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“das ambitionierteste
International The Brain Opera Projekt im Internet
Radio Pavilion Noted composer Tod Machover will unveil bis heute”
Brought to you by the the world debut of The Brain Opera at — Der Spiegel, 41/1995 —
World Radio Network, the Lincoln Center Festival in July. Join Tod
the International Radio Pavilion gives and the MIT Media Lab for the world’s truly
you a global perspective on the news and SciTech
a chance to hear what is happening from its
Visit SciTech, the hands-on, on-line
source! For those living abroad or with
science museum. Make your own
roots in another country, you can keep in
sub-atomic particles with a quark slot
touch with home. Learn about the impor-
machine, or visit the museum in Chicago
tant educational role in media, cultural, and
and see a real tornado-
public affairs studies, with international
making machine!
radio being used in classrooms, lecture
theaters, and for personal research. interactive musical experience. The MIT Expo Radio
Media Lab has been working for a year to
Don’t you want to meet
invent new musical instruments that let
some of the people pro-
“A World’s Fair for you explore how we think and how we
ducing pavilions? Listen to Expo Radio for
Modem Times” create. Experience the Rhythm Tree and
interviews with our content providers. Expo
the Melody Easel, and attend the Brain
— Washington Post, March 15, 1995 —
Radio is produced by the ace audio team of
Opera on location—or on the Internet.
Becknell & Lucas, the people that brought
you pioneering programs on the Internet
such as Geek of the Week, Unformatted,
Real World Studios and HarperAudio!
Peter Gabriel’s Real World Studios
are located in a converted mill in the
English countryside. Visit Peter Gabriel
and learn what is happening in the Real
World. The Real World Studios Pavilion
will also feature music and performances CyberSydney will be
from the World of Music, Art, and Dance— an exciting re-creation
the WOMAD Festival, live on the Internet! of the Sydney Garden
Palace pavilion of 1879. It
will showcase in digital form the attrac-
tions, facilities, products, and services of
modern Sydney, the gateway to the State
of New South Wales.


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