our
business objectives of profitability with transparency, accountability, respect
for environment, compliance of governmental regulations and generating rural

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