Stilus in Nox Noctis Somnium in

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Stilus in Nox noctis Somnium

By Hexadecima Nanonox Dekadecimal

Copyright 2010 By Hexadecima Nanonox Dekadecimal.
Fallen Angel

The fallen angel

Strings the tune
Of love and hate
For himself
As he was fallen to earth
In which he has to suffer
In pain

No one loves the forbidden

No one loves that angel
Rebuke him in life and death
Why is that man can be cruel
Animals can be violent
And plants can wither?

Is evil simple to explain

Or is it the curse of having a God
Who is uncaring and ruthless
Like a tyrant sitting above the clouds
And wears a face like the devil
Only to have a soft skin
That can tear from bone?

Let me show the tender part of me

By showing my scars from which
I bleed
There is no God that can stop me
For I am a but a God
A God which everyone is
To this day.
The Elf and the Butterfly

The elf is enticed

By the colors of the fluttering wings
She comes to the valley
Where there are many wings
That a-flutter in the breeze
Big butterflies
Little butterflies

And Swallowtails
Whites and blues
And oranges oh my

She takes out her bag

And releases more butterflies
Surrounding her now
Is the butterflies
In her heart.
A Drow in the dream

My drow is the drow of honor

Seeing me in the cave
Outside of the ruin
I feel so in passion with him
So I went to his house
And took off my dress
And my panties
And made sweet love
To his male body
His manhood I suck
While he nibbled and played
With my womanhood
He then got inside of me
And was passionate
About his love
And we made out
While fondling each other
In the coolness of the cave
From which he came from.
He sent his seed into my vulva
And cascaded into it.
Then we lied there
Talking about our sexual liason.
At least no one knows
Except for the angry Lolth.

I see into the future

The flames scour the earth
Both humans and animals
Attack everyone
The blood in the earth
Darkness in the air
Demons laughing at the world
Soon to be theirs
And the quarters are at stake
Soon new alliances will arise
Liquate the darkness from within
Evil will vanish
Until the new aeon begins.

Blood of the wicked will spill

For forgiveness will not be granted
See into the eyes of the foreigner
The wicked shall not be spared.
I see into the future
The rolling stones of comets blasting
City by city
Until none will exist
Only the machines will remain
For long until the savior comes
The Mystic Story of Ienus

Ienus was an only drow

In this world
Amongst the Greeks
And the Romans

He was a bard of ages

Despite his inkblack skin
And red eyes
He sang lovingly
Of Minerva
The Goddess of Wisdom

He sang of her black locks

Her luscious lips
Her armor which gleamed
Like the sun of justice

People loved them

Each and every poem
But worshippers of Ares
Rejected them

One night
He was burned alive
And no one saw him since
He was the originator of Genii
The originator of Genius
He was still in the hades
Playing music in the glowing feel
Of Elysian Field.
Carmen ov Nox

The night
Is shining
With shadow
And dark
But the moon
Is shining ov’r me
Lady moon
Lady moon
Come with your robes
Of white in dreams

Milky white
Silver white
Moon White

I sing you praises

To vanquish my doubts
All the stars
Have been bringing
Lady moon
Lady Moon
Give me the tune
Of white in dreams

Milky white
Silver White
Moon white

Blessed Be
Blessed Be
In Chains

The suicide torments me

Into the death of my very own
I wish I would kill a child
To save myself
I wish I would kill others
To save myself
I wish I would kill myself
To repent of all my sins
The Last I have decided to do
Escape from this prison
In body bag instead of death
Behind the bars
Inject the poisons you call meds
Inside of me
And I will be only stupid enough
To follow you
Since I am a rebel
Who kills herself
No faith in God
Now enjoying time in hell.
The Lost Crystal

I will find the lost crystal

Named hope
Will dig it from everywhere
To look for hope
I will not look in the outside
But dig holes on the inside
To find hope and dreams
From within myself
It is a diamond
Purest in form
Unspoken of in circles
In this world
But you cannot survive without hope
For a human life is too damned without it.
Wanderer in the Sea

I am the wanderer in the sea

Cast out on the boat
Near the island of Aruba
My men are all gone
All except for hope
Who is my parrot.
The parrot told me,
“Don’t give up, matey”
Every time I lost hope
Suddenly I came to the Spanish town
And he said in reply,
“Get crackers”
So I got him crackers
And me some rum
Then he said, “Don’t give up, matey”
When I asked for another rum
To drown out my old captain
While I was sleeping
He said, “God bless you, matey!”
I shall never forget that parrot
The Yevonite Crusader and the Witch

The long time ago,

In a land called Spira
Lived a Yevonite Crusader
Who worked for the Crusaders
Of his land
One day,
He saw a witch
Foretelling the young woman’s
Future in her hands

He marched over there and dumped the ink

Out of the woman’s hands
And said to the witch, “There would be no future-telling
In this land.”
The witch spat on him and said, “May your sons turn Black”
Now his sons,
Who are adopted from another dimension,
Are elves
When he came home
He saw the elves turn inkblack
And were frightened because of it.
So he went to the witch
And told her if she does that again,
The Yevonites would burn her.
Then the witch said, “if you would burn me
All of your children will turn evil and interbreed”
Then he said, “Then what will you do to me then?”
He looked at his skin and saw it turn black,
And felt the buds of the woman’s breasts grow on him
And got skinnier and skinnier until
He became the female version of his elvish sons.
“Now,” said the witch, “Just get you and your sons as well as
your men’s
Out of there before they’ll come.”
So they all got out of there before sunrise
When the Yevonite Crusaders look for their fellow men
But couldn’t find them
In the end, the witch smoked her pipe and petted her black
For she knew that she was an old elf
Who would never be bothered by humans and Ronsos
And Guados again.
And she knew that her brethren will try to vaniqush
These dark elves
But instead of interbreeding they turn her queen into a spider
By the name of Lolth
Which decided to put girls first before boys.
However, she was a first Crusader knight who
Was turned by the witch.

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