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Using the list of nouns below, write the correct forms of hic and ille in the blanks.

Use HIC for questions 1-10 and ILLE for questions 11-20.

Harrius Potter, harri potteri (m) bellum , bellī (n) terra, terrae (f)
Muggles, mugglis (m) Orc, orcis (m) anulus, anulī (m)
Lapis, lapidis (m) eques, equitis (m) draco, draconis (m)
ars, artis (f) astrum, astrī (n) gladiator astri (m)
canis, canis (m/f) Imperium, imperiī (n) classis, classis (f)
bubo, bubonis (m/f) vis, viris (f) seditiō, seditionis (f)

1. _____________ artēs obscurās 11. _____________ gladiatorēs astrī

2. _____________ lapidibus philosophī 12. _____________ vis magna

3. _____________ Mugglis 13. _____________ dracone ferocī

4. _____________ Harrius Potter 14. _____________ anulō Frodonis

5. _____________ cane Fluffō 15. _____________ Terram Mediam

6. _____________ bubonis Harrī 16. _____________ Imperiī

7. _____________ astrum mors 17. _____________ bellōrum perpetuōrum

8. _____________ equitēs Jedī 18. _____________ classis seditiosa

9. _____________ bella astra 19. _____________ canis tri-caput

10. _____________ Orcibus 20. _____________ virēs mortēs

Now decide the meanings of the above expressions based on this list:
_____ Star Wars _____ death forces _____the dog Fluffy _____ Jedi knights

_____ rebel fleet _____ Frodo’s ring _____ of the Muggle _____ Empires

_____ to the Orcs _____ star fighters _____ the philosopher’s stones _____ continual wars

_____ dark arts _____ fierce dragon _____ Harry’s owl _____3-headed dog

_____Middle Earth _____ Harry Potter _____ great force _____death star

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