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Volume 3: Beyond Ritual -- Part -3: Magick -- Chapter

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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

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Volume III: Beyond Ritual: Historical, Philosophical,
and Scientific Considerations:
Essays on the Cutting Edge of Esoteric Science
Book 3: Magick
Part 11: Mass Invocations and Evocations, Deliberate and Accidental

Deliberate forms include, e.g., religious rituals and holidays in theocracies or religious groups,
Hitler’s Nüremburg Rallies, etc.

Accidental forms include, e.g., daily ingestion by thousands of people of some substance that is a
drug associated with a given entity, benign or otherwise; mass daily viewing, reading, or listening of
millions of people of/to various media presentations, whether one-shot or repeated; etc.

Generally the Outer Planets are more suitable for mass ritual than are the Inner Planets, the Jupiter
and Mars are right on the borderline for this consideration. The Outer Planets, those beyond Jupiter (and,
to some extent, the Social Planets, Mars and Jupiter), rule collective phenomena, so collective rituals
and/or long-term, repeated rituals are very appropriate to them.

Consider the accidental evocation of various Qlippoth of Neptune by the daily and repeated, long-
term use of such Neptunian drugs as opium, aspirin, white sugar, coffee, etc. by millions of people all
over the world – what are we opening the door to by mass, chronic use of such substances?

As far as deliberate invocations and evocations go, one of my favorites is that employed by the
Temple Ov Psychic Youth on a monthly basis, on the 23 rd day of each month, beginning at 11:00 pm at
night (2300 hours) in the time-zone of the participant. Hint: it promotes luxurious coats of palm-hair in
the participants . . . 

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