Fisiologi Perkembangan Tumbuhan

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Physiology of Stem Development

ed By

Group I
Qadriani Maria Ulpa/071 404 157

Nunung Rahayu Anas/071 404 151

Definition of Stem
Stem is part of plant which important
which present in the upper soil, in the
stem there are nodes, and internodes .
Characteristic of Stem
1. Generally has shape like cylinder, always has
characteristic actinomorf
2. Present nodes and internodes
3. The growth is upper, but sometimes there is growth in
the lower (Rhizome)
4. There are branches
5. Has color brown not green except if the age is short
Growth and development of stem

At the stem which grow active, the

division zone cell founded in the stem
tip. At the gymnospermae or dicotil the
fission and large of cell happen in the
tissue which place some centimeter from
the stem.
Growth and development of stem

Stem cell large with radial way, after that

happen differentiation, for the first form
procambium, and then xylem and phloem.
This differentiation directly with acropetal
way, from the old cells, after that experience
the large with longitudinal and give the stem
large effect.
Growth and development of stem

At the grass (graminae) division and large of

stem cell happen in the tip of stem, but
happen in the certain position, that is in the
base of node in the each node. The
meristematic zone at base of node is called
intercalary meristem because found in the
old cell which inactive to fission.
Growth and development of stem

The range lengthening of stem is different

between species and other species, and
influenced by environment factor. The range
lengthening of stem can be get 2,5 cm/hour,
and high The range lengthening of stem
happen in the bamboo.
Growth and development of stem

Environment factor which has bigger influence

toward lengthening of stem is temperature and
light intensity. lengthening of stem is speed if the
plant growth at the low light intensity.
Growth and development of stem

Apical meristem of stem is place

whereas leaf, branches, and
generative organs formed.
Thanks for your attention

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