Sequencing Project

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Latin 1 – Chapter 1 – Sequencing

In Latin, word order is much more flexible than English because

the endings on the words give us so much information.

Keep in mind the following general tendencies of Latin:

1. The subject (noun) goes first

2. Adjectives FOLLOW the nouns
3. Verbs go at the end, except for est, which (for now) goes
between the subject & the
4. Adverbs & prepositional phrases (sub arbore; in villa vicina;
in villa rustica) go in the middle

I. Cut out the words for each sentence and rearrange them to
reflect good Latin word order. (2 points per sentence)

II. Glue your rearranged sentence onto the paper provided.

III. Translate each sentence. (1 point per sentence)

1. legit Cornelia et sub arbore sedet

2. puella Flavia Romana est

3. habitat aestate Cornelia in villa rustica


4. in pictura rustica Cornelia villa habitat est

ubi aestate

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