Edumart Guide 01

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= Mac Su, ou : ae] ft ea RS Py < es Ry Ss ra Poe EduMart.. Just Like This. APRIL, 2010 “I am Certified!’’ of Commerce in Egypt CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER Advance SO Ee UG MMe IM aR TTT IMI MANAGER CMA ¢ ( BD i= \Cerified Management Accountant ge Professional’ ¢ SERGE, Contitiod Professional Secretary (CPS)* cs pics GRRE Certified Administrative Professional (CAPY" Agics CPIM PMP. “te SPHR > GPHR Coreer Advising Sessions will be held twite a month every other Sunday at AmCham premises and every other Tuesday in Alexandria, Sessions are free ond will be conducted by Dr. Mohamed Amin Heminy Advance registration required AmCham Your Career Advisor For further information on achievement certificates or intemofional certifisation programs please contact us of: Coin Tel: (202) 3338:8720 (207) 3337-3784 (202) 3338:1050 Fox: (202) 3338-9894 - (202) 3337-3772 * E-moit Nexnndvin: Tel 03 5461357 -03 5461375 * Fox: 03 5458475 * Email: U stay ahead of the game through e and diversified portfolio of professional ent programs in the following fields Pesce lei csiine

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