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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap:..........................................................................................

Episode Title/Date:............................................................................................

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many How many What camera What sound is

storylines in the characters in the angles are used used in the
episode? episode? and why? episode and why?

List the storylines List the type of

found: characters found
and examples:
Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target Audience?

Are there common How is the soap How is time Who is the target
settings/props edited? managed in the audience for this
that are shown Continuous/Non- episode? Is more soap?
regularly continuous? time spent on one
throughout the storyline than
episode? If so, another?
what? What time is it
scheduled to be
shown on the

Why have specific

settings been
chosen for this

Other Key Notes on the Episode:

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