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Basics of Report Writing

Sanjay Kumar
Why Report?
 Once the research is completed, the
findings of the research needs to be
 Report is a document which
systematically records the findings of
the research.
Necessary sections in Research Report
A long Research Report/Thesis usually has
the following sections
 Title Page
 Acknowledgement
 Summary/Abstract of the basic findings
 Content page
 Introduction
 Literature Review
Sections in Research Report cont---
 Methodology
 Findings (In variation chapters)
 Conclusion
 Recommendation
 Appendices
 Bibliography
Writing Research Report
 Title should be short and clear, we should
avoid giving very long title.
 Acknowledgement should be written carefully
so that all those who helped in the research
are acknowledged
 Short summary of the basic findings is always
helpful for readers
 Content page should be carefully worked out
Writing Research Report cont--
 The Introduction section is very important. It
includes, the Research Question, locale of the
study, justification of the study and the hypothesis
(if any)
 Literature Review section should be elaborate,
state the description of the available research on
the topic and its critical examination
 Methodological section should state clearly, the
methodology adopted for the research
Writing Research Report cont---
 Findings is the main body of the
research report
 Data to be presented in form of tables,
 Quotes to be stated in inverted commas
“-------” and normally in italic.
 Depending upon the topic a short
section on recommendation is useful.
Writing Research Report cont--
 Appendix section includes the instruments
which were used for the research,
questionnaire, code book, photographs, list
and sample of newspapers (if content
 Bibliography which list the work which have
been consulted for the research, all materials
consulted during the review of literature.

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