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Karachi Port Trust (KPT) is a Pakistan Federal government agency that oversees the
operations of Karachi Port at Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

Sea Port plays a vital role in International Maritime Trade. Efficient Port
attracts more business which in turns generates revenue and strengthens economy of
the country. Port is more a service industry not only for the nation but for
international community as well. The effects of its working are not limited and are
realized beyond the country. I preferred this subject to deal with considering the
Karachi Port Trust an institution of high importance, with varieties of functions.

In order to compete in international market, the price of goods and time factor
are the main considerations for businessmen. Transportation cost contributes a
valuable part in determining the price of goods either in domestic or in international
market. Transportation through sea is mainly dominated by ports. The economists of
the ocean carriers say that ships earn in sea and loose in the port. It is the port which
makes the carrier cost efficient with its courteous reception and timely dispatch.
Longer is the waiting time lesser is the efficiency of the port. The productivity of the
port is measured with per ton cost of cargo handling. This cost is ultimately added to
the price of goods and finally borne by the common consumer.

Karachi Port being a natural harbor is a gift of God. Its value can be better
assessed if compared with landlocked countries which do not have access to the sea.
The investors always try to set up their productions units nearer to the port.

Practice of short term planning on the part of our Government to complete

every project within their tenure is a main barrier which did not allow the country to
develop at required pace.

Karachi Port is an evident project of our policy. The sea borne trade alone
constitutes 60% of the world trade. Efficient cost effective and timely clearance of
goods through port though partly depends on efficient inland transport network yet
economic turnaround of vessel with reasonable cost of cargo handling is the key
factor in efficient business of import and export.

Karachi Port in the eyes of port users is more revenue generating organization.
This aspect could have been tolerated had the required facilities were provided to the
port users. Port should have balanced policy in providing service and generating its
income to satisfy port users.

Historical Background

Between 1880 and 1887 the port was administered by the Karachi Harbor
Board. The Karachi Port Trust was then established by the Act IV of 1886, effective
from 1 April 1887.

The Port of Karachi is Pakistan's largest and busiest

seaport, handling about 60% of the nation's cargo (25
million tons per annum). The port is located between the
towns of Kiamari and Saddar, close to the heart of old
Karachi, the main business district, and several industrial
areas. The geographic position of Karachi places the port
in close proximity to major shipping routes such as the Strait of Hormuz. The
administration of the port is carried out by the Karachi Port Trust which was
established in the nineteenth century.

The history of the port is intertwined with that of the city of Karachi. Several ancient
ports have been attributed in the area including "Krokola", "Morontobara" (Woman's
Harbor) (mentioned by Nearchus), Barbarikon (the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, and
Debal (a city captured by the Muslim general Muhammad bin Qasim in 712 CE). There is
a reference to the early existence of the port of Karachi in the "Umdah", by the Arab
navigator Suleiman al Mahri (AD 1511), who mentions "Ras al Karazi" and "Ras
Karashi" while describing a route along the coast from Pasni to Ras Karashi. Karachi is
also mentioned in the sixteenth century Turkish treatise "Muhit" (The Ocean) by the
Ottoman captain Seydi Ali Reis, which is a compilation of sailing directions from the
Portuguese island of Diu to Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. It warns sailors about whirlpools
and advises them to seek safety in "Kaurashi" harbor if they found themselves drifting

There is a legend of a prosperous coastal town called Kharak in the estuary of the Hub
River (west of modern Karachi) in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. In
1728 heavy rains silted up the harbor and resulted in the merchants of Kharak relocating
to the area of modern Karachi. In 1729, they built a new fortified town called Kolachi
(also known as Kalachi-jo-Kun and Kolachi-jo-Goth) on high ground north of Karachi
bay, surrounded by a 16-foot (5 m) high mud and timber-reinforced wall with gun-
mounted turrets and two gates. The gate facing the sea was called "Kharadar" (salt gate),
and the gate facing the Lyari River was called "Mithadar" (sweet gate). The modern
neighborhoods around the location of the gates are called Mithadar and Kharadar.
Surrounded by mangrove swamps to the east, the sea to the southwest, and the Layari
river to the north, the town was well defended and engaged in a profitable trade with
Muscat and Bahrain.

From 1729 to 1783 the strategic location of Kolachi saw the town change hands several
times between the Khans of Kalat and the rulers of Sind. In 1783, after two prolonged
sieges the town fell to the Talpur Mirs of Sind, who constructed a fort mounted with
cannons on Manora island at the harbor entrance. The prominence of the port attracted
the British, who opened a factory in Karachi at the end of the eighteenth century but
disagreements with the Mirs on trade tariffs led to the closure of the factory. The British
were concerned about Russian expansion towards the Arabian Sea, so in 1839 they
occupied Karachi and later the whole of the Sindh. The port served as a landing point for
troops during the First Afghan War.

The potential of Karachi as a natural harbor for the produce of the Indus basin led to rapid
development. The Indus Steam Flotilla and the Orient Inland Steam Navigation Company
were formed to transport cotton and wheat down the Indus river to Karachi. A number of
British companies opened offices and warehouses in Karachi and the population
increased rapidly. By 1852, Karachi was an established city with a population of 14,000
and a prosperous overseas trade. The modern port began to take shape in 1854, when the
main navigation channel was dredged and a mole or causeway was constructed to link the
main harbor with the rest of the city. This was followed by construction of Manora
breakwater, Keamari Groyne, the Napier Mole Bridge and the Native Jetty. The
construction of the wharves started in 1882, and by 1914 the East Wharf and the Napier
Mole Boat Wharf were complete while 1927 and 1944, the West Wharf, the lighter age
berths and the ship-repair berths were constructed between 1927 and 1944.

From the 1861 the Sindh Railway line connected Karachi to the cotton and wheat
producing areas of the Sindh and northern British India and by 1899 Karachi was the
largest wheat and cotton exporting port in India. The period between 1856 and 1872 saw
a marked increase in trade, especially during the American Civil War when cotton from
Sindh replaced American cotton as a raw material in the British textile industry and the
opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Another major export was oil brought by rail from the
Sui region in Balochistan.

Karachi's importance as a gateway to India increased in 1911 when the capital of British
India was moved to Delhi. The city was an important military base during the First World
War (1914-18) because it was the first Indian port of call for ships coming through the
Suez Canal and was the gateway to Afghanistan and the Russian Empire. In 1936 the
Sindh district of the Bombay Presidency was reorganized as a new province with Karachi
as the capital instead of the traditional capital of Hyderabad. This led to new public
services and buildings, thus increasing its population and importance.

Karachi was again a military base and port for supplies to the Russian front during the
Second World War (1939-1945). In 1947, Karachi became the capital of the new nation
of Pakistan, resulting in a growth in population as it absorbed hundreds of thousands of
refugees. Although the capital moved to Islamabad in 1959, Karachi remains the
economic center of Pakistan, accounting for the largest proportion of national GDP based
in part on the commerce conducted through the Port of Karachi and Port Qasim. The port
was targeted by the Indian Navy (codenamed Operation Trident) during the hostilities of
the 1971 war.


Administration/ Board of Trustees

The Karachi Port is administered by a Board of Trustees comprising of

Chairperson and 10 Trustees. The Chairperson is appointed by the Federal
Government. Out of the 10 Trustees, 5 are nominated by the Federal
Government and 5 are nominated by various private sector organization
representing the trade and commerce. The Chairperson is also the Chief
Executive of Karachi Port Trust.

Organizational Chart

Appointment of Chairperson and election of Vice Chairperson:

Government shall from time to time appoint a person to be Chairperson of the
Board the person so appointed may be a public officer or not. The Chairperson
shall be a Trustee.

The Board shall elect at its first meeting held at the beginning of each year of
the term of the Trustees composing that Board one of the Trustees to be Vice-
Chairperson of the Board for a period of one year expiring with the expiry of

that of the term.

In the event of the death resignation or disqualification of the Vice-Chairperson

or of his absence from four successive meetings of the Board, the Board shall
elect the successor who shall hold office, for the remainder of his predecessor’s
period of office.


Currently the role of Chairperson is taken by Mrs.

Nasreen Haque. Mrs. Nasreen Haque became the first
woman to head the Karachi Port Trust (KPT) as its chief
executive. In her appointment, the port authority is
having a civilian as its chief after a lapse of at least 18
Mrs Nasreen Haque, a Civil Servant from the 3rd
Common batch is a highly qualified and experienced
professional with outstanding achievements in the road, rail and sea
transportation sectors.
Before taking over as Chairperson KPT, she was presently working as
Managing Director Karachi Urban Transport Corporation where she brought
her 32 year field experiences working in key positions in the Pakistan
Railways, Port Qasim Authority, and as the Director General Export Terminal
in the Export Promotion Bureau.

A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistic, Mrs Haque holds
a Masters degree in Defense and Strategic Studies. She graduated from St.
Josephs Collage for Women Karachi. Additionally she has also done post-
graduation in Transport studies.

Previous Portfolios
 MOD (Commander Karachi)
 CBR (Collector Customs)
 Railways (Divisional Superintendent)
 Director General (P&S)
 City Government

Nomination of other Trustees: of the remaining Trustees one shall be elected

by the Chamber and Industry, Karachi one shall be elected by the Karachi
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Karachi one shall be elected by the
Pakistan Ship-owners Association Karachi, one shall be elected by the Karachi
Municipal Corporation and five of whom one shall be a non-official associated
with the Karachi Port Trust Labor Unions, shall be appointed by the Federal

Any Trustee elected or appointed under this section may or may not be a public


The right to elect Trustees conferred on the Chamber of Commerce and

Industry Karachi, The Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Karachi
the Karachi Cotton Association Karachi, the Pakistan Ship-owners Association,
Karachi shall accrue only on such Chamber or association being or becoming,
registered under the law for the time being in force for the registration of
companies or association.

Private sector organizations

 Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI)

 Overseas investors’ Chamber
 Ship Owners’ association (PNSC)
 Federation of Pak. Chambers of Commerce & Industry
 Labor Division


Human Resources Department has been brought into its existing shape through
phased re-structuring and re-organization. Till 1974 the function as related to
the Human Resources Department were being carried out by Chief Account
Officer. As per Chairperson’s Directive 126 of 1974, the Establishment matter
being dealt in Chief Department were placed under-control of Labor Welfare
and Industrial Relation Department .On the strength of recommendations of the
Management consultant made in 1997, the whole structure of KPT was re-
organization under the Re-organization scheme and a “Personal Department”
was setup with the approval of the Board and Government

The Personal Department was bifurcated into follo9wing three departments vide
B.R.NO.269 dated 27-09-1978 read with Government approval NO.3 (38)/78-P II
dated 18-03-1979.

1. Industrial Relation & Establishment & Welfare

2. Personnel
3. Tanning &Education

It was observed that the work load of IR&W / Personal Department was not equally
distributed and there were some confusion in the scope of function / responsibilities
relating to two departments. Accordingly for the reasons mentioned in Manger
(IRE&W) / General Manger (Admin)`s not dated 22-04-2000, the Board under its
Resolution NO.600 dated 03-05-2000 interlaid sanctioned re-naming of Personal
Department as Human Resources Department.

Functions of Human Resources Department

Recruitment is the major function of the HR department. Recruitment Begins with a
clear statements of objects, based on types of qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities
and other characteristics that are required. Through recruitment HR department try to
identify and select the most suitable and right person on the merit. Following are the
major function performed by recruitment section of HR department.
 Recruitment of regular, Contract, Adhoc, Deputation and casual employees.

 Deputation cases of all officers/employees/marines etc.
 Preparation of advertisements.
 Compiling of application received for different post.
 Sending call letters.
 Sending selected candidates for medical examination.
 Issuing appointment letters.
 Maintaining reports records of Wafaqi Mohtasib’s cases.
 Maintaining reports of son quota.
 Initiating proposals for re-designation of posts.
 Maintaining records of appointment cases.
 Maintaining seniority list of officers of all grades.

1. The complete timeframe for processing of recruitment cases is given Blow.

Step Event / Action Time Duration

1 Advertisement in newspapers. 15 days for candidates to send

2 Last date of receipt of Within 3 days applications are sent to
applications. concerned HOD for scrutiny
3 Concerned HOD Within 3 days, send back recommended
4 H.R Department Within 10 days, organize written test.
NOTE: candidates need to inform on
their postal address.
5 Marking of papers. Within 4 days.

6 Interview by the Sub- Within 10 days of receipt of result of

Committee. written test.
NOTE: Candidates need to be informed
on their postal address for the interview.
7 Interview by the Internal Within 10 days. subject to the
Selection Committee. convenience of the Chairperson
Total 55 working days.
Note: The above time frame has been approved by the Chairperson.

The Establishment matters include the following:-
1. Increment cases like annual increments, usual increments, Educational
2. Cases of next higher grades / change of grade.
3. Processing of Advances e.g. provident fund Motorcycle, Bank .Loan etc.
4. Processing of KPT Id Cards & Medical Cards.
5. Maintenance of leave record.
6. Preparation of pension cases, NOC, Total service.
7. Dealing all disciplinary matters, Grievances pertaining to establishment and
8. Para wise comments.
9. Handling all appeals submitted by employees officers and other replies.

10. Correspondence with Ministry for the provision of various information, Senate
or Assembly question etc.
11. Maintaining up to date schedule of staff.


Promotions/ carrier development and success can also be called as occupational

advancement, which is very important for Human Resources of any organization.

1. Promotions cases of all officers / employees of al Department.

2. Promotions cases of Employees of all department of KPT.
3. Maintaining record of promotions cases.
4. Maintaining seniority list of all categories of employees.
5. Conducting interviews of all officers and employees.


Through transfer / position HR department tries to make people perfect in different

assignment / duties performed by them in deferent department. This helps to broaden
the abilities of human resources.

 Intra department transfer

 Inter department transfer
 Transfer post
 Re-designation of post
 Downgrade the post

Information Technology

Computerization and information technology plays vital role towards and

modernization of any organization
1 Updating PIS Data, sanction & Working strength, surplus pool etc.
2 Promotion and direct entry post. Record of transfers, promotion
3 Leave Management
4 Pay and Allowances
5 Annual Confidential Reports.
6 Online overtime Booking.
7 Updating various report.

SOP for processing of Pension Cases

Pension / Gratuity

Following are the major functions performed by pension section.
1. Cases of retiring, decreased and family pension.
2. Revision of pension after every two years.
3. GHS
4. Dealing with enquiry cases of pension and GHS.
5. HR department is processing following nature of pension cases:-
i. Superannuation cases
ii. Invalidation cases
iii. Voluntary Retirement / Early Retirement / GHS cases
iv. Compulsorily retirement
v. Family pension (Death on duty cases)

In addition to above routine pension cases, the following cases are also in process.

 Daily wages Gratuity Cases

 Revision of pension
 Family pension cases (death after retirement)

Superannuation Cases.

1. The Notice of Retirement is to be issued to retiring officers / employees 18

months before the due date of retirement, Superannuation (i.e. 60 years). The
date of retirement is intimated. They may also be advised to furnish the
following requirement documents for preparation of pension case:-

a. Passport Size Photographs………09 Nos.

b. 2 sets of specimen Signature.
c. 2 Sets of finger prints on 08 Sheets

2. The Assistant Manager (HR) of the concerned department forwards the

personal file/s of the retiring officer / employee along with following
documents to Assistant Manager (HR), Pension & Gratuity Cell before one
year from the date of retirement.
i) Certificate of H.O.D.
ii) Last Pay Certificate
iii) No Demand Certificate
iv) Six Passport size Photographs of retiring person duly attested
v) Six sets of thumb and finger impression of retiring person
duly attested
vi) Six sets of specimen signature of retiring person duly attested
Vii) Six sets of thumb impression of retiring person duly

3. One receipt of the cases. a letter is issued to Assistant Manager (HR).of the

concerned department to advise the retiring person to attend the office of
Assistant Manager (HR) P&G and sign the CSR-25 (Formal application for
4. The Staff of Pension Cell scrutinize the scrutinize the service record available
in the personal file and prepares Service Sheet. The pension case is processed
Online and forward to Chief Account Officer four months before the date of
5. The Assistant Manager (HR) of the concerned department forward Revised NO
Demand Certificate to Assistant Manager (HR) (Pension & Gratuity) in respect
of retired officer/ employee just after the date of retirement
6. The Assistant Manger (HR) P&G Cell endorses the Revised NO Demand
Corticated to Assistant Account Officer (Pension) for payment.

Family Pension / Invalidation /Voluntary /

Compulsory Retirement Cases

1. The Assistant Management (HR) of the concerned department forwards the

personal file/s of the retired / deceased officer / employee along with
following document to Assistant Manger (HR). P&G Cell immediately on
receipt of information of death. Invalidation, compulsory retirement.

1) Certificate of H.O.D.
2) Last Pay Certificate.
3) No Demand Certificate.
4) Six Passport size Photographs of retiring person / widow
Duly attested
5) Six sets of thumb and finger impression of retiring person
Or widow duty attested.
6) Six sets of specimen signature of retiring / widow duty

In case of Death

7) Heir ship Certificate

8) Death Certificate
9) No Marriage Certificate

1. On receipt of the case, a call letter is issued to retired officer/

employee / widow / beneficiaries of family pension for advising them to
attend the office of Assistant Manager (HR) P&G and sing the CSR-25
(formal application for pension)
2. The Staff of Pension Cell securitizes the service recode available in the
pension file and prepares Services Sheet. After that the pension case is
processed online and forwarded to Chief Account Officer for necessary

3. The Assistant Manager (HR) of the concerned department forward No
Demand Certificate to Assistant Manger (HR) (Pension & Gratuity) in
respect of deceased / compulsory retired / invalidated Officer /
employee along with the case
4. The Assistant Manger (HR) .P&G Cell endorses the Revised No
Demand Certificate to Assistant Accounts Officer (Pension) for

Industrial Relation and Welfare (IR&W) Department

The main role of the Industrial Relation & Welfare Department is to maintain
industrial peace and harmony among the Port workers for Port’s efficiency. The
department is functioning under Administration Division.


1. The main function of this department is maintain harmonious Industrial

relation between Karachi Port Trust Management and Collective Bargaining
Agent, which is a prerequisite for industrial peace, as stipulated in IRA 2008
2. Welfare of employees that consists employees Welfare Fund, Scholarship and
Welfare of disabled Children and Provision of Legal Assistance to the
3. Allotment of Quarters to KPT employees.
4. Supervision of 07 (seven) KPT Canteens and a Community Center.

Employees Welfare Fund

For the Welfare of the KPT employees and benefit of their children and families a
Welfare Fund has been set up. It is generated through the following sources.
a) All receipts from Fines.
b) All receipts from forfeited fund (if any)
c) All unclaimed wages and allowances.
d) In addition, on 1st July of each financial year a sum of Rs.20/- per
per capital of total number of permanent employees determined
by the KPT is deposited as a contribution by the Management
from its revenue.

The Employees Welfare Fund Committee consisting of the Representative of

Management and CBA manages the Fund. The Manager (IR&W) is the Secretary of

this Committee and this section deals with all the Secretarial work connected with
payment from this fund after obtaining sanction of Chairperson, to the
recommendation of the Committee.

Those employees who are in financial due to sickness or any disability etc. are
granted Monetary Assistance. The employees who need artificial Iambs / Hearing
Aids/ Wheel Chairs also granted Monetary Assistant from this fund

The employees Welfare Fund Committee comprise the following:-

Welfare Fund Committee

1. General Manager (A) President

2. Management( IR&W) Secretary

3. Chief Accounts Officer Member

4. Chief Medical Officer Member

5. Traffic Manager Member

6. General Secretary, KPT Labor Union
(CBA) Member
Welfare of the
employees, their
children and families is of prime importance for the KPT Administration The KPT
Administration is extending the following welfare facilities, which are being managed
and supervised by Welfare section of IR&W Department that is being taken care of by
a Labor Officer.

KPT Canteens

The KPT Administration has set up 07 (seven) Canteens at different sites of the Port
area to facilitate the employees to take nutritive foodstuffs as per rates duly approved
by the Canteen Supervision Committee


1. KPT Canteen at Head Office.

2. KPT Canteen at Berth no.4 Keamari.
3. KPT Canteen at NMB Wharf.
4. KPT Canteen at Groyne Yard.
5. KPT Canteen at Manors Workshop.
6. KPT Canteen at M.I. Yard.
7. KPT Canteen at Berth No.15, Keamari.


There are different types of scholarships which are granted to the school/college going
children of KPT employees i.e. Science, Medical, Engineering and Merit Scholarship
to the students of KPT Schools who stand 1st and 2nd in their classes. This work is also
being dealt with by Welfare Section of this department by a Labor Officer under the

supervision of Dy. Manager (IR&W). These expenditures are also met from the
Employees Welfare Fund.

Rehabilitation of Disabled Children of KPT employee/officers

This department also extends all possible assistance to the disabled children of KPT
officers/ employees for their rehabilitation, which includes provision of Hearing Aid
Devices, Education and Vocational Training in Institutions and Medical Treatment
etc. The expenditure incurred to this effect is also met from the Employees Welfare

Miscellaneous Items of Emergent Nature

IR&W Department also attends the following matters in the state of emergency as and
when occurred in Port area
a) Labor dispute and strike/ stoppage of work or any hindrance/disturbance
in smooth working of the Port.
b) Fire.
c) Cyclone/Sea Storm.
d) Accident to Personnel Property.

In order t resolve/settle the aforesaid issues, following steps / procedures are adopted
by the IR&W Department on emergent basis;-

Labor Dispute or any Hindrance in Smooth Working of the Port

If any industrial dispute/Labor strike take place due to certain reason/lacking,

primarily the Head of Department concerned/Sectional Officer is supposed to
resolve/settle the matter at the [plant level. In case of failure to settle the issue, it is the
solve responsibility of the concerned department to intimate the IR&W Department
which deputes its industrial Relations Officer along with a Labor Officers at once to
take appropriate steps in the matter in accordance with the provisions of IRO 2002,
and make every effort to bring both the groups onto the table for reconciliation of the
issue/issues till resolution.


In case of receipt of an intimation of fire at any place Port area, a Labor Officer/Labor
Welfare Inspector of IR&W department rushes to the sites and starts functioning from
the welfare point of view so that the fire is extinguished immediately and loss to
human life and property is eliminated.

Cyclone/Sea Storm

As and when any intimation about Cyclone/Sea Storm is received, IR&W Department
immediately co-ordinate with the operational / concerned department including Civil

Administration so that no further loss takes place and the human Life / Property is
safeguarded to the maximum extent.

Public Relation Department

PR Department

PR Section is playing an increasingly greater role as public / press / media Liaison

organization. It has been able to establish close personnel professional relation with
radio, TV, news agency and newspapers and responsible to provide useful and
necessary information about port development progress and handling of cargo of the


1. Periodical publications.
2. Press liaison
3. Port visitors
4. Advertisement
5. Audio visual programmers.

Responsibilities of PR Department

1. Image building.
2. To manage news from different newspapers and cut everything relating KPT.
3. To manage year book
4. Manage relation with electronic media as well as print media
5. Publish tender notices in different newspapers.
6. In Conferences and outdoor activities, this department together all electronic
media personnel and print media personnel.

Development Programs of
Karachi Port Trust
Expansion Plans

The flow of cargo to and from the port is hampered by severe congestion in the harbor
with several other maritime facilities located close to the port. Adjacent to the West
Wharf is the Karachi Fishing Harbor, which is administered separately from the port

and is the base for a fleet of several thousand fishing vessels. The West Wharf also
hosts a ship repair facility and shipyard and a naval dockyard at the tip of the wharf,
while to the south of the port are the Karachi Naval Base and the Kiamari Boat Club.
The Port of Karachi also faces competition from a new private terminal located 5
kilometers to the west. In recent years the federal government has attempted to
alleviate the increased congestion by constructing a second port in Karachi thirty
kilometers to the east at Port Qasim and a third major port at Gwadar, about 650
kilometers west of Karachi. The Karachi Fishing Harbor has been upgraded recently,
and a second fishing harbor has been built 18 kilometres away at Korangi. The
transfer of some naval vessels to the new naval base at Ormara has brought about
further reductions in congestion.

Further deepening of the port has been planned by the Karachi Port Trust in order to
enhance facilities. The channel is being dredged initially to 13.5 metres deep to cater
for 12 metre draught vessels at all tides. At Kiamari Groyne, located at the outer tip of
the harbor, dredging will be to 16.5 metres to enable vessels up to 300 metres long to
dock. Other projects to expand the port include:

• An increase the handling capacity of KICT from 300,000 TEUs to 400,000

TEUs per annum
• Two new berths at KICT with 14 metres depth alongside and an additional
100,000 m² terminal/stacking area
• Installation of modern facilities at PICT (completed in April, 2004)
• A new bulk cargo terminal at East Wharf
• Reconstruction of the oldest oil pier to allow tankers of 90,000 metric tons
deadweight (DWT) to berth
• A new 100-acre (0.4 km2) cargo village to cater for containers and general and
bulk cargo
• Reconstruction of the 100-year old NMB Wharf to enhance the berthing of
passenger vessels
• The purchase of a new dredger, two hopper barges, two harbor tugs, two water
barges, an anchor hoist vessel, two pilot boats, and a dredger tender
• A new desalination plant to address the city's water shortage problem
• A 500-foot (150 m) high Port Tower for commercial and recreational use
including a revolving restaurant
• The construction of a 500 acre (2 km²) Port Town with 13,000 homes for port
workers at nearby Hawks Bay
• A new Port Club at China Creek adjacent to the East Wharf

On November 9, 2007, the Karachi Port Trust signed a US$1 billion agreement with
Hutchison Port Holdings to construct a new terminal called the "Pakistan Deep Water
Container Port", which would begin operations by 2010, and would have ten berths
capable of handling Super Post Panamax container ships.

Bulk Cargo Terminal:-

Annual handling of bulk cargo at the port is 3 M tons.
Private sector has been invited to set up a dedicated bulk
cargo terminal at East wharves.

KPT will provide 630 m quay wall from berths 10-13, along with 215,000 sq m of
terminal area. Bids are under evaluation. Expected investment is US $ 15-20 million.

Deep Draft Berths:-

As the new generations of container ships come on the drawing boards, Karachi port
takes the initiative of bracing itself to handle and cater for fourth and fifth generation
ships. This involves the development of deep draught berths and due to its strategic
location kea Mari Groined is the natural choice. The berths shall be more than 16 m
deep, catering for over 300 m long vessels. The project shall be launched on BOT
with the private sector, after feasibility study, which is presently underway, is

Cargo Village:-

Setting up of a satellite facility in the vicinity of the port, circumscribing all the port
requirements, is a recent concept all over the world.100 acres have been earmarked by
KPT for development of a cargo village in the first phase with individual areas
catering for containers, general and bulk cargo ,processing plants, customs and other
related facilities. it will also have a direct access to M-10 and Lyari Express way.
After the development of the Master plan, private sector shall be invited to participate
on BOT basis. Expected investment is US $ 250 million.


We have centralization all operation activities of vessels movements, cargo handling,

real estate management and billings, through a software program, custom made to
KPT’s unique requirement. it allocates stratified database controls to Managers, and
provides immediate information retrieval facility for the port users. Our ultimate goal
is a functional paperless port. KPT has already introduced the remote submission of
the cargo book by ship agents through their office computers on a dial in system.

From last Dec. e-wharf age program has been introduced. port users have been
provided a swift connection, eliminating queuing at KPT officers for wharf age
assessment, Now Clearing agents can access the e-Wharf age system from their own
computer, have an assessment of wharf age, make payment, and bring receipt to the
port for delivery of cargo. A data entry is also provided at KPT for those who do not
have a computer available,

Desalination Plant:-
Addressing the water shortage of the city Karachi Port has taken up setting up of
desalination plants. A pilot project with 100,000to 500,000 god is being launched and
later plan of capacity ranging from 3-25 made shall be set up commensurate to
economic usage. The project shall be taken up on BOT for which KPT will be making
available 10 to 15 acres of land.

Port Town:-

Amongst the maze of development projects KPT remains cognizant of its social
obligations and welfare of its workers. In line with the policies of government
regarding poverty alleviation, we have launched housing schemes for the welfare of
KPT and Dock labor Board’s workers. The Port Town will be spread over 500 acres,
KPT land in Hawks Bay and shall consist of 13,000 independent units. It will be a
model township with all civic amenities. Presently consultants for master plan and
detailed design are being evaluated

Port Club:-
Another real estate related projects are the Karachi Port Club. This is proposed at a
site of 13,000 sqm along the china creek. It is an ideal location for a World Class
Club. It would capitalize on the rare feature of protected waters and a mangrove
islands. The project in offered to entrepreneurs on BOT basis at an approximate cost
of US $ 10 million. Bids will be opened on 15 April 2004


KPT Tower Project details: world class public spaces. The tallest
glass tower at the centre of the
The total site area of the development development takes its form from
is 77,090sq m. Building heights are as stacked and twisted conic strips,
follows: which create a shape of repetitive
* Tallest tower: 331.8m (~1088.6 ft) panels. The 105-degree twisting
(to the top floor), 352m (~1154.9 ft) to curves divide the form into four petals,
the building crown and the stacked tower culminates with
* Residential towers: ascending two off-set petals continuing through
heights of 84m (~275.6 ft), 102m the twist above the last floor plate.
(~334.6 ft), 118m (~387.1 ft) and This defines the crown of the building.
134m (~439.6 ft)
* Conference and residential building: Solar shades, modern services, and
35m (~114.8 ft) wind capture technology will
* Hotel Atrium: 85m (~278.9 ft) contribute to the building’s energy
efficiency and long-term
Echoing the design of the largest sustainability. The asymmetric sun
tower, the four adjacent towers of shades or blades and glass fritting
varying height are arranged around a respond directly to the local sun path
freshwater lake, which extends the to minimize heat gain whilst
quality and reflections of the waterside maximizing glass clarity and views.
context back across the site and
stretches above the 2000-plus space Aedas Director, David Kingdom –
car park concealed below. Its Project Director for KPT Tower
distinctive serpentine form meets the
seafront alongside the restaurant, and
the 1,200-seat convention centre and Sketch illustrating wind flow around
exhibition hall. the tower.

At the heart of the scheme, a soaring By staff writer

glazed canopy reaches over water- on Wednesday, 16 July 2008
cascaded steps, revealing dramatic Sketch of the proposed tower.
views to the rich mix of uses and

of itself. "I've never built anything this
high in concrete," says Kingdom, who
explains that getting an acceptable
quality of concrete in Pakistan has
traditionally been a problem as well.
Concrete, after all, provides the
building with a degree of fire-
proofing-a vital component in a post-
Pakistan's biggest building will help 9/11 world and in a country familiar
the nation announce its arrival on with both social and political conflict.
the global stage.
Adding to the challenges of building
KPT Tower is its location on an active
The busy port of Karachi, Pakistan, is seismic zone. Because of the height of
home to around 17 million people and- the building, a tune mass damper is
because of population and myriad required to keep the tower stable. "You
socio-political factors-is one of the need to put a pendulum arrangement
more challenging places in the world on the upper floor of a building, which
to create a world-class design. Aedas' can be done with a mechanical weight,
Karachi Port Trust (KPT) Tower or as we're doing it, with a whole floor
Development is taking on those of water..." says Kingdom.
challenges, and may even help boost
Pakistan's position on a world stage.
At 80 storeys high, the tower is a first design
for Pakistan, which has never built
anything over 25 storeys. Aedas was In keeping
selected via competition, largely with the
because of their previous expertise in growing
similar projects. worldwide
trend for
"We had to put forward a proposal of sustainabi-
how we'd handle it and examples of lity, KPT
previous designs, so the competition Tower will
was in terms of the quality of the way also include a number of design
we'd handle the project and execute it," features aimed at reducing energy use.
explains David Kingdom, project However, Kingdom points out that a
director at Aedas. sustainable building is desirable in
Pakistan from more than just a
Pakistan suffers from its share of both practical level. "The country is starved
political and environmental instability, of energy supplies," he says.
which means a project the size of the "Fortunately, the government is
KPT Tower must be designed extremely conscious that natural
particularly sensitively in order to cope resources are limited and sustainability
with the extremes to which both man has to happen."
and meteorology subject it.
The results of the simulations mean
The building is to be constructed from that the building can have a completely
reinforced concrete, which will shaded external envelope, which
undoubtedly provide challenges in and dramatically reduces the cooling load

on the building. proved a particularly important part of
the design process, and as a result, the
The solar shading is provided by large Aedas design team worked very
cantilevered solar shades, some of closely with local partner Ali Arshad
which extend as much as five metres Associates-soon to be Aedas Karachi-
from the façade. Full solar shading also in order to create a design appropriate
means that more glass can be used in to the cultural context.
the building's façade, which assists in
the tower's durability. "We could have come in as an arrogant
set of architects from outside, but
"One of the design challenges within instead we took them gently step by
Karachi is that it's a marine step," says Kingdom. Aedas also
atmosphere, which is very aggressive involved three eminent Pakistani
in terms of corrosion but there is also a architects, Tariq Hasan, Habib Fida Ali
high level of pollutants due to the and Surti & Partners, to participate in
traffic of 17 million people," explains design workshops. "That created a lot
Kingdom. of cultural support because there were
things there that we might have done
The shading also means that low-E wrong and not understood the culture
glass can be used on most of the quite right," says Kingdom.
Although the building has been
designed and modeled through
Local knowledge computer simulation, local architecture
An important aim of the project is for still played a vital role. According to
KPT Tower to act as a springboard for Kingdom, the crown of the building is
future architectural development in inspired by Islamic architecture.
Pakistan. ‘Knowledge transfer' has

Major Competitors of KPT & Port Facilities

Karachi Port Facilities

The Karachi Port comprises a deep natural harbor

with an 11 kilometre long approach channel which
provides safe navigation for vessels up to
75,000 metric tons deadweight (DWT). The main
areas of port activity are two wharves; East Wharf
with seventeen vessel berths and West Wharf with
thirteen vessel berths. The maximum depth alongside

the berths is currently 11.3 metres. The two wharves extend in opposite directions
along the upper harbor – the East Wharf northeast from Kiamari Island and the West
Wharf southwest from Saddar town. The two wharves each include a container

* Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT) opened in 1996 at West Wharf

berths 28-30. It has a handling capacity of 300,000 TEUs per annum and handles
container ships up to 11-metre draught. The total quay length is 600 metres divided
into two container berths. The terminal is equipped with three Panamax cranes and
one post-Panamax crane.

* Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) in 2002 at East Wharf berths 6-9.
It has a handling capacity of 350,000 TEUs per annum and handles container ships up
to 11.5 metre draught. The total quay length is 600 metres divided into two container
berths. The terminal is equipped with two Panamax cranes.

KICT and PICT have a nearby competitor in the privately operated Al-Hamd
International Container Terminal (AICT), which opened in 2001 at a site west of the
Layari River. AICT is situated next to the Sindh Industrial Trading Estate, the new
truck stand at Hawkes Bay Road and close to the RCD Highway, Super Highway and
the future Layari Bypass.

There are also three liquid cargo-handling berths (oil piers), two ship repair jetties and
a shipyard and engineering facility. The shipyard carries out shipbuilding and repair
for both commercial and military customers on a 29-hectare (70 acres) site at the West
Wharf. The facilities include a large shipbuilding hall, three shipbuilding berths, two
dry-docks and three foundries.

The port network in Pakistan is in its infancy with Karachi being the only major city
situated next to the Arabian Sea. Still plans are being proposed for the development of
the waterways in the country along the Indus River and through the Punjab as it
would boost employment opportunities and the economic and social development of

• Port Qasim - East Karachi

• Port of Gwadar - Gwadar, Balochistan

Port Muhammad Bin Qasim (Bin Qasim Port)

The Port Muhammad Bin Qasim is a port in Karachi,

Pakistan on the coastline of the Arabian Sea.

It was constructed in the late 1970s to relieve

congestion at Karachi Port. Port Qasim was named
after the Muslim general Muhammad bin Qasim who
captured the area around 712 CE. The port was
developed close to the Pakistan Steel Mills complex near the Indus River delta. Port
Qasim's residential area is a neighborhood of Bin Qasim Town of Karachi.

Port Qasim is managed by Port Qasim Authority. It is Pakistan's second busiest port,

handling about 35% of the nation's cargo (17 million tons per annum). It is located in
an old channel of the Indus River at a distance of 35 kilometres east of Karachi city
centre. The total area of the port comprises 1,000 acres (4 km²) with an adjacent
11,000 acre (45 km²) industrial estate. The approach to the port is along a 45-kilometre
long Navigation Channel which provides safe navigation for vessels up to
75,000 metric tons deadweight (DWT). The geographic position of the Port places it in
close proximity to major shipping routes. One of its major advantages is the proximity
to national transport facilities - 15 kilometres from the Pakistan National Highway, 14
kilometres from the National Railway network through six railway tracks located
immediately behind the berths and 22 kilometres from Jinnah International Airport.

The Port has Nine cargo-handling berths: -

• Multipurpose Terminal with four multi-purpose berths each of 200 metres

• Qasim International Container Terminal with two berths each of 300 metres
• Engro Vopak Chemical Terminal with one berth.
• Fotco Oil Terminal with one berth but the potential for four additional berths.
• Iron Ore and Coal Berth (279 metres long) for Pakistan Steel Mills.

The tidal variation at the mouth as well as in the port is between 0.5 to 3.5 m. The port
is not only accessible through sea but is also well connected with the hinterland,
through road and railway networks.

Future expansion of the port includes the deepening and widening of the navigation
channel and the establishment of a liquid cargo terminal, a liquefied petroleum gas
terminal, grain handling and storage facilities, a textile complex and a desalination

Environmental Concerns
The area around the port includes several mangrove forests which are constantly
under threat from human activities.

The beach immediately west of the navigation channel was the scene of a major oil
spillage when the Greek-registered Tasman Spirit ran aground in August 2003. The
environmental impact included large numbers of dead fish and turtles and a key
mangrove forest, as well as dozens of people suffering nausea.

Gwadar Port
Gwadar Port is a deep-sea, warm-water port
situated at Gwadar in Balochistan province of

Pakistan at the apex of the Arabian Sea and at the entrance of the Persian Gulf, about
460 km west of Karachi and approximately 75 km east of Pakistan's border with Iran.

The Port is located on the eastern bay of a natural hammer-head protrusion of land
jutting out into the Arabian Sea from Pakistan's Makran coastline.

The Port is being constructed in two phases with heavy investment from China.
Technical and financial feasibility studies were commenced by Pakistan in 1993 but
construction did not start until 2002 when the Port of Singapore Authority was hired
for its management.

Gwadar Port became operational in 2008, with the first ship to dock bringing 52000
tonnes of wheat from Canada. Minister of Ports and Shipping Sardar Nabil Ahmed
Khan Gabol officially inaugurated the port on 21 December 2008.


This chapter consists of major finding and their recommendations to management. In

this chapter, I have included all about Karachi Port Trust strength and weaknesses.

Analysis of KPT Strengths & Weaknesses

• Gate way to Pakistan
• Developmental Projects.
• Major source of revenue for the government.
• Handling of about 70% import and export of the country.
• Representing Pakistan all over the world.
• Customer satisfaction.

• MIS is not perfectly implemented, the area where it is partially
implemented, the workers are not trained to handle the latest
• Political influence is very high.
• Security system is satisfactory but not fully utilized.
• Very low depth of berths.
• Not the all berths are in use.
• Proper men but not at the proper place.
• GHS cause many key workers out of the organization.
• Web site does not contain any up-to-date information.
• The hospital shouldn’t contain latest technology.

 Reduce the political influence as it is an autonomous body (Trust) can
provide the possible benefits to the public as well government.
 Criteria for the selection of departmental heads will be the promotion
rather than recruitment on political and acquaintances basis.
 Appoint proper man for the proper job so it will increase the
efficiency & effectiveness of the Trust.
 Change the organizational structure to Team-based structure.
 Trained the staff to meet the needs of latest technology.
 Provide better facilities to employees for better outcomes.
 To arrange the foreign visits for employees to be familiar with the
international standards of various ports of the developed countries.
 Increase the depth of berths so it will be easy for large ship to carry
the cargo in bulk quantity.
 Keep the port area of KPT clean so it will attract the visitors &
investors of various countries.
 To build best possible relations with Airlines, Railways & NHA for
combine effective results.
 To complete the developmental projects as soon as possible, to
compete the international market.

ACR : Annual Confidential Report.

APL : American President Lines.
ASEAN : Association of South Easter Nations.
BOT : Built Operate & Transfer.
BR : Board Resolution.
CBA : Collective Bargaining Agent.
CFS : Container Freight Station.
CM&E : Civil Mechanical & Engineering.
CR&PC : Central Recruitment & Promotion Committee.
CY : Consigner’s Yard to Consignee’s Yard.
DM : Dutch Mark.
D.wt : Dead Weight.
FCL : Full Container Load.
GHS : Golden Hand Shake.
GPF : General Provident Fund.
HRO : Human Resource Order.
ILO : International Labor Organization.
IMO : International Maritime Organization.
IRA : Industrial Relations Act 2008.
IRO : Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969 & 2002.
IR&W : Industrial Relation & Welfare.
ISO : International Standard Organization.
KDBL : Karachi Dock Labor Board.
KICT : Karachi International Container Terminal.
LPC : Last Pay Certificate.
LPR : Leave Prior to Retirement.
MIS : Management Information System.

MPCD : Marine Pollution Control Department.
NDC : No Demand Certificate.
NIRC : National Industrial Relation Commission.
O&M : Operation & Method.
OP : Oil Pier.
P&D : Planning & Development.
P&G : Pension & Gratuity.
PCT : Pakistan Custom Tariff.
PICT : Pakistan International Container Terminal.
PIS : Personal Information System.
P.No : Personal Number.
PNSC : Pakistan National Shipping Corporation.
SOP : Standard Operating Procedures.
T&E : Training & Education.



“Winner is not who never fails

The one who Never Quits”


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