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Hosking 1

Cameron Hosking

Mr. A

English 1A


character essay.

Character analiys.

Have you ever in life met somebody that was always telling you what to do? In “A Sound

of Thunder,” there is that kind of person. I think Travis, from “Tthe Ssound Oof Tthunder”, is a

leader because of his speech, his actions, and his other character’s response to him.

Now one of the reasons Travis is a commander because of his speech. For example on

page 38 he said, “Never step off the path!” Then on Page 39 he said, “Stop that,” and Eckels

stopped what he was doing. This with other thing that he says proves that Travis is the man in


Another reason Travis is the commander in chief is his actions. Now on Page 42 he is

telling Eckels he can’t come back to the present because he disobeyed Travis and walked off the

path. Then on Page 43 he tells Eckels that he has to dig the bullets out of the tyrannosaurus rex's

head. Travis is showing that he is the big cheese in this parts here. This amongst other things he

does proves that Travis is the head honcho.

Now the third way you can tell Travis is the pioneer of the hunting group is the other

characters response to him. On Page 43 he tells the entire hunting group to get off of the hunting

machine and he did. Then on Page 44 Eckels kneels and prays Travis won’t kill him and Travis

does kill him. As you can clearly see either everyone is afraid to death of Travis, and not the

dinosaurs, or they think he is the big guy on campus, But I don’t think that they are more scared
Hosking 2

of him then the T-rex. So the characters responses to Travis proves he is the eminence of the


Travis is the general of the hunting group. Travis is the king of the hunting group because

of his speech. Secondly Travis is the ruler of the hunting group because of his actions. The last

next way to tell he is skipper of hunting group is other characters response to him. So as you can

see from my essay Travis is the ultimate authority in the group. So in life if you meet on of those

guys who are a natural leader then you should probably trust him unlike Eckels in the story who

did not.
Hosking 3

Works cited.

English 1 book

The Sound Of Thunder

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