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Trojan.Tarodrop.J is a very grisly Trojan that attacks the Windows. Trojan.Tarodrop.

J changes
configurations to give hackers access to user files on the compromised machine. Trojan.Tarodrop.J
may also transform the Windows directory and download other malicious files to your computer.
Trojan.Tarodrop.J has the ability to track your personal information and send them to the remote
attacker. So we can see that Trojan.Tarodrop.J is a dangerous malware, you should use the
following instructions to uninstall.

This step-by-step guide can help you completely remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J. If you have any
problem during the remove process, please contact Tee Support agent 24/7 online for more detailed

If you are not a advanced computer user, you had better back up the registry before remove
Trojan.Tarodrop.J manually. Or you will delete some other important values so that your computer
are not able to work.

Remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J Manually Instructions:

To remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J, you must first kill any Trojan.Tarodrop.J processes that are running in
your computers system. To end all Trojan.Tarodrop.J processes, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to
open the Windows Task Manager. Click on the Processes tab, search for Trojan.Tarodrop.J, then
right-click it and select End Process key.

To delete Trojan.Tarodrop.J registry values, open the Windows Registry Editor by clicking on the
Windows Start button and selecting Run, Type regedit into the box and click OK to proceed. Once
the Registry Editor is open, search for the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Trojan.Tarodrop.J. Right-click this registry key and select

At last, to completely get rid of Trojan.Tarodrop.J, you must manually remove other
Trojan.Tarodrop.J files. These Trojan.Tarodrop.J files can be in the form of EXE, DLL, LSP,
TOOLBAR, BROWSER HIJACK, or BROWSER PLUGIN. For example, Trojan.Tarodrop.J might
create a file like %PROGRAM_FILES%\Trojan.Tarodrop.J\Trojan.Tarodrop.J.exe. Locate and
remove these files.

Hey there! If you cannot solve the issue with the instructions or need any other assistance, please
talk to an online Tee Support expert 24/7.

Tags: How To Guide, remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J

Posted in How To Guide, Spyware/Virus/Malware Removal Guide, Spyware/Virus/Malware
Removal Service | 4 Comments

4 Responses for "How to Guide: Remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J"

How to Guide: Remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J Official Blog Computer | Computer Help June
4th, 2010 at 4:11 pm
[...] This step-by-step guide completely remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J. Contact Tee Support agent for
more detailed information. The rest is here: How to Guide: Remove Trojan.Tarodrop.J Official
Blog Computer [...]

jones June 5th, 2010 at 8:07 am

How complicated it seems when I come to see this webpage. but when I follow the steps to do it
step-by-step, I find it not so complicated, thank for giving me the good guide.

Roger June 5th, 2010 at 1:21 pm

eh? not easy to finish it.

Amy June 5th, 2010 at 2:33 pm

How complicated it seems when I come to see this webpage. but when I follow the steps to do it
step-by-step, I find it not so complicated, thank for giving me the good guide.

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Vundo trojan removal
How to remove the Vundo Trojan (also known as Virtumonde, Virtumondo, Virtumundo, Monder,
Monderb, MS Juan) in 3 minutes using the OSAM Autorun Manager (Portable Version, 3.63mb or
Installation Package, 8.84mb) [FREEWARE].
Comments and discussion are here.

Please note! These steps are only for the Windows XP / 2003 / 2000 users.

1. First you should click on the Settings button in the top menu:

And then change the value for Disable objects using the driver option to Always, as it is shown

2. Now look through the list of the objects and find the randomly-named .DLL files under the
following registry keys:

Internet Explorer section:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects

Winlogon section:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify

Explorer section:

Randomly-named .DLL files means something like that: nnnkLcCU.dll, opNdccDV.dll,

hgGxyXQH.dll, yfcfqtfd.dll, cbxvttsR.dll, pmnkLCSk.dll. And these files should be located in the
WINDOWS\system32 directory.

Use the OSAM Online Malware Scanner function, if you have problems with finding the right ones
(if the file is unknown - just rescan it in some minutes):

Some versions of the trojan could be also located under the following registry keys:

AppInit DLLs section:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows

Logon section:

LSA Providers section:


Explorer section:

Common section:
%SystemRoot%\Tasks (.job-files with random name, like: utbvmvde.job, ehjhbzqf.job,

3. Disable the trojan entries by removing the checkmarks in the checkboxes next to these randomly-
named .DLL files. You should disable all of the malware entries before the next step. If something
will be left behind, it could restore all the rest entries after the system reboot.

4. Once you have finished with the disabling the items, press the Apply button:

You will see the list of the disabling items (press the Close button) and then the following
message will be displayed:

Press the Reboot now button.

Once your computer will be rebooted, the Vundo Trojan will be disinfected.
1. Start the OSAM again - you will see the report about deleted entries.
2. Press the Settings button to change the value for Disable objects using the driver option back
to For undeletable objects only.
3. Also you can use the Jump to file function to delete the inactive trojan files:

4. And then use the Delete from storage function to delete the disabled items from the list of the

If you still need help or have any questions - you are welcome to our forum. To register on forum
please follow this instruction.
Comments and discussion are here.

Step-by-step Vundo removal video instruction:

Comments and discussion are here

World News
Currently available in Russian only. Sorry!

Phone: +7 (812) 441-3486

e-mail: Copyright 2006-2010 Online Solutions. All rights

Complete ALL of the below steps including the specific cleaning instructions for your Windows
If something does not run, write down the info to explain to us later but keep on going.
Do not assume that because one step does not work that they all will not.
If you cannot boot in Normal Boot mode or can boot but not properly run in normal mode but your
PC runs in safe boot mode, you can ignore our note about Normal Startup and just complete as
much as you can in safe boot mode. Some programs may not install in safe boot mode.
If you cannot download required programs on the infected PC, download them using another PC
and copy them to the infected PC via CD or USB drive.
Do you want your PC fixed?? If yes then attempt to finish everything requested. Please do not cheat
by skipping any steps. Attempt to run ALL steps in the READ & RUN ME. The only steps you
should skip are ones that you are blocked from running by your problems.
You are only hurting yourself and you will waste more time in the long run if you ignore or skip
Once you start this cleaning process to remove your malware please do not do anything to your PC
except what is requested in this procedure. Do not install anything on your own and do not run other
Step 1: Getting Started
Please begin by reading our Forum Rules and Guidelines
If you are here because your PC is booting or running slowly, remember that this is a malware
removal guide and not a cure all for slow PC's guide.
A slow PC is not always caused by malware. It could just be due to what you run! Or it could be an
inadequate amount of memory. We recommend a MINIMUM of 1 GB for Windows XP and 2 GB
for Vista or Windows 7.
If you have less than the above amount of memory and we do not find any malware, we will be
telling you to install more memory or uninstall applications that use memory full time..
Step 2: Uninstalling Multiple Protection Applications

You must uninstall all but one antivirus program.

If you have multiple antivirus applications installed on your PC, please choose the one you prefer
and uninstall all others. Do this now before continuing because you will only be asked to do it later
if not done now. This does not mean online scanners. It is only referring to full antivirus
applications like McAfee, Symantec, AVG, Avast, AntiVir, Kaspersky, etc.
You must uninstall all but one software firewall.
Only use one software firewall. Running multiple software firewalls is unnecessary and using more
than one software firewall on the same connection could cause issues with connectivity to the
Internet or other unexpected behavior including excessive use of system resources which will slow
down overall PC performance.
Step 3: House Cleaning
Specifically look in Add/Remove Programs for the below programs and uninstall them if found:
MyWay or MyWay Search Assistant
Viewpoint Manager (Remove Only)
Viewpoint Media Player
Viewpoint Toolbar
Viewpoint Toolbar (Remove Only)
Skip this Sun Java update procedure if using Windows 98 or ME. Uninstall ALL old Sun Java
versions because they have vulnerabilities and then get updated.
See: Updating Sun Java
Empty ALL Quarantine type folders for antivirus and antispyware applications.
This step of house cleaning may save a load of time later (reduced scanning time) and can
significantly reduce the size of logs being posted later. Here is just one example for doing this with
Removing files from Norton AntiVirus Quarantine
Empty your Recycle Bin
Empty Norton Nprotect folder (if present) - If you are a Symantec/Norton user make sure you
empty their Norton Nprotect folder guarding the Recycle Bin.
See Emptying the Norton Protected Recycle Bin
Download and install CCleaner
Now run Ccleaner with the default options (that means dont change anything) to clean out
temporary files.
Only use the default settings on the Windows Tab and select Run Cleaner. Do not run any other
options from other tabs.
Also it is highly recommended to login to all other User Accounts on the PC.
Run CCleaner on each account. This can greatly reduce scan time and log sizes from the later
scanning you will do below.
If you dont see Ccleaners link when logging into the other accounts, just go to the C:\Program
Files\Ccleaner folder and double click on the ccleaner.exe file to run it. You can also create a
shortcut to the file on the Desktop of your other user accounts to make it easier to run in the future
Step 4: Configuration & Setup
Determine whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows because you will need to know
this later during cleaning instructions
How to check for a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows
Enable viewing of hidden files, system files and file extensions
Some programs hide themselves by making their files invisible in normal Windows settings. Run
the steps in the below link (this has steps for ALL Win OS's) to make them easier to find.

How to view hidden, system files & folders!

Not doing this would allow file extensions commonly used by trojans and spyware to be hidden, for
example a file ending in .exe or dll making manually finding it, if needed, difficult to impossible.
MSconfig must be set for Normal Startup mode
If you don't do this you will be delayed in getting help for your problems!!!! You MUST make sure
that MSconfig is not being used to control Startups.
Note: That some Window's OSs (like Win 2K, 2003) do not have MSconfig! Run the procedure in
the below link for your Windows version:
Use MSconfig to setup for Normal Startup Mode
Read this to better understand why not to use MSconfig: Dealing with Startup Process
Step 5: Uninstall Known Malware and Unwanted Software
Work thru the below link to uninstall any bad programs that should not be installed on your PC.
This may in some instances even resolve your problems. It takes a small amount of time (based on
your experience level) to do this comparison, but it is well worth the effort.
Uninstall Malware via Add/Remove Programs

Step 6: Disable Any Disk Emulation Software (like Daemon Tools..etc)

This is become a critical step before continuing the cleaning process. Disk emulation software is
making it difficult to separate real rootkit like malware from valid software.
See the instructions provided in the following link to disable emulation software and keep it
disabled while we are still working on your PC.
Step 7: Select and run the all steps in the cleaning link below based on your Windows Operating
You must click the blue underlined links to get to the cleaning procedures for your version of

If you have Windows 95, 98, or ME, continue here: Windows 98 and ME Cleaning Procedure
If you have Windows 2000 or 2003 continue here: Win 2000 & 2003 Cleaning Procedure
If you have Windows XP, continue here:Windows XP Cleaning Procedure
If you have Vista, continue here: Vista Cleaning Procedure
If you have Windows 7, run the Vista procedure. Continue here: Vista Cleaning Procedure
"There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

Last edited by chaslang; 03-28-10 at 19:40.. Reason: Disk Emulation Disable becoming critical

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