Av'&-Øxb Avbwwqvj NVB ZJ: Ad-Din Ideal Institute

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1-ST Periodical Examination-2008

Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj
cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008
Class : Junior One Subject : English 1st Paper
‡kªYx - Rywbqi Iqvb, welq - evsjv
Time : 2.30 Hour Marks: 100 mgq-2.30 N›Uv
1. Word meaning : (English to Bengali) 8 c~bg©vb-100
artist, daisy, factory, igloo, island, early, grape, parent. 1| kãv_© t Zix, Avj‡m, wUc, cb, Zi“jZv, myevm|
2. Word meaning : (Bengali to English) 8 6
Ávbx, wei³, †gvgevwZ, wKkwgk, †cqviv, m~h©gyLx, 2| eY©‡hv‡M kã wjL 4 wU K‡i t C, E, F, O|
fvB‡cv, AvZœxq| 8
3. Make 4 word each any letter with C, F, I, H. 8 3| ¯^iwPý †hv‡M kã 4 wU K‡i t x, y, ~, „|
4. Make sentence of the following words 5 8
read, water, moon, mother, run. 4| eY© mwR‡q kã ˆZix Ki t-
5. Fill in the blanks with article – a/an/the 4 5
a) This is .................... doll. b) This is ..................... ox. k, e, i, Z - iv, K, G, Zv - wZ, Rv, c, cÖ - wb, j, `v, dz - Zv,
c) ............. Sky is blue. d) It is .................. egg. i, j, n|
6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words 5 5| evK¨ ˆZix Ki t Elv, FY, Ajm, cvj, †fvi
a) The egg is ................ b) The Elephant is ............... 5
c) She ............... sing. d) Raj is a .................. 6| LvwjNi c~iY Ki t
e) He ................. a pen. 5
7. Re-arrange the jumble words 5 K) dzdz ............... evbvq| L) a~c w`‡q ..............
r, i, k,c, b - n, o, i, r - r, t, h, a, e - t, o, a, b - u, m, d, r `vI|
8. Write 5 words with at last “at”. 5 M) gqyi ............ †g‡j bv‡P| N) eayi cv‡q b~Zb
9. Write the name of 5 liquid things. 5 ....................|
10. Write the name of 4 direction. 4 O) .................. nv‡Z exi hvq|
11. Write the name of 5 white flowers. 5 7| c‡ii jvBbwU wjL|
12. Write the name of 5 summer fruits. 5 4
13. Answer to the question. 3 × 2=8 K) †fvi nj †`vi †Lvj, ..............................................|
a) What is your name ? b) What is your father’s name ? L) dz‡ji gZ Mo‡ev †gviv, .............................................|
c) What is your school’s name ? 8| GK k‡ã DËi `vI t-
14. All over neatness & cleanliness. 2 5
K) b`x‡Z wK euvav Av‡Q ? L) m~Zv wKfv‡e nq ?
15. Spelling 5
M) Ôwkïi cYÕ KweZvwU †K wj‡L‡Q ? N) †K kx‡Z Kuv‡c
16. Dictation 5 ?
17. Reading 5 O) Ô†fvi njÕ KweZvwU †K wj‡L‡Qb ?
16. Model test 10
9| mwVK DËiwU wjL| 4| ‡hvo-we‡Rvo msL¨v¸‡jv Avjv`v K‡i wjL|
5 8
K) evsjv‡`‡ki FZzÑ wZbwU/cuvPwU/QqwU| 17, 29, 34, 38, 56, 71, 87, 92
L) †bŠKv PvjvqÑ Kvgvi/gvwS/ZuvZx| 5| µg evPK msL¨v¸wj wj‡L Lvwj Ni c~iY Ki|
M) †cLg a‡iÑ gqbv/gqyi/wUqv| 10
N) m~h© D‡V †Kvb w`‡KÑ `w¶b/c~e©/cwðg| K) 20, 25, ......, 35, ......, 45, 50| L) 16, 20, ......, 28,
O) FZz ivRÑ ‡ngš—/kxZ/emš—| ......, ......, 40|
10| MÜwenxb PviwU dz‡ji bvg wjL| M) 12, 15, ......, 21, ......, ......, 30| N) 80, 75, ......,
4 ......, 60, ......|
11| Do‡Z cv‡ibv Ggb PviwU cvwLi bvg wjL| O) 50, ......, ......, 20, ......|
4 6| GK k‡ã DËi `vI| 5
12| Avš—R©vwZK PviwU †Ljvi bvg wjL| K) GK UvKv KZwU Avayjx ? L) KZ Bw‡Z GK dzU ?
4 M) KZ w`‡b GK eQi ? N) KZ †m‡K‡Û GK wgwbU ?
13| cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv O) KZ w`‡b GK N›Uv ?
2 7| mwVK DËiwU wjL|
14| evbvb 6
5 K) GK WR‡bÑ 4/12/20 wU| L) GK Kzwo‡ZÑ
15| cVb 12/20/4 wU|
5 M) wZbwU †Uwe‡ji KZwU cv ? N) GKwU ev‡m
16| kÖ“Zwjwc KqwU PvKvÑ 6wU/8wU/4wU|
5 O) GK mßvn I `yB w`‡b †gvU KZ w`b ? P) `yB nvwj‡Z
17|mvavib Ávb KZwUÑ 4wU/8wU/12wU|
10 8| mgvavb Ki|
18| g‡Wj †Uó 12
10 K) 11 - = 4 L) - 2 = 10
Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj M) 8 + = 14
O) 16 - = 9
+ 5= 15
- 7 = 16
cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008 9| ‡hvM Ki : 6
‡kªYx - Rywbqi Iqvb, welq - mvaviY MwbZ K) 34 + 15 L) 63 + 25
mgq-2.30 N›Uv 10| we‡qvM Ki :
c~bg©vb-100 6
1| K_vq wjL t 19, 36, 37, 44, 59, 66, 73, 88 K) 33 - 12 L) 29 - 22
8 11| LvwjNi c~iY Ki :
2| Write word : 12, 18, 25, 44, 51, 63, 74, 88 8 6
3| As‡K wjL 5 K) 6 × 5 = L) 4 × 8 =
cÂvk, EbAvwk, mvZvËi, evqvbœ, Pzivwk M) 5 × 9 = N) 8 × 9 =
12| ¸‡bi bvgZv wjL : 6 Ni| 9| m~iv KvImvi evsjvq wjL-
10 8
10| LvwjNi c~iY Ki|
Av`&-Øxb AvBwWqvj nvB ¯‹zj K) gymjgvb‡`i ag© ..................| L) RvbœvZ A_©
cÖ_g mvgwqK cix¶v - 2008 M) †kl wePv‡ii w`b‡K .............. e‡j| N) c„w_exi cÖ_g
‡kªYx - Rywbqi Iqvb, welq - mvaviY MwbZ gvbe .....................|
10| GK k‡ã DËi `vI|
mgq-2.30 N›Uv
c~bg©vb-100 K) gymjgvb‡`i ag©MÖ‡š’i bvg Kx ? L) †d‡ikZvMY
wK‡mi ˆZix ?
1| wewfbœ Avw½‡K Aviex nid wjL| ‫ﺝ‬Ñ ‫ﺪ‬Ñ ‫ﺱ‬Ñ ‫ﺹ‬ M) Bmjvg k‡ãi A_© Kx ? N) Bmjvg a‡g©i
8 cÖeZ©K †K ?
2| nid‡hv‡ÔM Qov- ‫ح‬-‫ت‬-‫ب‬-‫ا‬ 12| cuvP Iqv³ bvgv‡Ri bvg wjL|
8 14| g‡Wj †Uó
3| Aviex nid c„_K Ki| 10
5 15| cwi¯‹vi cwiQbœZv
13| e¨envwiK (Kvq`v I i“K‚i Zvm&exn&)
4| Aviex nid hy³ Ki|

5| Aviex k‡ãi A_© wjL-

6| byKZv Kv‡K e‡j ? byKZvhy³ I byKZvQvov nid¸wj wjL|

7| nviKZ Kv‡K e‡j ? D`vniYmn wjL|
8| Kwjgv ZvBwq¨ev A_©mn wjL-

1. W. Pron.s-

2. Do English-
cyZzj, wWg, cZvKv, eid, Nywo, Kvev, Pzj, †evb|
3. Do Bengla-
Bee, Tooth, Jute, Deer, That, King, Key, Brother.
4. Write two word-
5. Write Back letter.
6. Write Front letter.
7. Fill up:
Carrot, Guava, Heron, Iron, Finger.
8. Write name of 5 Animal.
9. Write name of 5 parts of the body.

My Mother/Your Pet cat

1. Write the meaning- 8

2. ------------- English- 8
3. Fill up- 5
4. Write jumble word- 5
5. Select the correct words from those given in the bracket- 5
7. Answer to the question- 6
8. Write a Paragraph- 8
9. Fill in the blanks with words from the cloud- 5
10. Fill in the blanks with a or an- 5
11. Draw lines from column A to column B to get correct sentence-5
12. Pick out the names of things and write them in the blanks- 5
13. Under line the doing words in the following sentences- 5
Spelling 5
Read 5
Net & Clean 2

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