Grammar Practice

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I. For the English sentences below, identify the case & number that the Latin relative pronoun
would be and circle it.

1.The dog to whom I gave a bone was happy.

2.The sailors with whom we traveled were really pirates.
3.We knew the man who had been senator.
4.The police caught the criminals whom they had seen robbing a bank.
5.The cat who had been declawed was able to catch the mouse, but he failed to eat it.
6.The Minotaur is a creature whose head is that of a bull and body is that of a man.
7.The Romans whom the emperor hated were cordially invited to commit suicide.
8.All the people who lived near Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD met a disastrous fate.
9.Sextus was not able to climb the tree whose branches were falling off.
10.Once upon a time, there were three little pigs whom the big bad wolf finally managed
to capture.

11.After he captured the pigs, who were rather chubby little guys, the wolf had himself a

12.The wolf invited friends to his little pig party, to whom he offered the most succulent
bits of pork.
II. Identify the CASE & NUMBER for the following forms – give ALL possibilities.
1. quam _____________________ 8. cuius _____________________
2. qui _____________________ 9. quod _____________________
3. quae _____________________ 10. quem _____________________
4. quo _____________________ 11. quâ _____________________
5. quibus _____________________ 12. quarum _____________________
6. cui _____________________ 13. quas _____________________
7. quorum _____________________
III. Give the following forms of the relative pronoun (all genders):

1. genitive plural

2. accusative singular

3. ablative singular

4. dative plural

5. nominative plural

6. genitive singular

7. ablative plural

8. nominative singular

9. accusative plural

10. dative singular

IV. Give the correct form of the relative pronoun in Latin for these sentences. It should
match the antecedent in NUMBER & GENDER.

1. Viri, (who) in viis erant, laborare debent. ______________________

2. Vir (whom) virgo amat vincere debet. _____________________ _

3. Puella (who) innuba est procos non evitat. ______________________

4. Puella (whom) proci laudant est Atalanta. ______________________

5. Lex (by which) proci necantur est nota. ______________________

6. Rex, (whose) filia est Atalanta, in regia in Boeotia habitat.

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