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Hunger in San Diego

Empower Students Program

May 2010

What is SNAP?
SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
run by the United States government, and implemented in all
states. The purpose of this program is to provide money to
families that need assistance in buying healthy and nutritious

ow many people are receiving food stamps in San Diego County?

n 2010, 169,050 people are receiving food stamps, but 483,000 are eligible thanks to the recent economic recession.

ur home or vehicle. Your total household income must be equal to or less than 130% of the federal poverty level. The pro

owest percentage rates because of these issues and the denial rates in San Diego are higher than in any other large city. Th

xpand the number of people that are eligible, as well as make it more clear who is eligible and who isn’t. They need to sho

What can I do to help?

Writing letters to local politicians and government leaders
suggesting action be taken is a great way to help. Knowledge of local
issues is the first step to fixing problems. Encourage community
leaders to take initiative and make the food stamp process simpler.

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