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Armed Services YMCA Family Outreach

Fax Referral Form

(858) 751-5769 Fax
(858) 751-5755 Office

Last First
Name (F):
□ Dependent □ Active Duty □ Dual Active Duty □ Deployed?
Branch: Rate/Rank:

Last First
Name (M):
□ Dependent □ Active Duty □ Dual Active Duty □ Deployed?
Branch: Rate/Rank:

Address: Home Ph:

City: State: Zip:

Referral Source
Name Position
Organization/Address: Email:

Reason for Referral:

□ Individual □ Marital

Authorization to Release Information

I _________________________________________________
hereby authorize the Armed Services YMCA (ASYMCA) to release and disclose
information either verbally or in writing to the Referral Source named above, only relating to the status of the referral
(i.e., ability of the ASYMCA to make contact with the client) or client enrollment in an ASYMCA program.
This release does not include any information related to medical, psychological, social, psychiatric treatment
and/or prognosis.
Referral Source Signature:

Client Signature: Date:

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