YFC Music Ministry Workshop Manual - 1 (Edited by YFC Bulihan Chapter, Cavite, Philippines)

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CFC Youth For Christ

Music Ministry
Workshop Manual
Volume 1
Session 1: Showing-Up Talents

I. What is a TALENT?

- A natural endowments of a person

- It is not born, but innate unto us so that all of us have more talents to
be shown up as well.
- It is definitely unique and impossible the same from each one of us.
- It is a gift of god that will never ends and just erased forcibly unto us.

II. Types of TALENTS

A. Creative Manifestations (e.g. artist, painters, singers, dancers,

inventors, etc.)
B. Leadership
C. Logical Practices (e.g. chess masters, genius, investigators, analyst,
problem solving, and etc.)
D. Simplicity (e.g. good practices such as saying “po” and “opo” to
elders, to be helpful, concerns for others and etc.)

III. What should I do to show up my talent?

- Learn how to share your talents unto others.

- Be confident not to be ashamed at all.
- Always think that it is a gift from God that needs affections and to
influents other for encourage them that they also have talents as
- Be competitive
- Be proud to your talents. But, too much proud turns you to become
more pride.
- Humble your talents where and when you can show it up to others.

IV. Hindrances for showing up talents

- Afraid, that their talents are not so convincing and disgraceful.

- They are too much in pride.
- They are only expecting deeper corrections, meaning to say they can’t
accept corrections for their talents.
- They are pretending that they do not have any talents.
- They are intending to use their talents because it may possibly get
rejoices and costs.
- Full of innocence
- They do not care!
Session 2: Music Ministry Workshop

I. Introduction

“Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of saints.” –
Psalm 149:1

“Singing God’s praises honors the Lord, edifies our brothers and sisters in
Christ, and brings us joy. As we join with other Christian singing, it should
be with a renewed appreciation of music. So let us join voices with fellow
believers and lift our hearts in hymns of praise whenever we have the
privilege.” – Richard De Haan

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your

bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual
act of worship.” – Romans 12:1

II. What is a Music Ministry

To define the term “Music Ministry” is seemingly difficult because

of the complexly intertwined nature of music in and outside the church.
Church music has become a controversial issue in the life of the church,
simply because of historical, cultural and subjective preferences of
individuals. The subjective feelings and cultural biases have historically
clouded the truth, and that is why we need to focus music ministry upon
God’s revelation of His Word to His people (Biblical foundations). Nothing
is absolute really, apart from God’s Word. Many conflicts and even
splitting of churches are a result of differing opinions on church music.
This is because few realize the need to go back to the absolute truth
revealed in God’s Word.

III. The Purpose of Music

The Bible explains that every good gift comes from God (James
1:17). Music is one of God’s good gifts. God has given both man and
angels the gift of music-making (Genesis 4:21; Job 38:7). The purpose of
music and singing is to rejoice in and worship the Lord (Psalm 95:1-2).

IV. Worship
In the New Testament believers sang worship songs to the Lord
(Acts 16:25). They were also encouraged to teach and admonish “one
another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in
your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16). “Is anyone cheerful? Let him
sing psalms” (James 5:13). A psalm is a sacred worship song directed to
the Lord in response to His great love. In the Book of Revelation, and
throughout the Bible, every song was sung to God in an intelligent,
understandable, reverent, God centered way (Revelation 5:9; 15:3). God
desires that we “sing praises with understanding” (Psalm 47:7; 1
Corinthians 14:7-9) and “with thanksgiving” (Psalm 147:7). We are
exhorted to “play skillfully with a loud noise” (Psalm 33:3) and to “Sing to
the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation” (Psalm 95:1)
and “Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice,
and sing praises” (Psalm 98:4). We are to “Worship the LORD in the
beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2). We may also “praise His name with the
dance; let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp” (Psalm
149:3). Therefore, while we find the voice to be the primary instrument
of song in the Scriptures, the dance and instrumentals were also used to
express praise to our Creator. Worship should with unity focus on God.

More Biblical guidelines

Worship should not be so loud that it damages the body (there

were no amplifiers until recently) (1 Corinthians 3:17). The instruments
should not drown out the voices (Psalm 47:7). Worship should not direct
attention to the worship leader or team – “whatever you do, do all to the
glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31. See also: 1 Corinthians 13:5). “You
shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve”
(Matthew 4:10)
God desires that “all things be done decently and in order” (1
Corinthians 14:40), because “God is not the author of confusion but of
peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). Therefore music should not be chaotic or
frenzied. In the Bible, God’s people sang with understanding. Therefore
screaming guitars or voices, or unintelligible noise contradict God’s Word
and should be avoided. By God’s grace, may we “give no offense” (1
Corinthians 10:32).

Satanic Music

Satan desires worship (Matthew 4:8-9). In the past, Satan used

music to stir up people to worship him (Daniel 3:7-10). In the last days all
the world will worship the beast (Revelation 13:3-4; 13:8; 13:12; 13:14-
15; 19:20). It is quite likely that Satan will incorporate music in the
worship of the beast (Ezekiel 28:13). Interestingly, the devil used “all
kinds of music” (Daniel 3:5; 3:7; 3:10; 3:15) to encourage pagan worship
and idolatry, and the pagans leaped and cried out in a noisy frenzy when
calling to their gods (1 Kings 18:25-29). And as Solomon warns, if it
happened in the past it will likely occur in the future (Ecclesiastes 1:9;
Revelation 9:20).
Because music is such a powerful way to stir hearts and emotions,
and because experiential deceptions will be paramount in the last days
(Mathew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9), we as Disciples of Christ must be
extra careful to avoid employing music that contradicts God’s revealed
will. Believers in Christ “must worship (God) in Spirit and truth” (John
4:24). Worshipping God with surrendered hearts, in accordance with His
Word, is what pleases Him.

Criteria for a Worship Team Member

* Have a personal relationship with Jesus.
* Have a commitment to personal prayer and Bible reading.
* Must be loyal to Pastors and leaders of Life Church.
* Must attend Membership/Ministry Life Classes.
* Must be a Voting Member of Life Church.
* Possess a teachable spirit...submissive and accountable.
* Have a calling on your heart for pure praise and leading worship.
* Possess musical abilities and confidence.
* Have a commitment to rehearsals and scheduled services.
* Someone who has the attitude of a servant.
* Someone who expresses outwardly, what God has done inwardly.
* Prefers others better than themselves...a team player.
* Must abstain from smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, drugs,
prescription drug abuse, viewing pornography, cohabitating with a
person other than a spouse, i.e. “shacking up”, and any questionable

Service and Rehearsal Commitments

Musicians and Instrumentals

Time Frame: minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours

Attire: simple wearing suit/ fits you up during the service and rehearsal
(NOTE: it depends on the event manager.)

Voices and Choir

Time Frame: minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 5 hours

1 hour for vocalization ***
3 – 5 hours for practice proper **
Attire: it depends on the event manager ***

*** Highly recommended

** can be change accordingly

NOTE: Commit to any other special musicals (Easter, Christmas, etc.),

services, and ministry meetings that may be scheduled throughout the

V. Music Ministry Guidelines

During Ministry Time:

 Arrive on time.
 Be prepared and practiced.
 Be available for all worship services.
 Be present during services.
 Be committed to discipleship group.
 Be prepared spiritually- come prayed up.
 Be prepared physically- come rested.
 Have a good attitude.
 Offer encouragement to team members.
 Show consideration for sound technicians.
 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit. –Eph. 4:3
 Be an example by offering praise and worship to God and exhortation
to His people.
 Please don’t be a distraction.
 Give attention to the Pastor or guest speakers.
 Give attention during announcements.
 Please notify worship leader in advance if unable to attend a service.
 Smile!

During Rehearsal Time:

 Arrive on time.
 Be prepared and practiced.
 Be prepared spiritually and physically.
 Have a good attitude.
 Show consideration for sound technicians.
 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit. – Eph. 4:3
 Offer praise to God and encouragement to team members.
 Don’t be a distraction during times of vocal or instrumental coaching.
 Notify worship leader in advance if unable to attend a rehearsal.
 Have fun!
VI. Platform Attire

Ministry Service Attire

Rotational Accent Color
Base Colors: Black, Grey, Brown, Navy, White, Beige, Tan
 Women are requested to wear dresses, dress pants or skirts at least
knee length
 The dress is to be respectful and modest
 No tight, form-fitting, or low-cut clothing
 No large slits or sleeveless clothing
 No midriff showing
 No sandals or flip flops

 Men are requested to wear dress pants, dress shirts, and dress shoes
 Tie is optional
 No jeans, t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, or common wear

Rehearsal Attire
 Use discretion
 No tank tops/shorts
 Respectful and modest

VII. Event Management

Event management is an exciting and growing industry, as well as a

unique career opportunity for everyone with a passion for the planning and
organizing of events.

Components of the event management:

 Sounds Committee
 Stage and Floor management (CFC and YFC Ministry)
 Youth Praise Band: instrumentals and vocals (YFC ministry)
 Worship team leader
 Choreography and Dance Animations
 Children’s Choir (KFC Ministry)
 Event Security Management
 Event Directors and Management Producers
 Graphics Arts and Multimedia Production
 Utility (e.g. garbage monitors, waste management, etc.)
 Event Host
 Registration Committee
 Medical Commission
 Workshop Management
 Dining and Food Committee
 Event Scheduler and Time Keeper
 Financial and Auditory Commission
 Extras and Souvenirs

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